HomeMy WebLinkAbout896085Randall B. Luthi LUTHI & VOYLES P.O. Box 820 Thayne, WY 83127 Tel. (307) 883-7887 Fax (307) 883-7889 896085 R£CEIVE~ LINCOLN COUNT~, 03DECl9 P,i l/ JEANNE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING TESS B. CORSI VS. JACK E. CORSI ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) ) ) ) ) Defendant. ) Civil No. 10,230 SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT AND SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS THE PARTIES, being TESS B. CORSI and JACK E. CORSI, do hereby agree and stipulate to the following: 1. That with a payment from the Defendant to the Plaintiff, in the amount of Fifty- five Thousand Dollars ($55,000.00), which ,is hereby acknowledged and received by the Plaintiff, the Judgment entered into this matter on February 5, 2002, is hereby-satisfied. 2. That any and all claims and counterclaims that either party has, or might have, against the other party as a result of the divorce decree dated on or about February 24, 1999, in this matter are hereby settled and satisfied. Corsi v. Corsi Satisfaction Page 1 of 2 DEC-3-2003 11: 28A FROM: TO: 170224~2121 3. That thc Judgment entered into this matter is therefore thlly executed. DATED this 1'~t day o'f December, 2003. S~ TESS B. COR,_ I P:3/4 '402 TIlE STATE ¢)F NEVADA COIJN'I'Y OF CLARK ) ) ) SS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by TESS B. CORSI, this day of December, 2003. Witness my hand ,.'md olScial seal. My Commission Expiresi THE STAT£ OF WYOMiNG ) ) SS COUNTY OF 'LINCOLN ) ///'-ZI'~ day of The fbregoing insmunent was ac 'knowledged before me by JACK E. (.'.()RS[ this D ~-~r~ ~e. 2003. Witness my hmld and official seal. My Commis=ion Expires: Corm v. Carsi ,YatL¥_/?tctiott Page 2 qf 2