HomeMy WebLinkAbout878401 RELEASE OF MORTG ~ i · TbrrS C'ERTiFIES that a c?tain Real Estate Mortgage executed by Terry Dillon and Stephanie Kay Weinberg, husband and wife as MortgagOrs j to COlleen Melzitt 'Wright., a single woman as Mortgagee.._ Dated o8/27/ol and recorded in the Office °fthe County Recorder of Li~coln County, State of Wyomiilg on o8/30/ol Book 671 °fP.R. at Page 806 · ereof] and for the sam of $10,500.00. , Beginning at the Noaheast Comer of Section 15, T33N, k118W, 6t~ P.M., Wyoming and r'~ing thence West 242 feet; thence South 234 feet; thence ~242 feet; thenge No~h 234 Get to'the point of beginning. has been fully satisfied by the payment office debt secured thereby, and is h~reby c~celed and disclmrged. Wi~SS my hand this 27m day of August A.D., 200i .'.~ ~Colleen Mmritt Wright STATE OF WYO~G Connty of Lincoln ~. On tile 27th d?; o2~5~t ~y., 20,01 personally app,red belbre me .... y ~o~ ledged to me t. hat:s~e executed ~e un~. ~ ~~; . ~ /~ / ¢/-zooz Not:a Public ....