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~07 8"~? 9682 P. 02
a-re ...... ~9 , _ ..u~, w~m.mte~e~t there.n, .~ provid.d in .nd eviden~,~E'
p ,m~ory no~e or ~ven cate herewith {t~e ultimate maturity d~te of which i~ the 1 ~th'~
of D~ember, 2003} and all renewals, modification and exten~ion~ ther~ef, do hereby
mo~gag~ unto zo~ ~e~ Robinson, z~ ~nd ~a~ ~. ~y~ o~ ~.O. Box
~288, ~t~, u~om~ng (herein called "MORTGAGEE"), the followin0 described reel property,
~ituate in the C~unty of Lincoln, State et Wyoming, hereby releasing ~nd waving all right8
under and by virtue of the home~tead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to-wit:
Lot 3 of the Rooky Mountain Ranche~, hinool~ County, Wyomin~ as
described on the official plat No. 225-~ filed O~tober 22, ~003 as
Instrummnt No, ~94646 of the records of the Lincoln CO~by Clerk.
MORTGAGOR agree~ to pay the ind.btedness hereby secured; to pay all t~Xe~.
assessmant~ ~nd oharges levied against the Prope~y, as the same become due and payable;
to seoure, mainteln and furnish MORTGAGEE evidence thereof, insurance with an insurance
cerder or cartiere a~oeptable zo MORTGAGEE, covering the insurance Improvements on the
Property against loss by fire and earthquakes, with e~ended coverage, in an a~ount not less
than the unpaid balance of the debt hereby secured, or the insurable value (replacement ~o~t)
of such i~provements whichever is less, which insurance shell ~Ontain an appropriate loss
payable provision protecting MORTGAGOR and MORTGAGEE as their respective intare8[8 ma~
appear from time to time. In the event MORTGAGOR fails to pay 6~ch taxes or
or fails to keep and maintain such insurance as herein Provided, MORTGAGEE may pay such
taxes and asSeSSments and may secure and pay for such insurance, end all sums so paid shall
be added to and oonsidered a part of the indebtedness hereby secured end shall draw interest
at the sams rate.
In case default shall ba made in the payment of the above sums hereby secured, or in
the Oayment of the i~terest thereon, or any pa~ et such principal or interact, when the same
shall bae0~e due; or in ease of default shell be made in any of the oovenants and agreements
thereof, or I~ the event MORTGAGOR sells or conveys the Prope~y, or any part thereof, or
any interest therein, without the prior writ[eh consent of the MORTGAGEE first had and
obtaiqed, then the whole indebtedness hereby secured, with interact thereon~ shall
due and payable, at the option of MORTGAGEE, and MORTGAGEE'S legal representatives
assigns, may proceed by ~dve~isemant and sale/or as otherwise authorized by governing law,
t0 foreclose on and sell the Prope~y, end out of the proceed~ of such sale, MORTGAGEE shall
pay all sums due hereunder, together wl[h all costs of sale including reasonable a~orney's
fees. If the proceeds of the foreclosure sale ere insufficient to pay the indebtedness hereby
secured and foreclosure costs, MORTGAGEE shal~ be entitled to a deficiency judgment.
In the event of any default whereby the dght of foreclosure occurs hereunder,
MORTGAGEE shall at once become entitled to exclusive possession, uae end enjoyment of the '
Prope~y, and to all rants, Issues and profits from the acc~ing of any s~ch rights and d~riQg
~he pendency of the foreclosure proceedings~ ~nd the period of redemption, If e~y there be.
MORTGAGOR warrants title ~o the Property as to pa~ies claimMg~ by through or under
the MORT~AGOR only.
Witness our h.nds this TM day of
S~O~ J,. Anderson'
State of WyOming
County of Lincoln
The fore. going [.~.~rument wes acknowledged before me by Soott J. Anderson this
day of ~)~-%.~, _, 2003
Witness my hand and official seal.
My Commission Expires.'
Pl t 3:2 ]
Notary Public