HomeMy WebLinkAbout896921 RECEIVED .~. L~.~ PRPAGE ~4 4 LIEN STATEMENT LINCOLN ooUt~,~Ty CLERK (Wyo. Old Faithful Fire Sprinklers, Inc., hereby files a lien statement fdr.~,~and:>~,G~,lER materials provided to Bull Moose Saloon and Jim Blittersdofi, located at 91 US Highway 89, Alpine, WY 83128 for a job with Old Faithful Fire Sprinklers, Inc., and Ga~ Thalin, who is the President, located at P. O. Box 2915, Jackson, WY 83001. ~. Name and address of persons seeking to enforce lien: Old Eaithful Fire Sprinklers, Inc., of 1025 South Hwy 89, P. O. Box 2915, Jackson, WY 83001. 2. Amount clafme~ to be due and owing: For se~ices in the amount of $13,200.00, plus interest at the legal rate and attorney's costs and fees. 3. Name and address of the person against whose property the lien is filed: Bull Moose Saloon located at 91 US Highway 89, P. O. Box 3447, Alpine, WY 83128, Jim Blittersdod, Owner and operator. ' 4. An itemized list setting forth and describing materials delivered or work performed; SEE ATTACHED INvoICffs WHICH ARE MAD~ PART OF THIS DOCUMENT BY R~F~R~NCE AND INCORPORATION, AS "EXHIBIT A." BALANCE DUE: $13,200.00, plus interest and attorney fees and costs. 5. Name of persons against whom the lien claim is being made: Jim Blittersdofi, OWner and operator of Bull MoOse Saloon located at 91 US Highway 89, P. O. Box 3447, Alpine, WY 83128. 6. Date when labor was last pe~ormed or when se~/ces were last rendered, or the date when the project was substantially completed: Date of last invoioe was August 15, 2003. Lein Statement -- Page 1 of 2 01/20/2084 10;4G 3078850641 BOWERS LAW OFFICE PC PAGE 83 845 7. L_e_qalde_$_cr_iption of the premises where the materials wer. e. f_ur. nished, pg,.upon which the work was performed; 601 of the Lakeview Estates, Tract C, located in Alpine, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, as recorded with the official records of the Lincoln County Clerk, in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. A copy of the contract if available: SEE ATTACHED CONTRACT QUOTATION WHICH IS MADE PART OF THIS DOCUMENT BY REFERENCE AND INCORPORATION, AS "EXHIBIT B." DATED this 19th day of January, 2004. NOTARY PUBLIC IDAHO STATE OF COUNTY OF TETON OLD FAITHFUL FIRE SPRINK.~S, INC., Gary Thalin, F~esi~ent On this ~20 day of January, 2004, before me personally appeared GARY THALIN, by me first duly sworn, who did say that he is the President of OLD FAITHFUL FIRE SPRINKLERS, INC., and said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said GARY THALIN, as Presidnet of OLD FAITHFUL FIRE SPRINKLERS, INC., and GARY THALIN acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said business in acknow!edging Witness my hand and official seal. ~)TAR~ PUBLId, ' · My Commission Expires: £ein Statement .- Page 2 of ~ FROM : Old Faithful Fire Sprinklers, ]{nc. PO Box 2915 Jackson, WY 83001-2915 FAX NO. Jun. 04 211112 138: 33PH P5 8,16 Invoice Date Invoice 5/20/'2003 bull-03-O Bill To Bullmooae Saloon P.O.Box 344? Alpine, Wy, 83128 P.O. No. Terms Project N~t 30 Saloon Addition Quantity Description Rate Amount Draw # I For Dc=sign, Submittals, and Rough-In ~nd Rough-in 6,000.00 6,000.00 Materials EXHIBIT NO. _~ Total s6.ooo., FROM : Old Faithl'ul Fire Sprinklers, Inc. PO Box 2915 Jackson, WY 83001-2915 FRX NO. .,Tun. 04 2802 08:~JPM P6 Invoice Dete Invoice # 8/15/2003 bull-03-02 Bill To Bullmoose Saloon P.O. ltox 3447 Alplne, Wy. 83128 P,O. No, Temps Project Net 30 Saloon Addition Quantity Descflption Rate Amount For Completion or System ' '?,200.00 7.200.00-' Total ,7,200.00 FROM 0 FAX NO. : Sun. 04 2002 08:31PH Pi QUOTATION To: Bullmoo~ Saloon - Alpine, Wyoming Attn: ~ M~y2,2003 ~ Fire Sprinkler System We are pleased to submit ou¢ quotation for lh~ Installation of an NFPA 13 w~r amomatic fire sprinkler s-yste, m in the new addkion o fthe Bul[moose Saloon in Alpine, Wyoming for the sum of'. THI KTEEN "IHOU SAN D TWO HUN DRED DOLI_~.RS. $13,200.00, Our work will begin with the installation of a new IkPZ beck'flow preventer on the existing sprinkler main in the basement and will include the fbllowing: I) Design, engineering, blueprints and submittals to d~e State Fire Marshal. 2) New system will cover the first floor, second floor, attic and outside decks and porches of the new addition on the North end of the building and will bc anti-frce,~d to prot, e, ct piping from freezing. 3) All piping will be conceals[ where possible. 4) '1'~ test certificates and a one year guarantee on I~or and materials, Estimate for the installation of sprlnkler~ {n the existing building would cost: FIFTEEN 'I'HOUSA'ND SEVEN 1 [UNDRED DOLLARS, $15.700.00 Quotation is valid for 30 days from bid date, Thio quote was prepared by: GaP/Thalin Title.' President PO Box Z915 / 10Z5 South Highway 89 Jackson, Wyoming 83001 ~aaelFaz 307.739-060S