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Bank of Jackson Hole
Post Office Box 7000
Jackson, WYOMING 83002
(Space Above This Line for Recording Data)
Bank of Jackson Hole, its successors and assigns,
Post Office Box 7000, Jackson, WYOMING 83002
for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which
is hereby acknowledged, has sold, and by these presents does sell, assign, and transfer to
Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., its successors and assigns, P.O. Box 2026, Flint, Michigan,
48501-2026, which is organized and existing under the laws of Delaware,
all its right, title, and interest h~ and to a certain Mortgage dated December 12, 2003, executed by
Mark R. Lopez and Sylvia Lopez, husband and wife as tennants by the entireties
as mortgagors, wliich mortgage covers the followh~g described property located in Lincoln County, State of
WYOMING to-wit:
Lot 10 of Narrows Vista Subdivision of Section 12, T33N R119W of the 6th P.M. Lincoln County, Wyondng
as Described on the official plat thereof.
Also, See Attached Exibit "A" of Title hmrance
351 Cutthroat
Thayue, WYOMING 83127
This Mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, State of WYOMING,
- ./ . ,
on the J, ~ dsy of ~0C'~}~J , ~(7 ,as Instrument No. ~~ ~
in Book ~ ~/L/ , Page V >~ . ~ ff
Signed on the l~th dayof · December 2~~. /. ff '
. B~~~n fJac son Hole ~~
By: A. Rodgers Ev~tt ~
Title: Senior Vice Pr~sidnet
State of WYOMING, Lincoln CounW ss:
On the ~ day of ~~~., A.D. ~0~, before me, a Nota~ Public, personally
appeared A. R0dgers EvereX, to me known, who being duly sworn, did say that he or she is the Senior Vice Presidnet
of Bank of Jackson Hole, and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said co¢oration.
[ Nota~ Public:
Prepared by: .
Bank of Jackson Hole
Post Office Box 7000
Jackson, WYOMING 83002 '
Attention: Final Documents Deparhnent ·
Inte~wening Assi~nent: This assignment is not subject to t operO,
because it is an assignment in the secondar), mortgage market.
MERS Phone: 1-888-679-6377
WYOMING Assignment Of Mortgage with MERS
IDS, Inc. - (§00) 554-$872
EXHIBIT "A" O(~9~O~s
A part of tlm SB~NW~I of Section 12, 'I33N RI19W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming more particularly described as fiallows:
BEGINNING on the eonmaon t~ast boundary line of th~ said St!~,4NW~,4 of said Section 12 and
West Boundary line of the Hanowa.¥ista Subdivision at a point N 0° 1.0'20" Ii, 572.00 feet
the Center 91 corner of said section 12; said point being marked by a steel 'reinforcing bar
alontunenting th~ Southw~ comer of Lot 9 and the Northw~l comm' of Lot 10 of the Hanows
Vista Subdivision and mt~ni~.g thence S 0°10'20'' W, along the said boundary line, 307:00 feet;
then~ N lt9°52'~:/.' W, 820 feet, more or Mss, to the South~terly boundary, of Salt
three In a Northeasterly direction along the boundary of Salt River, 410 fext, more or
!ess, to tho. intersection with a line running N 89'52'32" W, k0m tlm point of
th'en~ S 89"52'3:Z" ii, 570 f¢~, mor~ or l~ss, to tho POINT OF BEGINNING.