HomeMy WebLinkAbout895991Hesson Commercial Park . .. Covenants, Condthor Dated: December 15, 2003 RECEI?LD LI ~CO~I,, CC)tJf,,iTY CLERK Wayne K. Hesson 290 S. Washington St.-Box 888 Alton, WY 83110 10. Animals. Only domestic pets are permitted and they shall not be allowed to make all unreasonable amount of noise or create a mfisance. No goats or pigs will be allowed. Outside Storage. No furniture, fixtures, appliances or other goods not in.actibe use shall be stored As to be visible fi'om neighboring property or common areas. Maintenance of Landscaping. Landscaping will be maintained to provide a neat and attractive appearance. Removal of weeds, dead plants, trash and debrig is required to meet tiffs objective. Nuisances. No rubbish or debris of any kind shall be placed o,' permitted to accumulate upon or adjacent to any lot or parcel. No odors or loud noises, unsanitary, unsightly, or offensive activity detrimental to property in the vicinity shall be permitted. Building repairs. Dwellings and Structures must at all times be kept in good repair, adequately painted or otherwise finished. T,'asb and Garbage. No garbage or trash shall be kept on any lot except in approVed containers. All rubbish, trash or garbage shall be removed fi'om lots and parcels and not be allowed to accmnulate there. Water rights. All 5 existing lot owners will be provided by the developer at least one irrigation riser, lot owners will be responsible to irrigate according to the Porto hTigation District approved policies and will be billed annoally tbro the real estate tax system for their proportionate availability and usage fees. Lighting. All directional ligbting on tile individual lots must be approved by tile developer. Building height restrictions. Mimimum setbacks will dictate the maximum building height allowed. a. 17 foot setback minimum = maximum 15 foot building height b. 35 fool' setback minimum = maximum 20 foot building height c. 45 foot setback minimum = maximuln 25 foot building height Signs. No signs whatsoever, visible froln ueighboring residential property, shall be erected, or maintained on any lot parcel, or home except: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18: 20. 21. a. Signs required by legal proceedings and therefore apl)roved by the developer. b. No more than one identification sign roi' individual residences. c. Signs, such as For Sale signs, the nature, number and location of which have been approved Motor vehicles. No automobile, motorcycle or other motor vehicle shall be consn'ucted or repaired on any lot or parcel so as to be visible fi'om neighboring property or the street. No inoperable vehicle may be stored or parked on any lot. Horses. Lot owner's shall be permitted to keep horses on their lots in the development, provided that no lot owner shall keel) more than one horse on any given lot roi' each two (2) acre of land. No lot owner shall be permitted to keep more than a total of two (2) horses on any givea lot, in'espective of it's size. Trailers, Recreational Vehicles, Campers, and Boats. Recreational.vehicles, motor homes, trailers, campers, pop up trailers, boats, water crafl, snowmobiles, three o,- four wheelers, motorcycles, fifth wheel trailers and the like, may not be sto,'ed on a lot in tile development. Antennas. All television, radio, satellite dish, and other antennas shall be located so as to be inconspicuous in their location, and all such antennas, including television antennas, satellite dishes, aud ham radio antennas must be approved by tile developer. Fencing. Should lot owners elect to fence their lot for any reason, it shall be constructed of while vinyl 3-rail and post configuration. These fences will be required to be maintained by the lot owner. Parking. It is the intent of the developer to restrict on-st,'eet parking as much as possible. Vehicles of all lot owners, shall not obstruct the nsage of any street in the development. Utilities: Water: Domestic water will be provided to the development by Bedford water and sewer system. Electricity and telephone: Electric wiring and telephone wiring will be installed in or adjacent to tile streets of the development by the Developer. Sewer or Septic System: Lot owners shall be responsible for the construction of their own sewage disposal system or septic system. Street Maintenance: There shall be no Public maintenance of streets or roads in the development. The streets in the Development shal. I be maintained (snow and gravel) through the payment of annual assessments to the lot owners in direct proportion to the size ofthei,' lot in relation to the total size of the development. Structnre restrictions: All building type structures shall require a Lincoln County, Wyoming, building pemfit. Primary residential building structm'es shall not have a main floor area of less than 1,500 square feet; secondary residential building structures shall not have a main floor area of less than 1,200 square feet. Fire Protection, Firearms, and Fireworks: Tile Developer may adopt reasonable fire protection restrictibns and regulations. A prohibition of all outdoor burning of grass, refnse or other outside ilres. Firearms: No hunting or discharge of any fi,'earms of any nature whatsoever. Fi,-eworks: Except with the prior approval of the Developer, no fireworks will be stored, detonated, or used at any location in the Development ~, Architectural Approval: No construction or material alteration of any improvement on any Lot, including, without limitation, any house, cabin, garage, ontbuilding, storage shed, fence, wall, satellite dish, antenna, flagpole or propane tank, and the like may be commenced on any Lot without first obtaining written architectu,'al approval of the construction (or material alteration) of the structnre fi'om the Developer. 22. CCR Changes: No changes will be made to these CCR's without a mmmmm of 80% approval vote of the then existing property owners. 23. CCR Change Fees: The then minimmn 80% existing property owners who approved the CCR changes will be responsible for the Court and Legal fees associated with the then approved CCR changes. Buyer/Owner Dated