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C. REINHART & SON, INC., a Corporation under the laws of the State of Idaho, having been dub, authorized by its Board of Directo~:~ as
for good and vahtable considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do&~ hereby grant, bargain, sell and conve3~ unto
ROck'WOO1) BUILDER& INC., an Idaho Corporation, as GRANTEE,
whose address is P.O. Box 51535, Idaho Falls, ID, 83405-1535 and Grantee'S successors and ax,vigns, all q[the fidlowing describdd real proper¢
to-wit: ,
Lot 142 of Nordic Ranches, Division No. 10, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to the recorded plat thereof recorded in the Lincoln
County Recorders qffice. ' '
TOGETttER ~ql~ but subject to that certain Grant of Access recorded ~ Instrutnent No. Lincoln
Coun(v3 ~oming, Records Office '
TOGETHER WI7>I any and all incrovements, water and ditch rights, easements, tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging
or in anywise appertaining, and any reversion, remainder, rent~, issues, ~nd profits thereof
Grantor, for it, e~and it; successors and assign& does hereby warrant and agree to forever defbnd the Grantee, and Grantee ~. successor~ and
assigns, in the quiet an~peac~fitl po~sess'ion c~ said premises against the lau~d claims of any and all perxons.
In const~ing this Deed and where the context so require& the singular includes the plural, and the masculine, the feminine and neuter.
STALE OF*~ '~h.~l~O )
,,COr~N~ o~:~Oiq,~e;U,,~'ld.~ ) BOOK ~S(~PRPAGE 7 7
On } ~ ~'.-() l, , bqfi;re me, the underdgned, persona!(v appeared
Laurence B, Reinhart
known or iaent~ed to me to be the Vice-Vre.s'ident 4the co,rotation that executed
the within im'trument, and acknou, ledged to me that ,*'uch corporation executed the
Cotkvoration Warranty Deed (3/97) - Page