HomeMy WebLinkAbout878461 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In compliance with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILING ACT, Wyoming Statutes, 1977, Section 56-11-101, et. seq., and the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors,) ReVerse side of this form may be used if more space is needed. Record of original survey and citation of source of historic information (if corner is lost or obliterated). Description of corner monumentation evidence found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this corner. Sketch of relative location of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated corner. ~--:'*- N 89'55'50" E N 89'55'45" E N 89'45'00" E ~. [ ~'~: ;!~1520.60' (Meos.) 1520..38' (Meas.) 2657.95' (Meas.) !i[; r'T22N J~112W T22N R112WT22N1/4S15R112W T22N R112W ~.~ ~ . ,; ; ' S22~ S25 ~ S22 .... z~ z~ ~ FOUND ~E MONUMENT FOR ~IS CORNER COMMON TO 4 SEC~ONS ~ICH IS A PRIVA~ SUR~YOR'S BRASS C~ ON A PIPE PRO~UDING ABO~ ~E GROUND 0.8'. T22N R112W ~ERE ARE ~00~ ~RES STACK~ UPON S22 ] S23 EACH O~ER, ~ OF STONES, 5' ~S~LY 1909 OF CORNER. ~IS IS ~E MONUMENT FOR ~E CORNER AND IS MARKED AS ~0~. ~ ~E MONUMENT ~ T22N Rl12W IS MARKED: S21l S22 ~ 1909 / - T22~2~112W S2~S23 1/4~7 S27' S26 1909 1909 6th PM 6th PM N~89'56'10" E ~ N 89'~'45" E 2639.26' (meos,) 2640,23' (~eos.) T22N R112W S2~S22 SCALE 1"=1000' ~co~ ~ S27 CORNER MONUMENT S~BOLS BEhINdS ~E ASSUMED BUT ~ 998 ' t RECORD IS FOR ~IS CORNER MONUMENT. R~ DRA~ BY: KRK 6th PM & A RELA~D CORNER MONUMENT. COUNt: LINCOLN ~E MONUM~T IS FOR Dote of Field Work: ~0/0~/2001 Office Reference' C~O~ ~ ~[~ Firm/Agency, Address ~is corner record w~s prepered 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 lz 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2~ 25 by me or under my direction i~ i i~ i i ~i i~ i i~i i Ii , UIn~h Engineering ~nd end super~sion. '--Fi--t-- -~-T-F- -T-F~ .... Fi-t- -m-T-f- -T-C~-' e EE~L & S[~TU~ -J-6J .... L5J_ _L4J .... L3 J .... L2J_ _Li_L_ c LG~ I · I I I ] I I I I ~ I I --~-+- -~-~_~_ --~4-+- _~_~_~. -+--~--. -+--~--. ~ I II I II I I I I I J J I J I I I , E 83 Sou~h ~00 --~q-t--~-+-~--t-~ .... kq-t_q_+_b_t_~_. ~ I j I I.~ I t ~ I ._, j_I__ l_1_1- t ~ I V eP~G[~ U~ah 84078 '--F i--T ............. I i I ~ i ~ ~ I i I iii iii i iI ~ '-N~-+I I ......'~-t-~ +--FH--"~N~-+-;-~-T-N- -+-FN-- K Telephone Number: 435-789-10~7 ~ ;', ? :- "-. "X -~-IB~ ..... f16~ .... ~15~- -f14~-- -f13-~- L .-LJ-~-.J-L_L__I_LJ:.._LJ_~. .J-I_L_ -~-LJ-. u Ill Iii iii Iii Iii '--F~--t-- '~-T-F- -T-F~ .... ~-t- *~-T-F- --t--F~-' 0 -+?~-.-~2~ .... ~2~ .... ~27~-.-~2~ .... ~-~-~ I I I I I I I ~ I ~k I ~ I I I I I I -~q-t--~-{-k--t-~ .... kq-t- q-{-~--t-~--~ -q-3~ .... ~2~q .... ~28~-,-~27~-. -~2~q .... ~25-~- ~ I I t I I I I I I I I -~-31~ .... F52~ F35~-' -F34~ .... F35~ .... F56-F- x .--LJ_~__J_$_L__~_~ J_ --L ~_~__J_$_L__~_I j_ ' ' I',I '[' '2' ...... III CORNER COMM~ TO 4 SECt. S Corner Nome: SOU~ST C~N~ OF ~C~ ~ ,Section: 22 T 22N R 112W . 6~ P.~. C~oss I~d~x No.: ~-13 SBRPEPLS/PLSW:Morch 1994 (CLCR..,SJA~