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03~[C-5 ~H 2:06
This TERMINATION OF WATER SYSTEM LEASE is entered into by and
between ASTARIS PRODUCTION LLC, a Delaware limited liability company
("Astaris"), as assignee and successor of FMC Corporation, a Delaware corporation
corporation ("P&M").
WHEREAS, by Lease dated July 9, 1987, P&M leased to FMC certain real
property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming ("Lease") for the purpose of FMC's
ownership, operation and maintenance of a water pumping system and reservoir ("Water
WHEREAS, The Lease was thereafter assigned to Astaris and Astaris assumed
all rights and obligations under sUch Lease as lessee thereunder. PacifiCorp purchased
the Water System from Astaris on December 13, 2002 and Astaris and P&M have
mutually agreed to terminate the Lease effective as of such date ("Termination Date").
WHEREAS, the Lease covered the lands set forth on Attachment 1 hereto.
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Astaris and P&M agree and confirm that
the Lease is terminated as of the Termination Date set forth above, is no longer of any
force or effect as of such date, and that neither party has any further rights or
obligations under the Lease.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Termination of Water System Lease is executed
and delivered effective as of the Termination Date.
Name' Robert Ashton
Its' Secretary
Nam~. J. G. di Zere~:r f
Its: Vice-president
The foregoing instrument was acknowledeed before me by Robert Ashton, as Secretary
of Astaris Production LLC, this ][~-k_ day of .~:r:-'~9~ e ~ge_P... 2003.
Witness my hand and official seal.
i ' ' ' LINDA $. NICKEL$ON
Notary Publl(~ - Notary Seal
St, Louis County./') '
My Commission [xpires: A,ffri.J,/1.73~OOC:;t//
My comtnisslun =xpuc~. r'.,cq,.'~., ~,~
- /~ -
l'~otary PublF
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by J. G. di Zerega, Vice-
president of The Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Co. this ~t~.day of August, 2003.
Witness my hand and official seal.
Notary Public
My commission expires:
298754 I_6.DOC
THIS AGREEMENT made this . 9th day of July
between THE PITTSBURG & MIDWAY COAL MINING CO., a MiSsouri torpor-
ation [hereinafter "Le-~-~or") , and FMC CORPORATION, a Delaware
corporation (hereinafter "nessee").
1. Lessor, in consideration of the rents and covenan-ts
herein agreed to be paid and performed by Lessee, does hereby
demise, lease and let, and Lessee does hereby hire and take from
Lessor, the surface only of the following described premises
located in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, to-wit:
Township 21 North, Range 116 West, 6th P.M.
Parcel #A" - Pumping Site:
A portion of Tract 38, commencing at the South
~ection corner common 'to Sections 35 and 36; thence
N67"52'E a distance of 1756' to the point of
beginning; thence S49"00'E a distance of 138', to a
point on the West right-of-way boundary line of the
Union Pacific Oregon Short Line Railroad; thenc~ in
a southeasterly direction along the right-of-way
curve of the West right-of-way boundary line of
said Union Pacific Railroad a disuance of 386';
thence N49"0O'W a distance of 920'; thence N41"[)0'E
a distance of 200'; thence S49'00'E a distance of
452' to the point of beginning, containing 3,446
acres, more or less.
Parcel "8" - Reservoir Site:
Parcel "C", .y Pumping _Site:
A parcel of land located in a portion of the
NW%SE% and in a portion of NE%SW% of the Besurvey
of Section .7, T20N, Rll6W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln
County, Wyoming, being more particularly described
.as follows:
Commencing at a brass cap mon~nent represent:-
ing the South quarter corner of said Smction 7;
thence N06~40'26"W a distance of 2185.71' more or
less to a point on the East right-of-way of Highway
U.S. 189, said point also being the point of
b~ginnin~; thence S02"14'16"W along said right-of-
way a distance of 150'; thence $87"45'44"E a
distance of 290.40'; thence N02"1¢'16"~ a distance
of 150'; thence N87"45'44"W a distance of 290.¢0~
to the point of beginning, containing 1.0 acres,
more or less.
The above described properties are hereinafter referred to as the
"Leased Premises."
2. This Lease shall continue for a term of ten (10) years
from the date first written above; subject, however, to Lessee's
option to renew the Lease on the same terms and conditions for a
furthmr period of ten (10) years, provided Lessee give~ Lessor
written notice of its election to renew at least ninety (90) days
prior to the expiration date of the lease period, and provided
further, that at the time of much renewa~ the rental ,~hall be
determined by mutual agreement between the parties, such adjusted
rental to be in an a~ount not in excess of the then fair rental
valu~ per acre for like land. Fair rental value shall be deemed
to mean the amount of rental being charged ~t the tame of' renewal
for. leased land ~J. milar in character to the Leased Premises.
If Lessor and Lessee are unable to agree upon a fair
market r~.ntal for the second ten-year lease term; the re:ntal for
the second ten-year lease term shall be determined by a panel of
three arbitrators. Lessor and Lessee shall each designate an
arbitrator and the two arbitrators so appoin'ted shall designate a
third arbitrator. The arbitrators shall agree upon a fair'market
rental for the second ten-year lease term period. If the three
arbitrators cannot agree, the fair market r~ntal set by two of the
three arbitrators ~hall be binding on Lessor and Lessee for the
second %eh-year lease term.
3. Lessee is expressly given the right and privilege to use
the Leased Premises for the construction, operation and mainten-
ance of a pumping station and reservoir.
4. Consideration for this Lease ~hall be the execution by
Lessee of the Lease attauhed hezeto as £xhibit "A" which cover~
property owned by Lessee which Lessor desires to lease.
5. Lessee shall have the right of ingres~ and egress to and
from the Leased Premises for the purpose~ aforesaid, and Lessee
hereby expressly covenants and agrees that Lezsor and/or its
lessees shall have the right of ingress and egress 'to the Hamsfork
River, traversing Parcel "A" of said premi~e~, for %h~ purpose of
watering livestock.
6. Thc Lease of the Leased Premises unto Lessee shall not
in any way interfere with, Limit or hinder ~uid Lessor in the
operation of its business; provided, such operations shall not
interfere with the use of said Leased Premises by Lessee for the
purposes hereinabove specified, and Lessor expressly reserves unto
iti the right of ingress and egress, and this Leas~ is ~pre~sly
made subject to all ~urface grants of recora or discernible from
inspection of ~he Lea~ed Premises.
7. Lessee agrees to save Lessor harmless from an~ indemnify
it against any and all loss, damage, claim~, demands and causes of
action, including alI costs and expenses to Lessor incident
thereto, whiUh may result from injury to or death of persons
whomsoever, or loss of or damage to property or property rights
whatsoever, or any such injury, death, loss, damage, cla~,, demand
or cause of action arising or in any way growing out of the
negligencm or improper acts of Lessee.
~. Lessee agrees not to assign or sublet this Lease, in
whole or .in ~art, without the consent in writing, of Les~or, and it
is agreed tha~ any assignment thereof, ~hether voluntary or
involuntary, without such consent in writing' sAall be a~solutely
void and ~hall terminate this Lea~e; subject, however, to Lessee's
right to a.~ign or sublet this Lease w£thou% the consent of Lessor
to the s~¢cessors and assigns.of Lessee's business, wh.~ther by
merger, ~onso'lidation or other trans£er of Lessee's business.
Les~or's consent shall not be un:easonably withheld.
9. Title to any materials and equipment installed on the
Leased Premises, including buildings erected thereof, by Lessee
shall remain with Lessee and shall bs p~rsonal property~ regard-
less of location or mode of attachment to realty, and Lessee ~hall
have a period of ninety {90) days after the said expiration of
this Lease wi'thin which to remove any of said personal property
from the Leased Premises.
10. In the even~ of Lessee's default in performance of its
obligations hereunder, on ten {10) day~' prior written notice from
Lessor to Lessee, Lessor shall be entitled to take such action as
is permissible under the laws of the State of Wyoming.
11. The provisions of this Lease shall extend to the succes-
sors and assigns of either of the parties hereto.
12. Lessee hereby relinquishes that lease dated Noven~er [0,
1979 by and between Lessee and The Kemmerer Coal Company, Les$or's
p.r'e~ecessor in kitle ~o the Leased Premises, which lease covers
Parcels "A' and "~# of the Lea~ed Premi~e~.
IN WITNESS WHZR$OF, the parties hereto have hereunto set
their hands and smals by their duly authorized officers on the
date. first, written above.
Assistant ~ecretar~
MINING CO., Lessor
~-re sidb'n% '
Thm foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me hy
__ , of The Pittsburg &
Midway Coal MiH}~hg Co., on behalf of the Gorporation this day
of , 1987.
Witness my hand and o~ficial seal.
My commission expires ·
4 ) ss.
COUNTY OF ~[~o,~'~.~h~/~ )
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by
{~..~ ~W~-EAF~ , ~/,~,L~ /~AmA&~ of FMC Corporation,
on behalf of the corporation this ~t~' day of ~&~ ....... ,
Witness my hand and officialseal.
My commission expires _~~ /~ t~/ .
IXHIEIT "A" ~.~ 9 0
THIS AGREEMENT made this day of , 1987
between FMC CO~ORATION, a Delaware corporation (hereinafter
'~essor'), and THE PITTSBURG & MIDWAY COAL MINING CO., a Missouri
corporation (hereinafter "Lessee") .
located in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming,
Lessor, in consideration Of the rents and covenants
agreed to be paid and performed by Lessee, does hereby
lease and let, and Lessee does hereby hire and take from
the surface only of the following described premises
A parcel of land located in the' NWR of Section 12,
T20N, Rll7W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming,
and more particularly described as follows~
Commencing at a brass cap being the West quarter-
corn,er of said Section 12; thence N00°18'37''E a distance
of 460.70' to a point on the West section line of said
Section 12 and on the centerline of the Elkol branch of
the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, being the
Southwest corner of said parcel, also being the point of
beginning; thence N00"lS'37"E a distanc~ of 103.25' 'to a
point on the West section line of said Section 12 and on
the North right-of-way line o~ the Elkol branch of the
Orego[~ Short Line Railroad Company; thence continuing
N00~lS'37"E along said section line a distance of
22~.63' to a point, being the Northwest corner of said
parcel; thence N90"00'00"E a distance of ~80.48' to a
point, being the Northeast corner of said parcel; thence
S00"00'00"W a distance of 34~.87' to a point on the
North right-of-way line of the Elkol County Road Nco
12-304, being the Southeast corner of said parcel;
thence S56"28'37"W a distance of 181.24' to a point on
the North right-of-way lane of the Elkol branch of the
Oregon Short Line Railroad Company an4 on the North
right-of-way line of the Elkol County Road No. 12-304;
thenc,~ S56"2§'37"W along said North right-of-way lime of
Elkol County Road No. 12-304 a distance of 134.04' to a
point on the centerline of the Elkol branch of the
Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, being the ~outhern-
most .corner of paid parcel;, thence N75"16'23"W along
said centerline of the Elkol'branch of the Oregon Short
Line Railroad Company a dl~'tance of 743.87' to the true
point of beginning, bounding 9.60 acres, more or less.
Basis of bearing is grid North for the Wyoming
State Plane Coordinate System, .Western Zone.
The above described property is hereinafter referred to. as the
"Leased Premises-."
2. Thi~ Lease shall continue for a term of ten (10) years
from the date first written above; subject, however, to L~ssee'$
option to renew the L~a~ on ~he mame terms an& conditions fo~ a
further period of ten (10) years, provided Lessee giu~s Lessor
written notice of its election to renew at least ninety (90) days
prior to =he e~piration 4ate of ~he lease period, and provided
further, that at the time of such renewal ~he rental ~hai1 be
determined by mutual agreement between the patti,s, such adjus'ted
rental to be in an amount not in excess of the then fair rental
value per acre for like land. Fair rental value shall be deemed
to mean the amount of renfal being charged at the time of renewal
for leased land similar in character to the L~ased Pre~isem.
If Lessor and Lessee are unable to agree upon a fair
market r~ntal for the second ten-year lease term, the rental for
the second ten-year lease term shall be d,termined by' s panel of
three arbitrators. Lessor and Lessee shall each dali. gnats an
arbitrato~ and the two arbitrator~ so appointed shall designate a
third arbitrator. The arbitrators shall agree upon a fair market
rental for the second ten-year lease term period. If the three
arbitrators cannot agree, the fai~ markBt rental set by two of the
three arbitrators shall be binding on Lessor and Lessee for the
second ten.-year lease term.
3. Le-qsee is e~pressly given the right and privilege to use
the Leased Premises for the construction, operation and mainten-
ance of a rail line for the diversion of runaway railroad cars.
4. Consideration for this Lease shall be the execution by
Lessee of the Lea~s attached hereto as ~xhibit 'A' which covers
property owned by Lessee which Lessor desires to lease.
5. Lessee shal[ have the right of ingres~ and egress to and
from the Leasmd Premises for the purposes aforesaid.
6. The Lease of the Leased Premises unto Lessee shall not
in any way interfere with, limit or hinder said Lessor in the
operation of its business; provided, such operatic~'s shall not
interfere with the use of said LeaEed Premises by Lessee for the
purpome~ hereinabove specified, and Lessor expressly reserve~ unto
it the right of ingress and egress, and this Lease is expressly
made subject to all surface gran~s of record or discernible
inspection of the Leased Premises.
7. Lessee agrees to save Lessor harmless from and indemnify
it against any and all lo~s, damage, claims, demands and causes of
action, including all costs and expenses to Lessor incident
thereto, which lnay 'result from injury to or death of persons
whomsoever, or lo~s of or damage to property or property rights
whatsoever, or any such injury, death, loss, damage, claim, domand
or cause of action arising or in any way growing out of the
neglig'encs or improper acts of Lessee.
B. Lessee agrees not %o assign or sublet this Lease, in
whole or in part, without the consent in writing of Lessor, and i't
is agreed that any assignment thereof, whether voluntary or
involuntary, without such consent in writing shall be absolutely
void and mhall terminate this Lease; subject~ however, to Le$~ee's
right to assign or sublet this Lease without the consent of Lessor
to the successors and assigns of Lessee's business, whether by
merger, consolidation or other transfer of Lessee's busine~s.
LesSON'S consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
9. Title to any materials and equipment installed on the
Lea~ed Premises, including buildings erected thereof, by Lessee
shall remain with Lessee and shall be personal property, =egara-
less o~ location or mode of attachment to realty, and Le~a shall
have a period of ninety (90) days after the said expiration of
this Lease within which to remove any of said personal property
from the Leased{ Premises.
10. In the event of LesSee's default in performance of its
obligations hereunder, on ten (10) days' prior written notice from
Lessor to Lsssee, Lessor shall be entitled to take such action as
is permissible under' the lawm of the State of Wyoming.
11. The provisions of this Lease shall extend to the succes-
sors and assigns of either of the parties hereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set
their haBd$ and seals by their duly authorized officer~! on thm
date first written above.
MINING CO., Las~e~
Asmi~tant Secretary
The foregoing instr~unent was acknowledged before me by
, of The Pit~sburg &
~'Idway Co~i'"Mining C6., on behalf'of the corporation this _-- day
of , 1987.
Witness my h~nd and offiuial seal.
My commission expires
) ss.
The foregoing ins=rument was acknowledged before me by
__, of FMC Corporation,
on behalf of t~e corporation this __ day of ,
Witness my hand and official sea!.
'My commission expires