HomeMy WebLinkAbout878466 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In complionce with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILING ACT, Wyoming Stotutes, 1977, Section 56-11-101, et. seq., ond the Rules ond Regulotions of the Boord of Registrotion for Professionol Engineers ond Lond Surveyors.) Reverse side of this form TOy be used if more spoce is needed. Record of originol survey (]nd citotion of source of historic inforrn(]tion (if corner is lost or obliteroted). Description of corner moD, v.ment(]tion evidence found (]nd/or monument ~nd ~ccessories estoblished to perpetuate the Iocotion of this corbel. S~. of relative Ioc~tion of monument, occessories, end reference points with course ond distonce ~0 ~djecent cor~s) (i'F~ermined n th s survey) Method ~nd roUon~le for reestablishment of lost or obli~ereted corner. ,; N 89'55'30" E N 89'53'45' E N 89'43'00" E : ::':;'~ E112w ~2N E112W T22N E112W '::'~ ~:' '~21J s22 Wl/16 ~ S22~ S23 C .~ .... := ?:1:909 1986 1909 ~L..7 6th PM 6~ PM 6th PM FOUND THE MONUMENT FOR THIS 1/4 CORNER %~ OF MAXIMUM CONTROL WHICH IS A U.S.A. T22N R112W 1/4 ~J~ GOVERNMENT SURVEY BRASS CAP ON AN IRON s221 s23 ._~ PiPE WHICH PROTRUDES ABOVE THE GROUND 1909 (~'3 1.1'. THERE ARE SEVERAL STONES 6th PM SCATTERED AROUND MONUMENT. THERE tS A ~ STEEL POST 5' WESTERLY OF CORNER. THIS C IS THE MONUMENT FOR THE 1/4 CORNER AND T22N R112W IS MARKED AS SHOWN. 1/4 s211 s22 S 1 5 1909 6th PM THE MONUMENT 1/.__4 IS MARKED: $22 ~ '~' 1909 T22N Rll2W T22N Rll2W S2~1~22 522 T22Ns2~LS25R112W S28~ S27 1/4S~'7 S27' S26 1998 1909 1909 6thPM 6th~M 6thPM N 89'56'10" E N 89'48'43" E 2639.26' (Moos.) 2640.23' (Moos.) T22N R1 12W S15 SCALE 1"=1000' 1 //4'~"'~'~ CORNER MONUMENT SYMBOLS BEARINGS ARE ASSUMED BUT 1 909·RECORD IS FOR THiS CORNER MONUMENT. RELATIVE DRAWN BY: KRK 6th PM· A RELATED CORNER MONUMENT. COUNTY: LINCOLN 3HE MONUMENT IS FOR Dote of Field Work: 10/03/2001 Office Reference:. CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Firm/Agency, Address This corner record wos prepored by me or under my direction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1Z 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 gl ^ UIn-~ah En neerlng and and supervision. '--F']--T- -q--T--F- --T-F'] .... Fq--T-- -q-T-F' -T-Fq-' e --J- 6 '.J- _u 5 -J .... [- 4 -J .... L 3 -J--:.--U 2 J-, _L_ 1 -L- c Land Surveying I I I I I I _+_iL_l_. I I I I _+_L_~_. . I I i I I I I } I I , ' i , I , i I , , ~ , , , ~ , , ' i E 85 Sout;h 200 Easi; -hq-f- -1-4-iL--f-Ffi .... hq-f-'-l--~-P -~-;~-. r I I / I --l-7~ ~8~ .... ~9~ .... HO~-,-~--,-H2-~-. Vernat, Utah 84078 .__1 /__ I__ - I__L_I _ _ I_L I .... I /_ I_ _ I_j._l _ _ I_L I_. F~T 7!F T~q FIT 71F T!7 " '-i--I-+l I ......-H,- T-? +-F-II .... i--i-+- -H-T-i-- -+--CH-- K Telephone Number: 435-789-1017 -'3-18-3 ..... f-16'-] .... f-15--1-' -f-14--i .... r-13-r-- L ._LJ_i_ _J_I_L_ _i_LJ .... LJ_i_ _J_I_L_ _£_LJ_. . ~'' "" '" : .... ''' " I~1.¢_..~ ' I I ~ ~ I I ~ I I i"ri iii ~ I, '--F'q--T-- -q--T--F- --T--Fq .... F-~--T- -q--T-F- -T--Fq--' o -fi-l,gd-' -h2°d .... ~L2,1d .... ~22~-'1 I -h23~1 .... h2,4-1L- ~' ,_~-~_+_ ..~_i_i-_ -+-~H .... i-J-+- -H-i-i-- -+-~H-- o I I I I I I I I I I I I [ I I I I I I I I I I I [ I I I I I J I I I I '-IL~-I-- -fi-+-iL--,'--~fi .... hq-f- -fi-+-iL--f-~fi-- s --l-30-4-- -{--29-~ .... f-28-~ .... f-27'~-' -f-26--i .... ~25-P- 'r ._' J_'_ I I I f fl ._' d_l_. I_1_1 _ I f , F! T '~-,-r ......... u ,,,, F~T 7!F T '7 I i I~ i ~ ~ i ' I i m ~ i I mi, v -i-]-+--H-T-i-- -+-FH .... i-'I-+- 'H-T-I-- -+-F-l-' w --3-31~ .... 1-32-~ .... ]-33-] F34'~-' -F'35--1 .... 1-36-r-- x ,, T _±_1 j .... Lq-i_ .J-~l--L__i_' J_. I / 1/4 CORNER OF MAXIMUM CONTROL Corner Nome: NORTH 1/4 CORNER OF SEc'noN 22 Section: 22 T 22N R 112W . 6TH P.M. Cross Index No.: N-15 SBRPEPLS/PLSW: Morch 1994 (CLCR...SJA]