HomeMy WebLinkAbout896956UPon Recording Return to: Robed E. Owen 185 East Main, Joseph, Utah 84739. 896956 QUIT CLAIM DEED RECEIVED LINOOL~ COUFJT¥ ,.1,'1N29 ATfll: 25 · ~"-,.Z' / ' '-/E A N t:l F t,;/,,, ,- ,~, :- ,. THIS QUIT CLAIM DEED, Executed this 7- "day of %.~, 2oo4;6~,fi~,~E~aAy.'~i~r~',~ h' Owen and Ellen Atledon Owen, husband and wife, as ten~nls of'an estate byl(he entireties'wltl~%lr ri~i~[!~oH!~/~' survivorship and not as lenants in common, whose post office address is, 185 East Main, Joseph, Ulah 84739, to second pady, Ro~be._~E. Owen a, nd Ellen A. Owen, Trustees of the ROBERT AND ELLEN OWEN FAMIL. Y TRUST, dated lhe ~day of,~,~, 2004, whose post office address is, 185 East Main, Joseph, Utah 84739, / WlTNESSETH, That the said firSt party, for good consideration and for the sum of $10 Dollars paid by the said second pady, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim his interest unto the said second pady forever, all the right, title, interest and claim which the said first pady has in and to the following described parcel of land, and improvements and appudenances thereto in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to wit: Parcel no. 111 spring Canyon Ranches as the same appears of record on the official map or plat thereof filed inthe office of the County Clerk or Ex-officio Register of deeds for Lincoln County, Wyoming. Together with all imprOVements and appudenances thereon appertaining, all water and water rights, ditch and ditch rights of way of record or in use. Subject to reservationS and restrictions contained in U.S. patents and to easements and rights of way of record or in use. Subject to prior mineral reservations or record. Subject t° restrictions governing Spring Canyon Ranches for Lincoln County. No purposed public sewage disposal system.· No proposed domestic water source. No public maintenance of street or roads. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said first pady has signed and sealed these presents the day and year Robed E. Owen Ellen Attedon Owen State ,o[ Utah ) SS: County of Sevier ) Onthe~¢'~'~ day of ~'~'~ , 2004 personally apPeared before me, RobedE. Owenand Ellen Atte~on O~ known t° be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that they executed the same. , /~~ JAMES B. BAKER , Not~ubhc ~ ~. ~ I/~[~%~ 40NodhSIsteStreel, fTC I ~iding in J ~c ~ ' MyCommsslon ~plres I · · . I ~ State of U~ ~ '