HomeMy WebLinkAbout896688 REOEIVED 5'~C°¢R~'"~6~~ RELEASE OF LIEN LINCOLN COUNTy OLE.R/( 896688 The undersigned, SURVEYOR SCHERBEL, LTD, on Decern~'Sr]'~'rf~ 2'00~,: 0 filed in Book 543, Page 631, in the official records of the Lincoln L,ncoln County, State of Wyoming a certain Lien filed against the property: "SEE ATTACHED "EXHIBIT B," AS DESCRIBED ON THAT TRACT OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING, IN BOOK 524 OF PHOTOSTATIC RECORDS ON PAGE 500, EXCEPTING THOSE TRACTS OF RECORD IN SAtD OFFICE IN BOOK 537 OF PHOTOSTATIC RECORDS ON PAGE 663 AND IN BOOK 538 OF PHOTOSTATIC RECORDS ON PAGE 157. The name and address of the person against whose property the Lien was filed is ROBERT REX MEIKLE of 1462 Blue Jay Road, Eagle, Idaho 83616~ 'SURVEYOR SCHERBEL, LTD, now hereby certifies that the Lien, dated December 11th, 2003 and recorded in Book 543, on Page 631 of the official records of the Lincoln County Clerk in and for the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming,. together With the debt secured by the Lien, has been fully paid, satisfied, released, and discharged, and the above-referenced 'real property is thereby released from the Lien. Accordingly, the Lincoln County Clerk for the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming is hereby authorized to discharge the lien of record, filed in Book 543, on Page 631 of the official records of the Lincoln County Clerk for and in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming.. DATED this 13th day of JanuarY, 2004. SU RV/E~O~H ERBEI~/~T~ /'// /M/C(RLOWE S/CFI'LC~BEL, ~/~ice Pres~,e-fit Page 1 of 2 STATE OF WYOMING ) ss COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) On this ~.r~ day of January, 2004 before me,personally appeared MARLOWE SCHERBEL, by me first duly sworn, who did say that he is the Vice President of SURVEYOR SCHERBEL, LTD and said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said SURVEYOR SCHERBEL, LTD as Vice President of SURVEYOR SCHERBEL, LTD and MARLOWE SCHERBEL acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said business in acknowledging the foregoing Lien Statement. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC Page 2 of 2 04018~7~ REOEIVED {-IN¢)LN COUNTY OLERK ,,^aa 3 WARRANTY 7I3EED ROBERT R. MEIKLE. aka ROBERT R~X HESKLE and CONNIE ME/; Grantors of Alpine, COUnl:¥ of Lincoln, State o Wyoming,' hereby CONVEY and WARRJ~NT TO: ROBERT R. ~E~KLE and Ji~4IS S~ MEIKL~ as custodial~s for ~ASSiE SUE under the ~Ygming Uniform ' Transfers ~o Minors Act grantees of PO Bo~ 357~, Alpine, WY 83128 for the sul~ of Ten Dollars and Other good and valuable co Lon ANNE WAGNER ~he following described 'tra hereby relea.[~in~ a]..~ ..... ct Of land in Lincoln County, = ,u waiving all rights Under and by virt exemption laws of the State, Ko-wit: SER ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" tare of Wyo~nin9' of the homestead Subject to reservations and restrictions cOntained in -he United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or i;] use T°9~ther with all imprOVements arid appurtenances thereon. WITNEss, the hand of said graritors, this 7th day of Octob, r, A.D. 2003 STATE OF Wyoming :ss County of Teto]] On the 7th day of October, A.D. 2~03, personally ap Rober~ R. Meikle., aka Robe~:~ Rex Meikle and Connie identified to me to be the per~ons who~ names are aubscri instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the eared before, hie, leikle, known or )ed to the wi thim aaltl~, LAND TITLE COMPANY l'z:~b 3~77322q23 FIRST BANK ADVISORS ~A~"- Ui 04018~77 ~ 9 ~ ~IBIT' "A" FROM ROBERT I~X MKT_KL~ Tlmt p~rt of~ SB¼ ufSec~n 9, T36N R119W, ~eo~ Co~, ' b~8 p~ of · ~c: S89*-46'-52'~, 62335 f¢:t, ~o~ th, sou~ fi~ (5~) f~m ~ast~ly ,~et ~ tu ~ ng~t (s~ly) b~ of~ Salt ~'v~; N68~'~2'-38"~, 57.56 fo~ ~ a'pusi~on; ~c~ASS~O m ma of 10.87 n~s, mom or 1 T~t ~s abow ~b~d '~1~ (~0) fo~t *~t~ly u~a Uno lo ~e z ~t (~t~ly) b~ of tim Salt ~v~' m m ind~m Uno ~te~ tu ~How ~ me~e :dfluetu~ions of asid ~1~Iy b~; ~ abov~ cours~ ufs~d offset ~ ~ appm~mafim, only f~r ~e p~oso of fleto~n8 ~pmximato bound; ~age ~d do no~ nor ~ ~ hlt~d~ to, es~ a ~od TOGB~ ~th a ~t o~ ~r~s ~d e~ess ~d (~0) foo~ s~p ~d ~ ~u c~l~]in~ doscgbod as ~llows: COB~~ at ~o interco~ of the sou~ ~s of ~c ~cN~l Poww PI~I Co~ ~ No. 12-104 ~ th~ ~t 1~o ofs~d ~E~, S00o-i 4'~2"W, 2P7.22 feet ~m ~s no~o~t c~ ofs~d SEg; ~SS-I 9819-££/.-/.0~ ':?;;:' ?' ' ,(U e dmo,,?, ;111 1fl/86/2003 12:2fi 30773224~ · FIRDF ~ M)VIgORS FOR 04018577 EXHIBIT "A" Con 2 9 5 PA~'E 82 L~ ~cor~ce wkh d~ on pago 497;' of Section 9, ~Iod in tho Office of r', wit~ aPpra~'jato or two (2) 518" x SCFfRR~EL ROBERT R~X TRACT FOR, 19W L~COLN each '%ornW' found as d~s~bed in th~ Comer Rocord filed or m bo the Clerk ofLl_n, voJn Couuty~ . . . ,-~-~ooK524 of Pha~~x thence ,outhw~t~ly, 226.86 foe~. akm. g the ars ofs~d af24"45'40', ~:a:x~ af524.58, fe~ ~d a ch~l b. ~o, aou~wom~ly. 184,2~ ~, ~o~ ~o ~ or'id o~vc t of 36%1g'42,, ~ a r~ ~ 290:53 ~ ~ 181.14 ~. ~ a ~g a[ ~ ~d o~a~d ou~ I · en~c S29"~'-35,~, 174.78 ~el ~o a ~p~; · " , -o.'ta ~ ~ a ~ on.~e north ~n. c ~ abovc ~$~O ~to t~ ~'~ ~r h~zs, ~,~ ~a~, . · ~ .. , , ~,~.. m= ~ly ~ [30) f~ of~. ~bove zrough a contr&l angle ~'ing S12o_28,_02,,W, loR; ·ring S06"41 '-3 I'qV, of a eirgular curve to 04018577 !~0o:<__~3~ ~n'Vr'~. ! 5 7 .. ~96 RECEIVBD WARRANTY DEEDo3o :. - 2:3s ,89[ Z87' - ~ODRRT ~. HRIKLE a~ ROBERT R~× ~EIKLR and cONNIE MEIKISR; 'husband and Grantors of Alpine, County of Lincoln , State of Wyoming, hereby CONVEY and WARRANT TO: ROBERT R. MEIKLE and JAMIE S. MEIKLE, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties Grantees of iPO Box 3576, Alpine, WY 83128 for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration ........ the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and' appurtenances thereon. WITNEgS, the hand of said grantors, this 7th day of October, A.D. 2003 Robert R. Meikle, aka Robert Rex Meikle Connie Meikle · STATE OF Wyoming , :SS . County of Teton On the 7th day of October, A.D. 2003, personally appeared before me, Robert R. Meikle, aka Robert Rex Meikle and Connie Meikle, known or identified to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. LAND TITLE COMPANY eh't: DESCRIPTION I~OR 307 1t85 gBogj : 0ct-8-03 i .! To-wit: -. I ur.~uun l U[ '13 ' , Of that tra~t of record la ,~.. r~,~_ 6~.. All .9w, Lincoln County ,m~ . . . .,-,-,.,,.,~m~ on pag~ 500,. d ..~crlh~l as fotlow~- -muuln County in Book 524p of · .' . BEGINNING at a p°dtim an th! ~oath ' ' · CountyRoad No. 9._~ o-,~o --, _ . nght.-of, wa S~SW¼; 1_ :,._,, ot,~ -~-22"B, 1048.85 dt line of the MoNeel Power Plant fi:om the m3rthwest comer of s~dd thmoe $ 00%$7,,21 "E, 116.29 feet, '~o left; , a position ht the beginning ofa'ciroular curve to the ihene,' $outhea~trxly 174.11 fe~t, th~uv~ a ' ' · 200,00 feet md a chord bearing ~$~,, c~t~al_~_ glo of 49°52'48.,, havin,, a ,.,,a....- un, e, ' I ., 168 67 f~ct. to the, mdpos:tinn of said thcn,e 850o.50,.09,,E, 377.72 right; thence :;outheast~rly 7531 feet, thai I :O1PU; Page 2 J_ 200.00 £cct and a chord heatLOg ~40o.02,.56,,B0 74.86 feet, to the end poait/on of sam cnrvc; ., thence N60"-44'-17,,~, -'10.00 fool t~ a podtkm; th~ce NBgO_lg,q 0"E, 595.56 feet,.~o a Petition:of the w~t~rly right,-.of-way ]ina of U.S. HighwaY 89; thenoe N04%11'-24"W', 154.29 fee,.ia, . 89, to a point ~n a fmc¢ line wlU~lh ia aeo,,pted to b~ *~-, ~. .... · J o mu?. -mgnway record in said Offio, in Book 481 o?Photosta~.Record~~''' -o,maary lino et that tra~t of : . on pag~ 263; thence coming sa/d fence line: 889*q 7" l l"W, 354.$T feet, to ~ point at a f~ee eorner; ' NOO%20'-OO"W 395.4fi feet, to:~ poim on th'e muth fight-of-way lia~ ofaa~d County Road No. 12-I04; the~ce NSP°-23'-04"W, 670.31 feet, long'~aid '~outh fight-of-way line, to tt~ POSITION OF BEGINNING;. the BASE BEARING for thio survi~, i$ tho w¢$i Iine of the SW% of Section 10, T36N R119W, being N00%04'42"E; each "eom~r,,fotmd m; described in lhe C~mex.l~ord filed or to bo filed in tho Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; 'i .each ~omt marked b,, a 5/8" X :~4" eieel mfifforeing rod ' SCI-LERBEL LTD BiG ,, ' m- "SURVEYOR, PINEy WY~Ls 5368", With appropriate d~.dls; ] at. the beginning ofa cin:ular curve to tho centdI angle or21o34,26., having a radiu~ of EO-IZ-^OX 0/~018577 3O7 885 9809; Cont: BIT 'A i Oot-8-O~ l:02P~; DESCRIPTION FOR ROBERT RILEy MEIKLE AN~ j i . ' ' MORTGAGE TRACT PAGE TWo ' j ON each '~osition" is a c~cEated posi~og Page 3/,~ 298 98 I9-££ 1-~.0{~ Xuedu~o3 S ll Ii PUel-~OMJ ........... ...-' EO'IZ-AON Recorded at the request of.. and after recording return to: 890951 299 ;43 RECEIVEO LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 03 ~ !!-~ 1 9 ~I~ II .' 5 t, Robert R, Meikle 1462 Blue Jay Place Eagle, Idaho 83616 BOO--PR FAOE--~-~ SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED is made the /.~ day of June 2003 by F. MICHAEL KIBBLE and CARLA S. KIBBIE, husband-and wife, whose address is 1111 South 3200 West, Salt Lake~ City, Utah 84104, the "GRANTORS/' in favor of ROBERT R. MEIK1,E, whosc address is 1462 Blue Jay Place, Eagle, Idaho 83616, the "GRANTEE." For and' in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARs ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledgedi Grantors do hereby grant, bargain, convey and warrant .unto Grantee, against all claiming by, through or under Grantors, all that certain tract, lot, piece, and parcel of land (the "Property") situated in the County of LLucoln, State of Wyoming, and described as follows: [A tract] that [is] part of the E~SE¼ of Section 9 and the SW¼ of Section 10, T36N, RI 19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to more correctly describe that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 397 of Photostatic Records on pages 836 identical with that tract of record in said Office in Book 398 of Photoslatjc Records on pages 179, as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast comer of said Section 9; thence S89°-46'-52"W, 754.35 feet, along the south line of said Section 9 to a point on a fifty (50) foot easterly offset line to the right (easterly) bank of the Salt River; thence coursing said easterly offset line as follows: N68°-32'-38"E, 57.56 feet, to a position; N13°-58'-39"E, 141.78 feet, to a position; N06°-57'-4g"W, 199.64 feet, to a position; N15°-54'-44"W, 129.66 feet, to a position; pFC N27°-42'-Ig"w, 7.07 feet, to a position; N53°-50'-15"E, N59°-44'-25"E, NI 7°-21 '-4T'E, N34°- 14'-35"E, N23°-42'.59"E, N29°-44'.34"E, N32°-53 '- 14"E, NI 7°-08'-04"E, N06°48'-30"W, N11 °-28'-20"W, N18°-I4'-22"W, N35°-27'-58"W,~ N52°-03'-35"W, 94.74 feet, to a position; 71.40 feet, to a position; 91.35 feet, to a position; 349.61 feet, to a position; 165.71 feet, to a position; 177.1.9 feet, to a position; 153.88 feet, to a position; 155.76 feet, to a position; 133.54 feet, to a position; 240.07 feet, to a position; 233.58 feet, to a position; 104.65 feet, to a position; 215.81 feet, to a position; 300 thence N54o-15'-03"W, 39.77 feet, to a point on file south fight-of-way line of the McNeel Power Plant County Road No. 12-104, and leav[ing] said easterly offset line; thence S89°-23'-04"E, 486.56 feet, along said south right-of-way line, to a point on the east litte of said Section 9; thence continuing S89°-23'.04"E, 1673.38 feet, along said soulh right-of- way line to a point on a fence line wlfich is accepted to be the boundary line of flint tract of record in said Office in Book 481 of Photostatic Records on page 263; thence coursing said fence line as tbllows: S00°~20'-01"E, 385.46 feet, to a point at a fence comer; N89°47'-I I"E, 354.57 feet, to a point on the westerly right-of-way line of U.S. 14ighway 89, and leave said fence; 50I Kibble t~ Meikle gY~cml Watt.my Deed C'onstsrt~g of Four (4~ l°age~r f345 thence 804°-I 1 '-25"E; 1927.46 feet. along said westerly right-ul:way line. to a point on tile south line ofsald Section 10: therme 888°£55'-20"W. 2174,51 feet. along said south line to the coRNER OF BEGINNING; . 502 301 [PROVIDED. HOWEVER.] that the above described "fifty.' . easterly offset line to the right (easterly) bank ol' the ,";alt River" is an indefinite line intended to follow the meanders/fluctualions of said easterly bank; the above courses of said offset line are approximations only and do not. nor arc they intended to. establish a fi.xed bour~dary) the BASE BE'ARING £or [tile ku'egoing description] is the east line of thc SE'A nf Section 9, T36N. R Il 9W. being N00°-O4'-d2"[i: allin accordance with tile plat prepared to be filed in tile Office of the Clerk of Lincoln C°uoty titled. ';PLA'F OF SURVEY FOR F. MICHAEL KIBBLE AND CARLA S. KIBBLE OF' 1RAC'T Wi'I'}IlN TIlE SECTION 9SW¼ SECTION 1(} 'r36N RI 19W LINCOI.N COUNTY. WYOMING';, dated 25 .lanuar)' 2003. as revised. [The following data is for information only and does not limit in any way the foregoing legal description: each "comer" found as described in the Corner Record filed or to 'be filed in the Office of thc Clerk of l,incoln Cotully; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2': aluminum cap inscribed. "SURVEYOR SCI.IERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368". with appropriate details: each "position" is a calculated position with no monument set or found.] TOGETHER WITH aBy and all improvements, easements, tenements. hereditamcms and appurtenances tl~ereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and any reversion, reminder, rents, issue, and profits thereof: SUBJECT TO: (I)reservations. restrictions, matters, rights of way and easements of' record, of sigl!t or visiml or in use, includinE., without limitation, a separate easement fi'om Grantor to Iii Line Equipment Company alonk2 the southerl_v 30 feet of Property that was recorded on or about the date of this deed: (2) the chank2ing nature of the west boutldary line of the Property. Which. is calculated as a 50 loot offset to the meander line of tile Salt Rivet-: and (3) the current year's real property taxes and assessments: h'ihhie t ~ ,I I¢ikh. O{~ed ¢ 'o..gisti.g of l:'our Id]/'cOif ~' U~U~51 503 RELEASING AND WAliNG ali ~ts ~der ~d by v~e of~e homeste~ excretion laws of~e s~te of Wyoming. mT~SS ~eir h~dS tiffs :1~. day of $~e 2003. ' 3 0 2 ,/ir. MICHAEL KIBBLE c a's · KIBBLE STATE OF ~r~ ) COUNTY OF -"'~JV L~ ~ ) ) SS, The foregoing Special Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me this day of Jtme 2003 by F. Michael Kibble. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: CYo ].:"~- / D(,> tarY Ipubli6" STATE OF q ~D.~l~ ) COUNTY OF _~z~ I~ (~P--~ ) SS. o UT~U The foregoing SPecial Warranty 'Deed was acknowledged before me this day of June 2003 by Carla S. Kibble. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Pd4'lXD\6253-O03.d~e $1~cial WarranO, D~ed ConMsting of Fmtr (t} £ag~s