HomeMy WebLinkAbout895735This dOCument is being rscorded by Rocky Mountain T~e Insuran¢~ Agency of Lincoln Courtly asa Courtesy Only · ' L I TED '-BOOK .~4,~.pR PAGE BLT CW-1390 RECEIVED LIABILITY COMPAN rNCOL I coUNty 03~E0-5 Pi~ 2:13 WARRA]WF315 REINHART HOMEB UILDERS, LL C, a Limited Liability Company under the laws of the State of Wyoming, having been duly authorized by and in accordance with its Articles of Organization, as GRANTOR, for good and valuable consideratiOns, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto GERRY MCCLINTICK and KARIN MCCLINTICK, as Trtt$tee$ of the MCCLINTICK FAMILY TRUST, as GRANTEE, whose address is 174 Roan Way, Etna, Wyoming 83118, and Grantee's successors and assigns, all of the following described real property, to-wit: Lot 108 itt Nordic Ranches Division No. 8, Lincoln County, Wyontiug as described on the official plat thereof. TOGETHER WITH but subject to that certaiu Grant of Access recorded itt Book 472 at Page 703 as Ittstruntent No. 875928, Lincolu Couuty, Wyontiug~ Records Office. SUBJECT TO the 2003 and subsequent years general tares and assessments, all existing patent reservations, easements, right of ways~ protective and restrictive covenants, zoniug ordinances attd applicable building codes~ laws attd regulatious. TOGETHER WITH arty and all itnprovements, water attd ditch rights, easements, tenements, hereditamentsand appurtenances thereunto belongtng or itt anywise appertaining, and any reversion, remainder, rents, issues, and profits thereof. Grantor, for itse~ and its successors and assigns, does hereby warrant and agree to forever defend the Grantee, and Grantee 's successors and a~igns, in the quiet and peaceful poss~said premises against the lawful claims of any and all persons. In construing this D~~tso requires the singular includes the plural, and the masculine, the feminine and neuter. Dated: Octobg Lilni~ Liabili, 3Onagiag Me~ber STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss COUNTY OF Bonneville ) On October 31, 2003 · before me. the undersigned, personally appeared Laurence B. Reinhart known or identified to me to be Managing Member(s) of the limited liability compan), that executed the within instt~tment. ~nd acknowledg~ed to me that such com~a~v~ [~ ~'ecute~. I sa, e. / //~ ff. · .~ ~ .~- . .; ~otn~,blic Sr the Siate o/ Maho / ' ~ '" Co~isaion ~piration Date: 03/15/2008 ~/ Bonneville Land & Title Co. Corporation ~ ..... '? :'i~' ' :: '::i:i;il[:!::'! ~ - Page I 497 N. CapltalAve * P.O. Box 51690 _:}~:?!'!'.dl$, ID 83405-1690' (208) 524-6600