HomeMy WebLinkAbout896811NORTH LINCOLN COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT d.b.a. Star Valley Medical Center Plaintiff, VS. RECEIVED LINCOLN O01JNTY OLERK IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR AND IN .............. ~ .... ,~ .~ THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF ~OMING ) BOOK~ .... P~PaO~ ) TIMOTHY LARIMORE Defendant, Civil No. 11,20- '---¢'~B'cJ~x~°. . ..- JUDGMENT B Y DEFA UL T THIS MATTER having come before this Court by the Motion of the above- captioned Plaintiff; the plaintiff, Star Valley Medical Center, appearing by and through, John D. Bowers, attorney of record; and the defendant Timothy Larimore not appearing either in person or by attorney, or by motion or by any pleading in said action; and it appearing to the Court that the defendant Timothy Larimore has been duly and legally served with the Summons by personal service in this action on June 13, 2003, and that more than twenty days have elapsed since said service; and an Entry of Default has been duly entered herein; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the above captioned defendant, Timothy Larimore, be and is hereby, adjudged to be in default in this action. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the plaintiff, Star Valley Medical Center have and recover from said defendant Timothy Larimore, the principle sum'of $21,328.71, plus $60.00 for court costs and post-judgment interest at the rate of 10 percent per annum, upon which execution may be immediately entered. DATED this ,/// day o 003.~/'/ / /¢'/'-'~E'~N-IS L'. ~;A~N~D'-~SON Disf¢ict Court Judge Bowers Law Office P. ~. Post Office Box 1550 Afton, WYoming 83110-1550 page I of I STATE OF WYOMING '~ ¢. OOLINTY OF LINCOLN ~/ SS. I, Kenneth D. Ro_be~, Olerk ofthe Third Judicial District,~Sflrt v~i,thin and foresaid county and i/~Stat~f°resaid, do hereby'ceAi~ I: to be a full, SIGNED( . ....