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BOOK. t3 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN RECEIVED CERTIFI(?&T_E OF'SALE /¢ ,~/ RECEIVED 'LINCOLN COUNTy CLERK 014 PH 12:3 2 ...... r:,:.,~. I, Steve Dtllree ., Sheriff of LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming, do hereby certify that I have sold at public auction according to the statutes, on August 14, 2003, the 'following described real property located in LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming: Part of Lot 2 of Block 17 of the Townsite orAtion, Lincoln County, WYoming, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point 10 rods South of the Norwest comer of said Lot 2 and running thence South 4 rods; thence East 10 rods; thence North 4 rods; thence West 10 rods to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. ALSO Part of Lot 2 of Block 17 of the Townsite of Alton, Lincoln CoUnty, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest Comer of said Lot 2 and running thence South 10 rods; thence East 6 2/3 rods; thence North 10 rods; thence West 6 2/3 rods to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Under a power of sale contained in the mortgage and as provided for under SectiOns 34-4-104 and 34-4-105, Wyoming Statutes (2003), the undersigned was directed to receive the sumof$ 806~'463.00 . The name of the Purchaser was Western United Life Assurance Com,p~H~ the amount of the sale was $ 806,463.00 Such purchaser was the highest bidder at the sale and the sum of $806. 463.00 was the whole price paid for such property. The purchaser is entitled to a deed for the proPerty at the expiration of the statutory period of redemption unless property is redeemed prior to that date. Dated this 15th dayof .De. eembq'Fm , ^ ,2003. ~3~,~ff2_~, Sheriff By Steve Dillree Title: DEpul;y Sheriff STATE' OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befOre me by this 15th day of December ,2003. Witness my hand and notarial seal. My Commission Expires: Steve Dtllrmo POA#: 1569 LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY Western United Life Assurance Company (hereinafter ,:ailed "Prior Servicer") hereby appoints Ocwen Federal Bank FSB (hereinafter called "Ocwen"),' as its true and lawful attorney-in-fact to act in the name, place and stead of Prior Servicer for the purposes set forth below. The said attorneys-in-fact, and each of them, are he[eby authorized, and empowered, as follows: 1. To execute, acknowledge, seal and deliver deed of trusffmortgage note endorsements, lost note affidavits, assignments of deed of trusffmortgage and other recorded documents, satisfactions/releases/reconveyances of deed of trust/mortgage, subordinations and modifications, tax authority notifications and declarations, deeds, bills of sale, and other instruments of sale, conveyance, and transfer, appropriately completed, with all ordinary or necessary endorsements, acknowledgments, affidavits, and supporting documents as may be necessary or appropriate to effect its execution, delivery, conyeyance, recordation or filing. 2. To execute and deliver insurance filings and claims, affidavits of debt, substitutions of trustee, substitutions of counsel, non-militah-y affidavits, notices ofrecission, ibreclosure deeds, transfer tax aifidavits, affidavits of merit, verifications of complaints, notices to quit, bankruptcy declarations for the purpose of filing motions to lift stays, and other documents or notice filings on behalf of Prior Servicer }n connection with insfirance, foreclosure, bankruptcy and eviction actions. 3. To endorse any checks or other instruments received by Ocwen and made payable to Prior Servicer. 4. To pursue any deficiency, debt or other obligation, secured or unsecured, including but not limited to those arising from foreclosure or other sale, promissory note or check. This power also authorizes Ocxven to collect, negotiate or otherwise settle any deficiency claim, including interest and attorney's fees. 5. To do any other act or complete any other document that arises in the normal course of servicing Dated: August 13,2001. Witness: Name: Reuei S~,anson Title: Secretary'" State of Washington), County of Spokane) BEFORE ME, Arlene Brims, a Notary .Public in and for the jurisdiction aforesaid, on this 13th day of August, 2001, personally appeared Reuel Swanson who resides at Spokane, Washington and who is personally known to me (or sufficiently proven) to be the SecretaD, of Western United Life Assurance Company and the person who executed the foregoing instrument by virtue of the authority vested in him and he did acknowledge the signing of the foregoing instrument to be his free and voluntary act and deed as Secretary for the uses, purposes and consideration therein set forth. Witness my hand and official seal this 13th day of August, 2001. My.Q'bmmission Expires: 02/19/03 NOTAR~ t ,~lvir NOTARY PUBLIC / STATE OF WASHINGTON ARLENE BURNS My Appointment Expires Feb. 19, 2003 AFFIDAVIT 463 177 STATE OF FLORIDA _) )SS. cOUNTY OF PALM BEACH) Edward R. Campbell a Commercial Asset Manager of 1. That ENTERPRISES, INC. was given as security. OCWEN FEDERAL BANK, as Agent and Servicer tbr WESTERN UNITED LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, after having been duly sworn upon his/her oath, deposes and says: SPEEDY TURTLE PETROLEUM, INC. and SEVEN C have defaulted in payment of the mortgage note for which said mortgage 2. That no suit or prOceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secm-ed by the mortgage. 3. That the mortgage containing the poxver of sale has been recorded in UINTA County, Wyomingin Book 787 , Page 399 4. That written notice of intent to foreclose by advertisement and sale has been served on the record owner by certified fnail, return receipt requested, mailed to the last known address ten (10) days before the commencement of publication of Notice of Sale. Dated this / .06Y/~day of June , 200 3 OCWEN FEDERAL BANK FSB~,, as Agent and Servicer TITLE (5omme/cial'Asset Ma~age"~ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this My commission expires: day of__ June.,2003. '78 STATE OF WYOMING COLtNTY OF NATRONA AFFIDAVIT !78 464 JAMES R. BELL, foreclosing attorney for WESTERN UNITED LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, a Washington corporation~ after having been duly sworn npon his oath.deposes and says: 1. Written Notice of Intent to Foreclose xvas mailed to each owner of record at his or her last lmown address, in separate envelopes, by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least ten (10) days before the commencement of publication of the Notice of Sale as follows: 2. The date of mailing of the Notice of Intent to Foreclose was June 16, 2003. 3. A duplicate of this Affidavit has been filed with the Sheriff of LINCOLN County. Dated this 11th day of August, 2003. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 lth day of August, 2003, by JAMES R. BELL. Notary Public AFFIDAVIT STATE OF WYOMING ) COUNTY OF NATRONA ) JAMES R. BELL, as foreclosing attorney for WESTERN UNITED LIFE ASSUIL~NCE COMPANY, a Washington corporation, after having been duly sworn upon his oath deposes and says: That there is no agreement between himself and any other person for any sharing or division of fee and the fee added to the debt is only as compensation for services actually performed in the foreclosure proceeding and that he is an attorney admitted to practice in the State of Wyoming and that he resides in Wyoming. Dated this 11th day of August, 2003. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 lth day of August, 2003, by JAMES R. BELL. Notary Public I DAN DOCKSTADER, Manaeine Editor of the Star Valley Independent, published weekly at Ai~on, Lincoln County, Wyoming, do solemnly swear that the notice, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published weekly in thc regular and entire issuer~, f said he. paper, and not m any supplement thereof, for "~t_t f' consecutive issues, commencing with the issue date /~ ) DV~ ~ O 2003, and ending with issue dated ~')ffo I/f 2003. Subscribed and sworn in l~fore me this '~ [ day of .~..~ 2003. ~ ~ *'~ '~:~ ,>' Notary. Public My c6nankgiun expires October, 15, 2008 -West.10 rods to-the'place of .... .: .... - ,. beginning..'Also Part of-Lot 2 Annotated, ~ed~i}m~71'3~54}10~ II "at me NorthWest comer'of said and 34;4i 165, 20dg:i:,.'[h:~'; ~i18';~} ~? I~ot ~2 and running thence SOuth tain ,.~o'~tgag~' d~e~ 2~c~e{ ~.~': .10 rbd;;{hence East 6 2/3 rods, corporauon:; :. 'x¥!or~[gag0r[sj;< ¢ ' ' d Life AssUrance Lincoln, .State of Wyoming, at · · ' · ~ .... '"'ed 10.00 a m .o clock on December Company,·'and.-,wrncn:;.was:.n~ ..... ~._9non _ Rn~dv' ' ' - ' Recorde2 of:Dee·ds·, :.Lincoln,, .. C°nU. ~ta~. S~re, ~°0f-0~:~;~~' .Tnt~rnprise~n~nc.'] .Sae~ominCg Ja' ' Y ,7: "!:'"~' '':: ;'re ' c°rP6ra[i0n'have defaulted in 508PR, Page 680[ wm ne-'m · -" - "la"~o the~hi~he~[ '.the terms'of the note and mort- ctosed Dy asa .' ' . .- bidd~ at'a:rub!ic aaeti°n ofthe - ~a~ ems ;~,2 ~; 7 oU. ~8~;rr~;a~ premisesdesc~ibed pui~gU~ir&t° -and interest due on the mort- a power of ~aie'~e0hrained in%h mortgage..<. Th~.} premises the · gage,-plus interest on the are described;in'th~:m°rtgag ~.~unpaid balance to the date of ..... ws 'Part ofL0t.2 6f sale':at 23% ;plus..;reasonab!e are. as...~o)ro . ::7 2 '%z.2 attorney's fees and expenses· of Y .... . g - - ' :':' '-44'~-" "'n- ;Federal Bank·- FSB,.. as ,Agent deg~ribedras'follows::~Deg!nm g ' '' .... ' "' ' orth 4 roa~;¢7:~hence~?Maurane'&'B°st~ck'LLC i80 466 201 NorthWolco~t -.: ..... Casper,-WY~ 82601 Publish':~No~ .20 ',:~26 and Dec. 4 & 11, 2003. {j~.~'-~'~q~ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE '~ 467 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Wyoming Statutes, Annotated, Sections 34-4-104 and 34-4-105, 2003, that a certain mortgage dated December 30, 2002, which was executed and delivered by SPEEDY TURTLE PETROLEUM, INC., a Utah corporation and SEVEN C ENTERPRISES, 1NC., a Wyoming corporation, Mortgagor(s), to WESTERN UNITED L~E ASSURANCE COMPANY, and which was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds, LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming, on January 2, 2003, in Book 508PR, Page 680, will be foreclosed by a sale to the highest bidder at a public auction of the premises described pursuant to a power of sale Contained in the mortgage. The premises that are described in the mortgage are as follows: Part of Lot 2 of Block 17 of the Townsite of Alton, LincOln County, Wyoming, more.particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point 10 rods South of the Norwest comer of Said Lot 2 and running thence South 4 rods; thence East 10 rods; thence North 4 rods; thence West 10 rods to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. ' ALSO Part of Lot 2 of Block 17 of the Townsite of Alton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest comer of said Lot 2 and running thence South 10 rods; thence East 6 2/3 rods; thence North 10 rods; thence West 6 2/3 rods to the POINT OF BEGINNING. The above sale will be conducted by the Sheriff or the Sheriff's deputy at the front door of the Courthouse in the City of KEMMERER, County of LINCOLN, State of Wyoming, at 10:00 a.m. o'clock on December 15, 2003. SPEEDY TURTLE PETROLEUM, INC., a Utah corporation, and SEVEN C ENTERPRISES, INC., a Wyoming corporation have defaulted in the terms of the note and mortgage and the undersigned claims $15,110,970.88 principal and interest due on the mortgage, plus interest on the unpaid balance to the date of sale at 23 %, plus reasonable attorney's fees and expenses of sale. DATED this 13th day of November, 2003. Publish: November 20, 2003 November 27, 2003 December 4, 2003 December 11, 2003 OCWEN FEDERAL BANK FSB, as Agent and Servicer for WESTERN UNITED LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY By: MURANE & BOSTWICK, LLC 201 North Wolcott Casper, WY 82601 (307) 234-9345 (307) 237-5110 (fax) Foreclosing Attorney I D~ DOCKST~E~ M~ E~tor of$6 St~ V~ publish~ w~My at ~on, Lb~ Co.W, Wyo~g, do sol~y swe~ · at ~e noti~, a,co~ of w~ch is h~eto attache, w~ published w~y ~ tim reg~ ~d ~e iss~o of said newspa~r, ~d not ~ ~ suppl~t ther~f, for d(/~ ~ co~utive issues, en~g with issue dat~" dUc~/~ 2003. : . . "d,"l;It;'.. .~ r Subs~,¢~] ~ ~ before'me ~s [~c, day of · .,~. x~'~ ,... ,-/', .¢ . .~,,:,.*:g~?~ ',.:,. ~,, 2003. ' '. x%*;;~ ~ E10 ~' ?:4':;'., .... ~ot~ --t. f/, ~¢"" "; '"" i;7' My ~mm~ssl~..ex res October, 15, 2008 . ~o (2o¢'); .6riCnMiy Sched~e~ i4, 2003 '¢6ned until ~6~;mbe~ i2, 2003;;sSP~e~Se;.~ 2:6, 2003 and :0c~o.,~iz20~3~{ o~ ::thai dor~ain&Co~mercial~ -Mortgage, ~dated:/~c~b~3~ · 2002,; WMch ~ Pe't¢oleum, "in~ ~?::~':~t~ c6~Pbi} {~ation; Mortgag0~'/~t~ Weste~: t~unit~d Lib AssUrance'com~afi~ :'. Deeds,-L~coln Au~st-:7?2i';. 28/Sep~bmber(18;3 ,. ., · ._. '200~ and October 2, 200~5 has ~ Sheriff or the 8heriffTs deputy · at the front door of the court- . house, in the City of Kemmerer;'i County of Lincolfii'St'ate 6f~' Wy0ming,. at '10:00 a.m. ~ on October 17, 2003. Dated.. thik ~ti4~daY or O'ct0beb~.' · OcWen Pede~at Ba~k' agent and Servicer for 08967:34 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF FORECLOSURE. SALE 183 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENpursuant to Wyoming Statutes Annotated, Sections 34-4-109, (2001), that foreclosure sale originally scheduled for August 14, 2003 and previously postponed until August 29, 2003, September 12, 2003, September 26, 2003 and October 17, 2003, of that certain Commercial Mortgage dated Deoember 30, 2002, which was executed and delivered by Seven C Enterprises, Inc., a Wyoming corporation, and Speedy Turtle Petroleum, Inc., a Utah corporation, Mortgagors, to Western United Life Assurance Company and which was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on January 2, 2003, in Book 508PR, · Page 680, notice of which has been previously published on July 17, 24, 31, August 7, 21, 28, September 18, 2003 and October 2, 2003, has been canceled. The postponed sale xvill be conducted by the Sheriffor the Sheriff'.s deputy at the front door of the Courthouse, in the City of Kemmerer, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, at 10:00 a.m. on October 17, 2003. DATED this 13th day of October, 2003. OCWEN FEDERAL BANK FSB, as Agent and Servicer for WESTERN UNITED LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY By: ~ Jaq~ R. Bel'l MURANE & BOSTWICK, LLC 201 North Wolcott Casper, WY 82601 (307) 234-9345 (307) 237-5110 (fax) Foreclosing Attorney Publish: October 16, 2003 I DAN DOCKSTADER, Managing Editor of the Star Valley Indep~dent, published weekly at Alton, Lincoln CoUnty, Wyoming, do sol~rnnl? swear that the notice, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published weekly in the regular and en~e.~ue of said newspaper, and not in any supplement thereof, for f(.~2'7_ e_.. consecutive issues, commencing with the issue da~e ~_.f- ~- 2003, and ending with isSUe dated _t~ d_~ _.fi__ 2~. ~ . ---~-~ day of Subscribe'~.~-d'~s.~.om~ before me this ..... :'c.::': 2003. My mmm'i~s~b~ :e~ffkeS Octob~, 15, 2008 Notary Public suant' to'Wyoming Statutes ~nota[ed,' Sections o~i~nally ~sched~ed for:Au~sg_ S~ptember ~'ain .. 'CommerciM~:.: dated ~ De~emb~ 20,:~ :~2902; which~was executed and deliw ~'-'-~:ere~by Seven C Enterprises,' Life:~Assurance Company and w~eB Was .Fried for. reco~d :~ th~ '6ffice:'of m~ R~c0rde~ of Deeds, Lincoln Cowry, .Wy0mingl .on Janu~ 2;'20)3, in: B'6'6i";' 508PR, :Page no[i~e :0f W~'ch'Bas beefi' ously published on July 17}24, 31, Augus[ 7,~[g1,..28, 'and September [:.18t. ¢093, ~has been postponed unh'l be 'C~,~n~ed ,_[h~ :Shehff~s:de~,gty a[ the front . 470 - · - 185 0S96734 471 NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Wyoming Statutes .,Mmotated, Sections 34-4-109, (2001), that foreclosure sale originally scheduled for August 14, 2003 and previously postponed until August 29; 2003, September 12, 2003 and September 26, 2003, of that certain Commercial Mortgage dated December 30, 2002, which was executed and delivered by Seven C Enterprises, Inc., a Wyoming corporation, and Speedy Turtle Petroleum, Inc., a Utah corporation, Mortgagors, to Western United Life Assurance Company and which was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on January 2, 2003, in Book 508PR, Page 680, notice of which has been previously published on July 17, 24, 31, August .7, 21, 28, and September 18, 2003, has been postponed until October 17, 2003. The postponed sale will be conducted by the Sheriffor the Sheriff's deputy at the front door of the Courthouse, in the City of Kemmerer, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, at 10:00 a.m. on October 17, 2003. DATED this 24th day of September, 2003. OCWEN FEDERAL BANK FSB, as Agent and Servicer for WESTERN UNITED LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Jazll~es R. Bell MURANE & BOSTWICK, LLC 201 North Wolcott Casper, WY 82601 (307) 234-9345 (307) 237-5110 (fax) Foreclosing Attorney Publish: October 2, 2003 Sub~b~t~';~_d. s~;~3m in before me tlfis .... .,? . 2003. My con~ssion exp~es October, 15, 2008 I DAN DOCKSTADER, Managing Editor of the Star Valley Independeut, published weekly at Afion, Lincohl Comity, Wyom~g, do solenmly swear that the notice, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published weekly in the regular and entire issue 'of said newspaper, and not hi any supplement thereof, for ~C~0?~7 ~_~ consecutive issues, commencing with the issue dat~.~ ~/e, 7/- ' / ~' 2003, and ending with issue dated, c-~'.~-2 7/ ~ w,,/o~ ~ · / ~ day of Notary Public 1.86 472 NOTICE OF.- :, POSTrO _~r~m~r °r - FORECLOSURE SALE Notice is hereby, given ~pur- suant to Wyoming Stathtes Annotated, Section 34:~/~ 109; _(2001), that foreclosure sale origina!ly scheduled'f0f/~ugUst 14, 2003 and pkevioU'sly post- poned until August 29~ 2003 and September 12, 2003, 0fthat certain Commercial Mortgage dated' Decemb'er 30, 2002, which was executed and deliv- eked by Seven C Enterprises, Inc., .a:-Wyoming corporation, ~dCSpeedy _T3~_.~tle Petroleum,- Inc., a Utah corporation, Mortgagors, ~o Western United Life Assurance Company and which was fried for record in the .office of the Recorder of DeedS, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on JanuarY 2, 2003, ~:in':"~B0ok 508PR, Page -680, ':notice of which hah beeh' ;i'ouSiy: pubii'she&"oh' jdl~'' 1~ ;:; 9.'4, h."as~j,-bee:n i..postponed': uhtil septembgy. 2e, :2003.(.:t Publish Sept. 1~'2003.: NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF FORECLOSURE SALE 473 187 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Wyoming statUtes Annotated, Sections 34-4-109, (2001), that foreclosure sale originally scheduled for August 14, 2003 and previously postponed until August 29, 2003 and September 12, 2003, of that certain Commercial Mortgage dated December 30, 2002, which was executed and delivered by Seven C Enterprises, Inc., a Wyoming corporation, and Speedy Turtle Petroleum, Inc., a Utah corporation, Mortgagors, to Western United Life Assurance Company and which was filed for record in the office of the ReCorder of Deeds, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on January 2, 2003, in Book 508PR, Page 680, notice of which has been previously published on July 17, 24, 31, August 7, 21, and 28, 2003, has been postponed until September 26, 2003. The postp0ned'sale will be conducted by the Sheriffor the Sheriff's deputy at the front door of the Courthouse, in the City of Kemmerer, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, at l 0:00 a.m. on September 26, 2003. DATED this 10th day of September, 2003. OCWEN FEDERAL BANK FSB, as Agent and Servicer for MURANE & BOSTWICK, LLC 201 North Wolcott Casper, WY 82601 (307) 234-9345 (307) 237-5110 (fax) Foreclosing Attorney Publish: September 18, 2003 I DAN DOCKSTADER, Manag/ng Editor of the Star Valley Independent, published weekly at Aflon, Lincoln County, Wyoming, do solemnly swear that the notice, a copy of which is.hereto attached, was publish, ed weekly in the regular and ~ issue o£ said newspaper, and not in any supplement thereof, for (..~/fi7 ~ consecutive issues, commencing with the issue~ate ending with issue dated 2003, and 2003. ~..sym_rma in Ix~ore me this 2003. My 15, 2OO3 Notary Public 188 NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT O~ FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HERBY- G14¥E~I~ pursuant to Wyoming Statutes Annotated, Sections 34-4-109, (2001), that foreclosure sale originally scheduled for August .IA, 2003_ and _prevSo~sl~ post- ':i~oned ~thtil AUguSt' 2~, 2005: 6f that certain commercial Mortgage dated December 30, 2002, which was executed and delivered by Seven C Enterprises, Inc., a Wyoming corporation, and Speedy Turtle Petroleum, Inc., a Utah corpo- rati6n, Mortgagors, to Western ijri~'ed-'' Life Assurance COmpany and which was filed for r~Cord in the office of the Recorder- of' Deeds, .Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on January 2, 2003, in .Book 508PR, Page 680~ notice of which has been previously pub- - -lished~on.-July 17, 24,~3L-and~ -'August. 7, 2003, has b~en'post- poned';.uiitil Septainber 12,' 2003. - ':"' The postponed sale will be con- ducted .by the Sheriff or the ~-~Sheriff's deputy at the 'front door 6t' the. Courth.bq~e, in'the City 'of Kemme~er, County of Lincoln, State Of Wyoming, at 10:00 a.m. on September 12, 2003. . .' _ -~ DATED this :20th day of August, 2003. - OCWEN FEDERAL 'BANK FSB, as Agent and Servicer for WESTERN' UNITED LIFE 'ASSURANCE COMPANY B' -~:~' --'~ ' ..... (307) 237~5iii~ (fax)~ !:;/:;?-:: ]- NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF FORECLOSURE SALE 475 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Wyoming Statutes Aaanotated, Sections 34-4-109, (2001), that foreclosure sale originally scheduled for August 14, 2003 and previously postponed until August 29, 2003, of that certain Commercial Mortgage dated December 30, 2002, which was · executed and delivered by Seven C Enterprises, Inc., a Wyoming corporation, and Speedy Turtle Petroleum, Inc., a Utah corporation, Mortgagors, to Western United Life Assurance Company and which was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on January 2, 2003, in Book 508PR, Page 680, notice of which has been previously published on July 17, 24, 31 and August 7, 2003, has been postponed until September 12, 2003. The postponed sale will be conducted by the Sheriff or the S]~eriff's depaty at the front door of the Courthouse, in the City of Kemmerer, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, at 10:00 a.m. on September 12, 2003. DATED this 20th day of August, 2003. OCWEN FEDERAL BANK FSB, as Agent and Servicer for WESTERN UNITED LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Jam~-s/R. Bell' MURANE & BOSTWICK, LLC 201 North Wolcott Casper, WY 82601 (307) 234-9345 (307) 237-5110 (fax) Foreclosing Attorney Publish: August 28, 2003 I DAN DOCKSTADER, Managing Editor of the Star Vall~ Independent, published weekly at Alton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, do solemnly swear that the notice, a copy of which is hereto attached, was publish, ed weekly in the regular and entire issue of said newspaper, and not in any supplement thereof, for ~"/AgO consecutive issues, commencing with the issue date f) bl Ct ending with issue dated ~U~ ~L~ 21 2003. 2003, and Subscnb .~.' ~a.~d(s.)yom.m before me this .~ .L%.~ :, ~Y'~ZX.~:~.. ~ 2003. ..~. :...'~ .,. ~. :'?...;~/ : · · ~ ~ ',.~' '?:.: ~;;.' -:.. : S; ~ U~ L~C .... ' No~ ~blic ~'"',,..~t~ r~. r ~q~, ' ' My ~mnuSs~k~s. 0ctob~, 15, 2003 NOTIC~ ......... OF F0a { N0gid -::"' -34_4;i09; :~:(~,00D' "that foreclo- sure :~Me::'.:6 fi~hMly: sched~ed 00s of that lain 'CommerCial Mortgage dated_ December g0, ~002, whic~":'.~aS 'executed and deliv- · .' "-": -'-' '"' ':~[er'¢{ses} ? $Ep-32003 day of i90 Inc., a Wyo'fi~ng:'~ori~oi:~ttion, and7 Speedy'. ~hirtle. Petroleum, Inc~; a-" Utah' :gorPo~ation; Mortgago/'s; to Western United Life Assurance. compan3, and which was-fled for reco?d in the '~ffice' 0f,:'the--Recor~le~ of Deeds, Lincoln .County, State of Wyoming, .on January 2, 2003, in ,'B. o0.k. ~.50.8PR,;:~. Pag% ~68.0, notice: of which has been previ- ously, published on July 17, 24, 31 :and August 7; .2.003; has been postponed Until August 29, 2003. The postponed sale will be conducted by the Sheriff or the Sheriff's deputy at the front door of the Courthou§e,' in the City of Kemmerer, County of Lincoln, St&~e~of Wyoming~ at 10:00 a.m. on August 29, 2003. DATED this 14th day of ,August, 2003. OCWEN FEDERAL BANK FSB, as Agent and Servicer for WESTERN UNITED LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY -By:}/S/~. '::'~ ,:.- ..... ., . James .R;~ell ,.: :,.- MURANE.. &.'. BOSTWICK, LLC.':.,:?:~: '.":. ~.:~ ,.,,': .... :." :'..::201 North' W_o.ld0tt :. . . ~:....CasPer,- ~.82691 ~...::.: -.- (307) 234~9345 ..... :':,. .,. (307) 237-5110 (fax) Foreclosing At~0rney Publish:Aug. 21 & 28, 2003. 476 NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF FORECLOSURE SALE 477 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENpursuant to Wyoming Statutes Annotated, Sections 34-4-109, (2001), that foreclosure sale originally scheduled for August 14, 2003 of that certain Commercial Mortgage dated December 30, 2002, which was executed and delivered by Seven C Enterprises, Inc., a Wyoming corporation, and Speedy Turtle Petroleum, Inc., a Utah corporation, Mortgagors, to Western United Life Assurance Company and which was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on January 2, 2003, in Book 508PR, Page 680, notice of which has' been previously published on July 17, 24, 31 and August 7, 2003, has been postponed until August 29, 2003. The postponed sale will be conducted by the Sheriff or the Sheriff's deputy at the front door of the Courthouse, in the City of Kemmerer, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, at 10:00 a.m. on August 29, 2003. DATED this 14th day of August, 2003. OCWEN FEDERAL BANK FSB, as Agent and Servicer for WESTERN UNITED LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY By: j~ MURANE & BOSTWICK, LLC 201 North Wolcott Casper, WY 82601 (307) 234-9345 (307) 237-5110 (fax) Foreclosing Attorney Publish: August 21 and 28, 2003 I DAN DOCKSTADER, Managing Editor of the Star Valley Independent, published weekly at Alton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, do solemnly swear that the notice, a copy of which, is hereto attached, was publish, ed weekly in the regular an~entire issue of said newspaper, and not in any supplement fl~ereof, for i'~©L)tr consecutive issues, commencing~4th thc issue/~late ~L~)y }'~ 2003, and ending wifl~ issue dated /q- bL3 ~ 2003. Subscribed and sworn in before me tlds . i' 2003. My com/~i.,J~'s,io~i'¢xpires October, 15, 2003 day of Notary Public 192 478 089973,i NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Wyoming Statutes, Annotated, Sections 34-4-104 and 34-4-105, 2003, that a certain mortgage dated December 30, 2002, which was executed and delivered by SPEEDY TURTLE PETROLEUM, INC., a Utah corporation and SEVEN C ENTERPRISES, INC., a Wyoming corporation, Mortgagor(s),'to WESTERN UNITED LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, and which was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds, LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming, on January 2, 2003, in Book 508PR, Page 680, will be foreclosed by a sale to the highest bidder at a public auction of the premises described pursuant to a power of sale contained in the mortgage. · The premises that are described in the mortgage are as folloWs: Part of Lot 2 of Block 17 of the Townsite o fAflon, Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point 10 rods SoUth of the Norwest comer of said Lot 2 and running thence South 4 rodsi thence East 10 rods; thence North 4 rods; thence West 10 rods to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. ALSO Part of Lot 2 of Block 17 of the Townsite of Alton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING atthe Northwest comer of said Lot 2 and running thence South 10 rods; thence East 6 2/3 rods; thence North 10 rods; thence West 6 2/3 rods tothe POINT OF BEGINNING. The above sale will be conducted by the Sheriff or the Sheriff's deputy at the front door of the Courthouse in the City of KEMMERER, County of LINCOLN, State of Wyoming, at !0:00 a.m. o'.clock on'August 14 , 2003. SPEEDY TURTLE PETROLEUM, INC., a Utah corporation, and SEVEN C ENTERPRISES, INC., a Wyoming corporation have defaulted in the terms of the note and mortgage and the undersigned claims $15,110,970.88 principal and interest due on the mortgage, plus interest on the unpaid balance to the date of sale at 23 %, plus reasonable attorney's fees and expenses of sale. DATED this 9th day of July ,2003. oCWEN FEDERAL BANK FSB, as Agent and Servicer for WESTERN UNITED LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY By: MURANE & BOSTWICK, LLC 201 North Wolcott Casper, WY 82601 (307) 234-9345 (307) 237-5110 (fax) Foreclosing Attorney Publish: JulY 17, 2003 ....:~..July 24, 2003 ' July'3'l, 2003 August 7, 2003 I94 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO FORECLOSE 480 TO: SPEEDY TURTLE PETROLEUM, INC. SEVEN C ENTERPRISES, INC. Mortgagor(s) SEVEN C ENTERPRISES, INC. Owners of Record (if needed) On December 30, 2002, you executed and delivered to WESTERN UNITED LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, a Washington corporation, as Mortgagee, a mortgage on certain real property described in the mortgage as security for payment of a mortgage note in the amom~t of THIRTEEN MIl,LION SEVEN ITUNDRED SEVENTY-NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED Dollars ($13,779,500.00 )which was executed and deliVered by you on the same day. to WESTERN UNITED LIFE ASSURANCE COMPAN~L a Washington corporation. There has been a material breach of the mOrtgage note which the mortgage was given to secm'e in that payment was not made on February l, 2003 nor on any date after FebruaL-y 1,2003, as required by the tenns of the mortgage note. The amount now due on the mortgage note is $15,t 10,970.88, includh~g principal mhd interest to May 31, 2003., including late charges. The per diem interest is $8,914.84. NOTICE IS GIVEN to you that the mortgagee now considers all of the principal and huterest due, in accordance with the tenns of the mortgage note and the mortgage and will cause the property to be sold at a foreclosure sale of that said real property described in the mortgage by advertisement and salel All information obtained fi'om you will be used in the collection of the debt. If you are on active duty in the armed forces and have been deployed to a fOreign country, please notify this office imn-tediately. Datedthis t]~?¢~4_dayof ~ ,2003 . WESTERN UNITED LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Lend er (.~AM-ES R. BELL Murane & BOstwick, LLC 201 North Wolcott Casper,. WY 82601 (307) 234-9345 (307) 237-5110 (fax) Attorney for Lender