HomeMy WebLinkAbout878410 '-~-~ RECORDATION REQUESTED BY: ONE SOUTH MAIN STREET, SUITE 700 WHEN I~CORDED MAIL TO: Z~ONS ~'mS~' NATIONAL hANK ~'SOOK 4S() PR p~ 8 0 0 P.O. BOX 26304 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84126 ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE ASSIGNMENT OF FINANCING STATEMENT This Assignment of Mortgage AND Assignment of Financing Statement is dated /_2 / 27 [ ,2001, between ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK (referred to below as "Assignor"), with pos[oft~ce address of One South Main Street, Suite 700, Salt Lake City, UT 84133; dud THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, as Trustee for ZIONS SMALL BUSINESS LOAN TRUST, Series 2001-1 (referred to below as "Assignee"), wlmse address is 450 West 33rd Street, 14th, New York, NY 10001-269,7. Mortgage AND Assignment of Financing Statement. DAVID A. DECORIA AND ROXANNE A. DECORIA, HUSBAND AND WIFE, mortgagors executed and granted to ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK mortgage~, the following described Mortgage, Assignment of Rents and Financing Statement dated FEBRUARY 12, 2001 (the "documents"), which have been recorded in LINCOLN County, State of WYOMING real property records, as follows: Mortgage recorded DECEMBER 20, 2000 as Document No. BOOK 457 P.R., PAGE 248/ Financing Statement recorded DECEMBER 21, 20006 as Document No. U115604 Property Description. The Mortgage covers the following described real property ( the "Real Property") located in LINCOLN County, State of WYOM1NG: See Exhibit "A" Attached. The Real Property or its address is con~nonly knoxvn as 845 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET, AFTON, WY. 83110.., Assignment of Mortgage AND Assignment of Financing Statement. For Valuable Consideratiou, Assignor hereby assigns a!_~d conveys to Assignee all of Assignor's right;~ title, and interest in and to the above described documents including any subsequent modifications, together with all of Assignor's right, title, and interest in and to the Promissory Note or Notes (or other credit agreements) secured by these documents, In witness whereot; assignor has executed this Assignment of Mortgage AND Assignment of Financing Statement ,,n .... ~_~_, 200 t. 801 Assignor: ACICNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF UTAH ss COUNTY OF SALT LAKE On /ff /~ I .,9001, before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared ~'-~ ~ Lq- ,~ 10_1.O~ the q~ , of Z[ONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK known to me (or proved to me on tl'~asis o' f satisfacto~ evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within ins~ment and ac~owledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capaci~(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the insmnnent the person(s), or. the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the inslrument. Notary Public ~ _~ ~~ NOTARY PUbLiC l/;~5,,'.~ Kathy H. l'nomas ~ ~ ~1 South Main ~t, ~1450 1~(~})}} Salt Lak~ City, Utah [ ~'~..,,.';,~, July 31, 2003 FOR ~ OGU= MOE 80'2 The= part o~ the S~NW~.uf S~ctfon 31, T]IN, RJ~W, a~d that part of the SE~NE~ oS S~ction ..36, T32N RllgW, Lincoln County, Wyoming, b~in~ part of those tracts of rmcor~ {n the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 54 of Photostatic Records. on pa~e 238, and in Book 6 of Tr~scrlbcd Deed~ on page 23~ described as follows: BZGI}~I}~G at a point on ths west line of said S~{~W, NORTH, 378.45 feet from th~ southwest corner of s~ld SM~W, identical with' the southwest corner of that tract of record tn said Office in Book 299 of Photostatic a~cords on p~ge 385; thencs S89~-~4,.34,,E, 220'.00 fmst, alonG'the south lln~ of said tract in Book 299, 5o" a point; thence SO,H, 165.63 feetj along a line parallel with said west line, to a point; thence N89"-54'-]d"W, 220.00 feet, alon~ a line parallel with ,aid south line, to a point on said west line; th=,~e continuing N89~-S4,.34,,W, 41.82 fact, to a point on the eastsrl~right-of-way lins of U.S. HighwaF 89; thencm N0O"-49'-12,W. 165.65 f~at, alon~ said easterly rioht-nf-w~y line, to a brass cap; thence-'s89,.~4,_34,E, 44.19 fset, alon~ a westerly extension of said south line to the P0~T 0E BEGI}~ING/ the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of the NWR of Section ~Z, T3~N, ~.llSW, ~,tmcmln County. W~oming, bein~ NORTH; each "corner" found m~ de~crth.d ~n the Co~ner Rmcord filed' in ~ha Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "DoJnt" marked bM a S/8" x 24" s'teel '~einforclng rod with a .~" ~lul,llr~ul~l ~:.~lb~ I,~'~'ll~d, "~U~iVEYO[~ ~'H~RUEL LTD AI"TON WY PbS 5360", With ~ppropriate de,ails; each "brass cap" marked by a 2" galvmmized steel pipe with bram~ cap inccribed, q~WM OF ~TON ROSa M. T[~RNER ~E/LS 3514. with appropriate details found; ' all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Offlu~ of thm Clerk of Lincoln Count%, tiglmd, "TED C. HETTY ~. FROME P~T OF T~CT IN THE SOUTHEAST A~ON ~NE~TION TO THE TOWN OF AFTON W~THIN THZ O~NW~ SECTION ~ T32N SE~ SECTION 36 T32N RllgW LINCOLN C0~ WYOMING", dated 11 O~e 1997. ' " ~ro~emoe. 4~(~ L~.