HomeMy WebLinkAbout878400 This instrument prepared by: PAUL, HASTINGS, JANOFSKY & IWALKER LLP 75 East 55th Street ~:::': I ' [ [ I ]1 ,] New York, New York 10022 ' ] ' ~' 'I:" ' ' Assignee's Address: Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc. 8 ~ ~ [~ 0 ~ 500 Alcoa Trail ASSOCIATES HOUSING FINANCE, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, ("ASSIGNOR"), in consideration of One and 00/100 Dollars and other good and valuable consideration paid by VANDERBILT MORTGAGE AND FINANCE, INC., a Tennessee co¢oration ("ASSIGNEE"), hereby assigns, transfers and conveys unto ASSIGNEE the tbllowing mortgage or deed of trust: STEPHEN e CHEEK BOoK 48(} PR PAGE Borrower(s)/Grantor(s): ~N A CHEEK Assignor Acct ~ 043685382107166 Mortgage Date: ~-[~- ~D Mortgae-e Recording Date: Recording Omce: ' h I , Pagb { Recording Information: Book/Instrument ~10 Togefi~r ~kh ~he bond or' ~bl~gafion described ~n t~e ~or~gmge and ~he moneys dn~ and to gro~ ~kh the ~nteresL ~SS]GNOR dec]ares tha k ~s ~he bene6dary 0f the ~ortgagg and the hol~er oF the obligations secured thereby and that fl~ ~o~gag~. has no~ b~n pr~v~ouMy assigned by ASSIGNOR. To haw and m hold fi~e stone umo ASS}G~ and ~ts 'suecessors~ legal representatives and assigns Th~s A~s~gnm~n~ ~s g~wn pursu~ to a certain Loan Purchase Agreement, da~ed ~owmBer 29, between ASS}G~OR and ASSIGNEE and ~s ~thout recourse except as provided In ~ness ~hereo~ ASSIGNOR has executed tiffs ~ns~mment as of fl~e 19th day of 200]. ASSO~HOUS~x~INANCE, LLC ATTEST Name: J~l~s Joiner kO Title: Vice President STATE OF TENNESSEE COUNTY OF KNOX Before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the state and county aforesaid, personally appeared James Joiner, with whom i am 'personally acquainted (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence), and who, upon oath,' acknowledged himself/herself to be the Vice President (or: other officer authorized to execute the instru/nent) of Associates Housing Finance, LLC, the within named bargainor, a limited li,,ability company, and that he/she as such Vice President, executed the foregoing instrument for the purpose therein contained, by signing the name of the limited liability company by himselffherself as Vice President. Witness my hand and seal, this 19th day of December, 2001. , ~ ,:{I i ~ ] [ . ~' , l~/ Mx comm~ssb, ~xp~r~s :~ul~ 3I, ~00~ N~ary Public ':.. '" My commission expires: Associates-Assignment-4