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895667 o3 DEC-3 m~l~: o5
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The principal office of the Corporation shall be located at Lincoln County,
The Corporation shall have and continuously maintain in the State of Wyoming a
registered office and a registered agent whose office is identical with such registered
The registered Office may be, but need not be, identical with the principal office
in the State of Wyoming and the address of the registered office may be changed from
time to time.
The mailing address of the Corporation shall be PO Box 487, DiamOndville, WY
83116 or as changed from time to time.
Membership and Voting Rights
Section 1. Members. Every person acquiring legal or equitable title to any lot
in the Commissary Ranch Subdivision including but not limited to owners of one or
more Commissary Ranch lots; contract purchasers of one or more lots and Battlefield,
'Inc. shall automatically become members of the Commissary Ranch Property Owners
Association, Inc., and with such ownership of a lot in Commissary Ranch and
membership in the-Association, shall become subject to the requirements and
limitations imposed in these By-Laws and in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions
and Restrictions made by Battlefield, Inc. and any amendments thereto, and to the
regulations and assessments of the AssOciation, provided, however, that such person
or persons holding an interest in any I°t as security for the. performance of an obligation
t° pay money, e.g, mortgages, holders of deeds of trust, or vendors under real estate.
sales contracts, shall not be members With the rights and responsibilities of
membership until such time as their security interest is foreclosed.
Section 2. Voting Rights. Each member shall be entitles to one vote on each
matter submitted to the vote of the members and in no event shall the ownership of'
more than one lot entitle a member to more than one vote. Proxy voting shall be
Section 3. Joint or Common Ownership. If any lot is held jointly or in common
by two or more persons, the vote for such lot shall be cast as a unit. Fractional or split
votes shall not be allowed. Joint or common owners shall designate, at the time of
Purchase, one address to which all notices shall be sent. Any joint or common owner
shall be entitled to cast the vote belonging to the joint or common owners.
Section 4. Suspension of Membership. Breach by any member or guest of
any member of the regulations imposed by the Association and the Declaration of
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, or failure to pay an assessment or fee lawfully
imposed by the Association shall constitute grounds for suspension of all membership
rights, including voting rights, at the discretion of the BOard of Directors of the
Association. No delay or omission on the part of the Board of Directors of the
Association in exercising any right, power of remedy herein provided, in the event of
any breach of the conditions contained herein, shall be considered aS a waiver thereof
or acquiescence therein. A waiver of any breach of the conditions contained herein
shall not be construed as a waiver of any succeeding breach or violation, and no such
waiver shall result in or impose any liability on the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Transfer of Membership. Membership shall not be transferable,
except with. the sale, or transfer of property.
Section 1. Annual Meetings. An annual meeting of the members shall be held
in Lincoln County, Wyoming, at such address as may be designated by the Board of
Directors and specified in the notice of the meeting on the second Saturday in the
month of July, at such time as the Board of Directors may fix. The purpose of such
annual meeting shall be the election of the Directors and for the transaction of such
other business as may'come before the meeting.
Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the members shall be held
at such time and place as may be called by the President, the Board of DireCtors or not
less than one-fifth (1/5) of the members.
Section 3. Notice of Meetings. Notice of the annual or the special meetings of
members shall be given by either mailing a notice, stating the place, day, hour and
purpose of the meeting, to each member, not less than ten (10) or more than twenty
(20) days before the date of such meeting.
Section 4. Quorum. At a meeting of the members, a majority of the members
then present shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of such meeting.
Board of Directors
Section 1. General pOwers. The affairs and business of the Corporation shall
be managed by its Board of Directors, who shall serve without 'compensation except for
their expenses. The Board shall consist of at least three (3) and not more than nine (9)
Section 2. Powers. The Board of Directors shall have the power (a) to appoint
and remove, with or without cause, all officers,, agents and employees of the
Corporation, prescribe their duties, fix their compensation and require of them security
or fidelity bonds as it may deem expedient (nothing contained in these By-Laws shall be
Construed to prohibit the employment of any member, officer or director of the
Corporation in any capacity whatsoever); (b) to establish levy, assess and collect the
annual assessments and all other charges; (c) to 'adopt and publish rules and
regulations governing the use of property and community facilities belonging to the
Corporation, and the personal conduct of members, their family, their tenants, and their
guests with respect thereto; (d) to exercise for the Corporation all powers, duties and
authority vested in or delegated to this Corporation, except those expressly rese~ed to
the members; and (e) to exercise all other powers allowed by the laws of the State of
Wyoming and the By-Laws of the Association. In the event any member of the Board of
Directors of this Association shall be absent from three (3) consecutive regular
meetings of the Board of Directors, he may be removed from office by a majority vote of
the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Election and Tenure. Any member shall be eligible to hold office as
an officer or director. Nomination of directors will be held at the time of the annual
meeting of the Corporation. Nominations may be made any members of the
Corporation. Written ballots will be furnished by the secretary to all members. Ballots
will be counted at a special meeting held the third Saturday in August. Only ballots
previously received at the special meeting shall be counted. In 1992 two directors were
elected to a one year term, two directors to a two year term and three directors for a
three year term. Thereafter, directors shall be elected for three year terms at the
expiration of the terms of the directors previously elected. Directors shall hold office
until their successors have b'een elected and qualified.
Section 4. Regular Meetings. The annual meeting of the Board of Directors
· shall be held immediately following the special meeting the third Saturday in August
each year. Special meetings may be held as needed, upon call of the president. A
majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business at any meeting of the Board. The act of a majority of the directors present at a
meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board of Directors, unless
:the act of a greater number is required by law or these By-Laws.
Section 5. Vacancies. Vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be filled by
the affirmatiVe vote of a majority of the remaining Directors, though less than a quorum
of the Board of Directors, and any such appointed Director shall hold office for the
unexpired term of his predecessor in office.
Section 1. Officesl The officers of the Corporation shall be a President, Vice
President, Secretary, and a Treasurer. The officers shall be members of the Board of
Section 2. Election by Board of Directors. All officers shall be elected at a
special meeting of the Board, following the special meeting held on the third Saturday in
August. Each officer shall hold office until his successor shall have been duly elected
and qualified or until his earlier death, resignation or removal in accordance with these
By-Laws. The officers shall be chosen by a majority vote of the Directors.
Section 3. President - Duties. The President shall be the principal executive
officer of the Corporation and shall, in general, supervise and control all of the business
and affairs of the Corporation. He shall preside at all meetings of the members and of
the Board of Directors. He shall sign all documents and instruments necessary for the
conduct of the corporate business and in general, he shall perform all duties incident to
the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of
Directors from time to time.
Section 4. Vice-President - Duties. In the absence of the president, the Vice-
President shall perform the duties of the President; and shall also perform such other
duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the President or by the Board of
Section 5. Secretary - Duties. The Secretary shall keep a record of the
proceeding of each meeting of the Board of Directors and shall be custodian of the
corporate records. The Secretary shall also handle all correspondence reco~-ds. The
Secretary shall also handle all correspondence on behalf of the Corporation, insure that
all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws and in
._general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as
from time to time may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.
Section 6. Treasurer - Duties. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody
of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Corporation from any source
whatsoever and shall deposit all such monies in the name of the Corporation in such
banks, trust companies or other depositories as shall be selected by the Board of
Directors, and in general, perform all the duties incident to the office of Treasurer and
such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the President or the Board
of Directors. The Treasurer shall give bond for the faithful discharge'of duties in a penal
sum to be set and determined by the Board of Directors with such surety or sureties as
the Board shall approve. The premium for the bond shall be paid from the treasury of
the Corporation.
Section 1. Annual Assessments. In order to enable the Association to
promote the recreation, health, safety and welfare of the members; for the
improvement, maintenance and restoration of the common areas; for the furnishing of
all services, eqUipment and facilities relating to the use and enjoyment of the common
areas; and for the payment of taxes, insurance and other costs and expenses of the
common areas, the Board of Directors of the Association shall be, and hereby is,
empowered and authorized to annually assess an/or charge each member of the
Section 2. Amount. The Board of Directors will annually consider and adopt a
budget in an amount sufficient to accomplish the purposes set forth above.
Section 3. Special Assessments. For the purpose of defraying in whole or in
part the cost of any construction, reconstruction, repair or replacement of the common
areas, special assessments may be assessed only when approved by the affirmative
vote of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the members voting in person or by proxy at a
meeting called for the purpose of approving the special assessment.
Section 4. When Due; Notice. All assessments annual and special, shall be
due and payable on or before December 31 of the calendar year in Which they are
billed. Notice of the amount of such assessment(s) shall be delivered by mail to each
member by June 30 of each calendar year. Notices of assessment sent later than June
30 shall be given an additional period of time to be paid equal to the number of days
after June 30 that the notice was given. Notices are deemed given on the date placed
in the US Mail postage prepaid and addressed to the member at the last address
provided by that member to the corporation.
Books and Records; Inspection
Section 1. Books and Records. The Corporation shall keep correct and
complete books and records of all its activities.
Section 2. Inspection. The books, records and papers of the Corporation shall
at all times, during reasonable business hours, be subject to inspection by any member
upon written request.
Checks, Deposits and Funds
All checks, drafts or orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidence of
indebtedness isSued in the name of the Corporation shall be signed by the TreaSurer
and countersigned by the President or the Vice-President of the corporation. ·
Compliance with Fire Restrictions
All members are required and obligated to comply with any and all fire
restrictions posted or issued in any Other way by any goVernmental agency such as the
BLM or Lincoln County,. or by the corporation. Members will be held liable for any and
all damages resulting from their failure to do so.
Corporate Seal
The Corporation will have no corporate seal.
Amendment to By-Laws
These By-Laws may be altered, amended or repealed and new By-Laws may be
adopted by an affirmative vote of no less than a majority of the Board of Directors.
IN W,R'NESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto subscribed our names this
day of ~/2~f_~ ,2003.
AUGUST 27, 2005