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04015099 WARRAN FY8 ..... "': CO~LEE~ D. J~.NSO~ *nd CLARK YOUNG, dated October 11 1999 ~r~n~ors Port Collins, County oE h~rim~r, 8t~t~ of ColorL. do 'hereby CONVEY ~nd WAR~T Rt{~ ROBERTS MILES~ TRUSTEE or her successors in nrust under t:::,e RHEA ROBERTS MZL~8 LIVIN~ TRUST, dated Dece~er 31, 199~ and GPS, ]'.~:C. a Wyomin~ Co~po~tiom. ' ~rantees of P.O. Box 725, kft-on, Wyomin~ for th, sum of Ten Dollars and other ~ood. and valuable conmide~'ation t}xe f011owln~ described~trae~ of land in Lincoln Co~cy, SLat,y:: of Wyoming, h~reby releasin~ and waivin~ all rights under and by virtue o~'. the hom~sLaad ~x~mPtion law~ of SEE EXHIBIT "~" ATT~C~ED HE,TO ~ ~E ~ P~ HEREOF ~]ubJect to reservations an~ restrictions contained in ~he Uni,,?~:~d States _Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of ~ecord or in use, Tog,thor wi~h all impro~,ments amd appurtenances thereom. wI~S8, the hand of said ~rantors, ~his day o~ Decease.I,:, A.D..200~ ....................... ~ ........ STATE OF COLO~O ............. l-. ._ ~_ ~ ................... County of Latimer -:': ..': 'On the day 0f'Dece~e'r,.' A.D. 2001, personally app.; ~red be'fore me, Colleen D. Jenson, Trustee, known or identified to me to ',~ the person whose name is subscribed to the within inst~ment, and ackno~?.ed~ed to me that they executed the t arz~ ...~ubl i c County of ~{¢'0 6 A. On the day of Dece~er, A.D. 2001, personally appe~red before me; Clark Young, Trustee, knob.or identified to me to be the };erson whose name. is subscribed to the within instrument, and ac~owled~ed ~o" me that their 'executed the same. ~ EMILY M. BER~AGNOLE- NOTARY PUBLIC ~ 1N"'tOna %~ Wy°mingt - /. ~' . _,j % ~.' TITLE CO.ANY WARRANTY..D.EED COLLEEN D jENsoN-and CLARK .YOUNG, Co-Trustees under 'the Young'. Family Trust dated'October 11, 1999 Grantors Fo~t Collins, County of Larlmer, state of Colorado hereby CON~IEY ' and wARRANT T©: RHeA ROB~.RTS MILES~ ·TRUSTEE' or'her successors in trust· under the R~{W.A ' · ROBERTS MILES LIVING TRUST, dated December ~1,. 1996 and GPS, INC., a WYoming .C°rporat ±on. Grantees of P.O. ~ox 725, Alton, Wyoming 83110 for the sum of Ten Dollars and other ~ood and Valuable consideration the. following described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing .and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the' homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: Sw.E ExHIbIT' ..A, ATTACHED HERET© AND MADE A PART }{ER]EOF Subject to i~reservatiOns and restrictions contained in the Uniued States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together wil;h all improvemenzs and appurtenances thereon.. · - ay of December, A.D. 2001 Clark Young, Co-Trustee. STATE OF CCbOR~DO County of Latimer. On the~1-~'' day of December} A.D. 2001, Personal'ly appeared before me, Colleen D. Jenson, Trustee,· known or identified to me t© be the Person whose..name is Subscribed to the within' instrument, and acknowledged· to me that they executed ' ' . Notary. Pub~ ~' r~s STATE' OF WYOMING My commission exPi on 3~ ~~PO-~ .. county of i~ ' On'the day of December, .A.D. '2001, ·personally appeared before me, Clark ~'¢.)ung, Trustee, known· or identified to me .to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged t'.o me zhat they executed the same. ' " Notary Public My co~Umission expires on LAND TITLE COMPANY T32N, RllSW of the 6th P.M., Lincoln county, Wyoming Section 19: SW1/4SE1/4 and W1/2SE1/4SE1/4 Section 30: N1/2NE1/4 AND BEGINNING at the Northwest .Corner of the N1/4 of Said Section 30 and running thence South 109 rods to the North side of the street of Alton Townsite, known as First Avenue; thence East 2 rods; thence.North 109 rods; thence West 2 rods to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO that tract of land ~escribed. on'the attached'Exhibit "A" EXCEPTING therefromRockbridge Meadows 'Subdivision, Lincoln county, Wyoming, according, to that plat recorded October 24, 2001 as. Plat No. 360-B .. .Also'Excepting therefrom that'parCel °fland-conveyed to the Town of'Aft'on, recorded January 23, 1997, BoOk 393P.R., Page 159. ...... ~r. ~ ;.:TO7 885 9809; Dec-14-01 11:31AM; :~.~ge 2/3 DESCRIPTION ~OM TO~ OF AFTON FOR ~ENCE O. YOUNg, ~ELYN R. YO~G, DE~D A. YO~G ~OR ~CCES8 WAY ALONG W~T P~T OF C~YON VIEW P~K ~~TION T~CT B To-wit:-- That part of the Canyon View Park Annexation being part of the SW¼NE9 of SectiOn 30, T32N, Rll8W, within the bounds of the Town of Alton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said SW%NE¼ found as de~cribed in the Corner Record filed in said Office; thence S00a-24,-42,,E, the base bearing for this survey, 455.36 feet, along the west line of said SW¼NE¼, to the southwest point of said Annexation; thence S88~-15,-36,,E 60 04 feet, along the south line of said , Annexation to a point; thence N00"-24,-42,,w, 457.17 feet, to a point on the north line of said SW¼NE¼ and said Annexation; thence N89"-59'-00,,W, 60.00 feet along said north line to the CORNER OF ~EGINNIN6; ENCOMPASSING an area of 0.63 acre~, more or lesg; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with ' ' "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD BIG PINEY WY 2" aluminum cap Inscribed, PL$ , the BASE BEARING for thi~ survey is the we~t line of the NE¼ Section 30, T32N, RllSW, being NO0~-24,-42-W; all in accordance with the plat prepared attached herewith as EXHIBIT "B" and made a part thereof titled, "EXHIBIT "B" LAWRENCE O. YOUNG, EVELYN R. YOUNG, DERALD A. YOUNG PLAT OF TRACTS IN NE¼ SECTION 30 T32N RllSW PARTLY IN THE TOWN OF AFTON LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMIi December 1996. ' dated 23 I N. khe~l ' is~ti~ Na_ 164 4ew~ A. ~h~! ~n. W¥(,m,,~ 83110 IIt~ R~i]oi~ N..~p¢0 'Modifh:ation in an~ way o( t~e ¢ore§oin8 de~criptlnn t~rminate~ liability of the surveyor"