HomeMy WebLinkAbout895941Lincoln County, Wyoming RE FILING RECEIVED :LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK UCC FINANCING STATEMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS IffonJ and back! CAREFULLY A. NAME & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional) B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) r~heryl M. Duren, Paralegal Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP 2600 Grand Avenue Kansas City, MO 64108 L 895,9l, i 03 PFO '15 Pi' 2:05 THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 1. DE BTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME - insert only ~na deblor name (la or lb) - do not abbreviate or cornbine names OR Ilb. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME la. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Mid Plains Pizza, Inc. FIRST NAME 1[. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION lc. MAILING ADDRESS Seven West ParkxVay Blvd. ld, TAX ID #: SSN OR EIN ADD'L INFO RE Jla. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION iCorporation DEBTOR , [ Kansas 2. ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME - insert only ~ deblor nam. e (2a ~ 2b) - do not abbreviate or combine names -12a, ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR 2b. INDI¥1DUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME j STATE POSTAL CODE II<S 167905 USA Ilg. ORGANIZATIONAL ID #. irany IKS2677425 r-]NO~F SUFFIX COUNTRY 2c. MAILING ADDRESS ii. ~TYuR SD CTION OF ORGANIZATION MIDDLE NAME STALE POSTAL CODE 2g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID 8. il' any 2d. TAX ID #: SSN OR EIN ADD'L INFO RE I2e' TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION DEBTOR I 3, SECU RED PARTY'S NAME (or NAME of TOTAL ASSIGNEE et ASSIGNOR S/P) - insert only ~ secured party name (3a or 3b) 3a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME I Bank of America, N.A OR 3b, INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME 3c. MAILING ADDRESS 1 O0 North Broadway 4, This FINANCING STATEMENT covers the following collateral: FIRST NAME MIDDLENAME SUFFIX STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY cVTZichita KS 67202 USA SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO FOR DESCRIPTION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY SEE EXHIBIT B ATTACHED HERETO FOR REAL ESTATE DESCRIPTION 5. ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION [itappIicabIe,:DLESSEEILESSOR U CONSIGNEE/CONSIGNOR E]BAILEEIBAILOR E~ SELLER/BUYER DAG. LIEN D NON-UCC FILING 6. ~ This FINANCING STATEMENT is Io be Iiled leer reco,'dl (o,' recorded) in lhe REAL 7 Check to REQUEST SEARCH REPORT(S on Debtor(s) [~ All Debtors [~ Debtor 1 ~Debl~ ~ ESTATE RECORDS. Attach Addendum ~if appl cable ' ADDITIONAL FEE1 [opliQn~ll 2 8. OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA Real Estate UCC - Lincoln County, Wyoming- Wyoming Mortgage ($325,000) - Mid Plains FILING OFFICE COPY-- NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT (FORM UCC1) (REV. 07129198) NATUCCI - 5/4/01 C T System Online UCC FiNANCiNG STATEMENTADDENDUM FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY 9. NAME OF FIRST DEBTOR (la or lb) ON RELATED FINANCING STATEMENT 9a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Mid Plains Pizza, Inc. OR 9b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME 10. MISCELLANEOUS: FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME,SUFFIX THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 11. ADDITIONAL D E BTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME - insert only one name t t la or 1 lb) - do no/aaorev~am or combine names I 1 la. ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR 11b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME 1 lc. MAILING ADDRESS FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME I SUFFIX 11d. TAXID#: SSNOREIN ADD'L INFO RE 111e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION OE.TOR I ! ~H ADDITIONAL SECURED PARTY'S or [--] ASSIGNOR S/P'S NAME-insert oct),~ name ('~2a or 12. 12a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME . ' OR ]12b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME / 12c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY 16. Additional collateral descriptio,q: 13. This FINANCING STATEMENT covers [] timber lo be cut or [] as-extracted collateral, or is filed as a [] fixture liJing. 14. Description al. real estate: SEE EXHIBIT B ATTACHED HERETO FOR REAL ESTATE DESCRIPTION 15. Name and address of a RECORD OWNER of above-described real eslate (if Debtor does not have a record interest): STATE POSTAL CODE 17. Check ~ if applicable and check .QOJ~ or~e box. Debtor is a [3 T~'ust orl--~T,usl .... ting wilh respect to propefly held in trust or~] Decedent's Estate 18. Check ~ il' applicable and check ~ one box. E] Debtor is a TRANSMITTING UTILITY [~ Filed in connection with a Manufactured-Nome Transaction -- effective 30 years F'"~ Filed in conneclion wilh a Public-Finance Transaclion -- efl'ec~Jva 30 years FILING OFFICE COPY-- NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM (FORM UCC1Ad) (REV. 07129/98) NATUCCI - 5/4/01 C T System Online DEBTOR: SECURED PARTY: EXHIBIT A Mid Plains Pizza, Inc. P.O. Box 2438 Seven West Parkway Blvd. Liberal, Kansas 67905 Bank of America, N.A 100 North Broadway Wichita, Kansas 67202 005 All of Debtor's right, title and interest, now owned of hereafter acquired in and to the following which is located on or used in connection with the real property described in Exhibit B (the "Land"): (a)all fixtures,' equipment, systems, machinery, furniture, furnishings, appliances, inventory, goods, building and construction materials, supplies, and articles of personal property, of every kind and character, tangible and intangible, now owned or hereafter acquired by Debtor, which are' now or hereafter attached to or situated in, on or about the Land, or used in or necessary to the complete and proper planning, development, use, occupancy or operation thereof, or acquired (whether delivered to the Land or stored elsewhere) for use or installation in or on the Land, and all renewals and replacements of, substitutions for and additions to the foregoing (the properties referred to in this clause (a) being herein sometimes collectively called the "Accessories"); (b)all (i)plans and specifications for improvements upon the Land (the "ImprOvements"); (ii) commitments, insurance policies, contracts and agreements for the design, construction, operation or inspection of the Improvements and other contracts and general intangibles (including but not limited to trademarks, trade names, goodwill and symbols) related to the Land or the Accessories or the operation thereof; (iii) deposits (including but not limited to Debtor's rights in tenants' security deposits, deposits with respect to utility services to the Land, and any deposits or reserves hereunder or under any other loan documents for taxes, insurance or Otherwise), rebates or refunds of impact fees or other taxes, assessments or charges, money, accounts, instruments, documents, notes and chattel paper arising from or by virtue of any transactions related to the Land or the Accessories; (iv) permits, licenses, franchises, certificates, development rights, commitments and rights for utilities, and other rights and privileges obtained in connection with the Land, the Improvements or the Accessories; (v) leases, rents, royalties, · bonuses, issues, profits, revenues and other benefits of the Land and the Improvements and the Accessories; (vi) oil, gas and other hydrocarbons and other minerals produced from or allocated to the Land and all products processed or obtained therefrom, and the proceeds thereof; and (vii) engineering, accounting, title, legal, and other technical or business data concerning the Land which are in the possession of Debtor or in which Debtor can otherwise grant a security interest; and (c) all (i) proceeds (cash or non-cash) of or arising from the properties, rights, titles and interests referred to herein, inclUding but not limited to proceeds of any sale, lease or other disposition thereof, proceeds of each policy of insurance relating thereto (including premium refunds), proceeds of the taking thereof or of any rights appurtenant thereto, including change of grade of streets, curb cuts or other rights of access, by condemnation, eminent domain or transfer in lieu thereof for public or quasi-public use under any law, and Proceeds arising out of any Real Estate UCC Exhibit - Wyoming Mortgage ($325,000) - Mid Plains : damage thereto; and (ii) other interests of every kind and character which Debtor now has or hereafter acquires in, to or for the benefit of the properties, rights, titles and interests referred to herein and all property used or useful in connection therewith. Real Estate UCC Exhibit - Wyoming Mortgage ($325,000) - Mid Plains 007 EXHIBIT B LAND All that parcel or parcels of real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, and r~ore particularly described as follows: That part of Lot 1 of Block 18 of the Original Townsite of Afton, within the NE1/4SE1/4 of Section 25, T32N, R119W, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 188 of Photostatic Records on Page 249, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of Lot 1 of said Block 18, S 14°47. I'W, 222.45 feet from an I.L.C. RLS274 mueller water cap with brass hexagon bolt at the approximate intersection of the center-lines of Third Avenue and Washington Street; thence S01°07.0'W, 165.00 feet along the East line of said Lot 1 to the Southeast point of said Lot 1; thence N 88°08. I'W, 80.00 feet along the South line of said Lot 1 identical with the North line of that tract of record in said Office in Book 67 of Photostatic Records on Page 485 to a point; thence N01°07.0'E, 165.00 feet parallel to said East line to a point on the North line of said tract of record in Book 188 identical with the South line of said tract of record in Book 213 of Photostatic Records on Page 352; thence S88°08. I'E, 80.00 feet along said identical line to the point of beginning. Real Estate UCC Exhibit - Wyoming Mortgage ($325,000) - Mid Plains CCM~c~:' 0 o %9226v 1