HomeMy WebLinkAbout896333STATE OF COUNTY OF RECEIVED LINOOL?',I COUNTY CLERK AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP 896333 )SS, /4f TO;d ) JUNE 'STEED, n/Ida, JUNE BRADLEY, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and Say: 1. That JUNE STEED, n/k/a, JUNE BRADLEY is of adult age and is the surviving ex-wife of ELNO JUNIOR STEED, who died August 17, 2000, in Alton, Wyoming, as hereinafter more fully appears. 2. That by a Warranty Deed dated September 14, 1962, and recorded September 25, 1962, in the office of the County Clerk and Ex Officio Register of Deeds in and for the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, in Book 56 PR, Page 186, EVA NELSON, a widow, warrantied to ELNO J. STEED and JUNE STEED, husband and wife, by the entireties, of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to-wit: Beginning at a' point which is Five (5) rods West from the Northeast Corner of Lot Two (2)in Block Nineteen (19) of Alton Townsite and running thence West Five (5) rods; thence South Ten (10) rods; thence East Five (5) rods; thence North Ten (10) rods to the place of beginning, together with improvements and water-rights. Homestead rights waived and released by grantor both in body and acknowledgment. Acknowledgment is according to Wyoming Statutory form. TOGETHER WITH all improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights -of-way of record or in sight or use. 3. That ELNO JUNIOR STEED died on the 17TH day of August, 2000, in Afton, State of Wyoming, and thereupon, the cedificate of his death was duly filed with the State of Wyoming and made a matter of record in said office, and a certified copy of said certificate is attached hereto and made a part of this affidavit. 4. That upon the death of ELNO JUNIOR STEED, as aforesaid, the joint tenancy created by the aforesaid deeds were terminated, and JUNE STEED, n/Ida, JUNE BRADLEY, surviving ex-wife, became vested with all of his right, title and estate in the above property. DATED this 2.~0 day of October, 2003. U~'~N-E STEED, n/k/~, zi'UNi~RADLEY ~ suBsCRIBED AND SWORN to before me by JUNE STEED, n/k/a, JUNE BRADLEY this :Z 3 eo day of October, 2003. JOHN it. 6U#DMEYER NOTARY ~BUC-OREGON ' COMMISSION ~. ~77 L 4, yOTARY PUBLIc ~ O~o,~;[:~,. ,' ;' ;;::': 'Th s s a true and exact reproduct on of the documefit, on'file in '-'" .?. ,."t,~ .~';r. r .' ': . . , .,~ ..... ,**,,,¢,.,. the office of Vital Records Servces,Che enne W omln ' ~'* .' ":'."i,"~Y..' . .' '- Y ' Y '~ g' Date ssued: APR I 0 ~03 ~- .: _;DepUty.'S.~ate .Re~istYa.r :.,.-'"--'~,~, ..... . :,',?: .::.,..:;,..,; ...... is not valid unless it bearsa ~aised Seal akd is. E~dd~ed on ;-~_.. .'L':-5 -' ' ~.-~_:~' :-%.~ ~: - _ , 2000 · MARCH .23, 1929 8Z WES~-FOU'~;f~.,A~g:--~''-=; AFTON LINCOLN ~ ~ ~ ~' YES FOREMAN ~ ~ ~T ~ ,~. ~o o,.u~a ~ · AIRC~FT FABRICATION k~OMING LINCOLN AFTON 62 WEST FOURTH AVE. F~NKLiN STEED PEARL LEHMBERU ;;.t0'920,;'209 ¢.~ SPANAWAY WASHINGTON 98387 AFTON CEMETERY , SCHWAB .MGRTUARY ~4 ~AST'FOURTIi ZVE'. llO ~OSPITA~ ~E AFTO~ ~YO~I~6 83110 '' /4 897 d secudty paper. STATE OF WYOMING - ~ DEPARTMENT OF HEA. LTH ,oo~-,~'~'%-_-.~-:':~-s.: '/~ CERTIFICATE OF DEATH - .ELN . -:-STEED =~. _ 520-28-489 lj.?_ ]-?~<?.~.d- 'i,-~:~ ~' 71