HomeMy WebLinkAbout878468 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In complionce with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILING ACT, Wyoming Stotutes, 1977, Section 56-1]-101, et. seq., ond the Rules ond Regulotions of the Boord of Registrotion for Professionol Engineers ond Lond Surveyors.) Reverse side of this form moy be used if more spoce is needed. Record of originol survey ond citotion of source of historic informotion (if corner is lost or obliteroted). Description of corner monumentotion evidence found ond/or monument ond occessories estoblished to perpetuote the location of this corner. Sketch of relotive Iocotion of monument, occessories, ond reference points with course ond distonce to odjocent corner(s) (:if determined in this survey). Method ond rotionole for reestoblishment of lost or obliteroted corner. N 89'55'50" E N 89'55'45" E N 89'43'00" E T22N R112W T22N R112W : ~-- ~22N R112W ~ :..~ ::~:~s~ w~/~ s~ ~/~ ~.S22 ~ S25 S22 ~zz _ .1909 1986 1909 .... ' ' ~ : : FOUND ~E MONUMENT FOR ~lS CORNER SUR~YOR'S BRASS CAP ON A PIPE PRO~UDING ABO~ ~E GROUND 0.3'. ~E z ':::;~ MONUMENT IS .6' SOU~S~RLY OF ~E T22N R~2W CORNER OF A ~NCE RUNNING NOR~ ~D ~/4 EAST, ~IS IS ~E MONUMENT FOR ~E s21 I s22 1909 CORNER AND IS MARKED AS SHO~, T22N R112W 6th PM 1/4 IS MARKED: ~~~ 6th PM T22N Rll2W S2~23 S2~22 T22~2~112W T22N R112W S28~ S27 998 1/4~7 S27 ' S26 6th PM 1909 1909 6th PM 6th PM N 89'56'10" E ~ N 89'48'45" E 2639.26' (Meos.) 2640.25' (Mees.) T22N R1 12W S1 "-~_~14 SCALE 1"=1000' S22~ S23 CORNER MONUMENT SYMBOLS BEARINGS ARE ASSUMED BUT 19o9 · RECORD IS FOR THIS CORNER MONUMENT. RELATIVE DRAWN BY: KRK 6th PM · A RELATED CORNER MONUMENT. COUNTY: LINCOLN 'INE MONUMENT IS FOR Dote of Field Work: 10/05//2001 Office Reference: CROSS [N'DEX DIT.4. C.P~M Firm/Agency, Address This corner record woe prepored by me or under my direction ~ = ;] 4 5 s 7 , , ~o . ~z ~ 14 ~5 ~. ~7 ,. ~. 2o =1 22 2~ z4 zs^ Ulntah Engineering and and supervision. i; i i ] i i ~i i~ i i| i i]i '-r--i-T- --~-T-r-- -T-[--~ .... F-i--T- --I-T-i-- -T-~'-~-' 8 SEAL ~: SIGNATURE -J- 6 J- ._L 5 J- _L 4 J .... L .3 J .... L 2 J-- _L 1 _L_ c Land Sur'veylng .-~-n_+_ _.~_1_~__ _+_,L.~_. ._~_/_+_ --~_1_~_. - +-,L-I-- o iI, i ~ i i ~ i , I i i I ~ i I , E B5 South ~00 East -,~q-t- -fi-+-,~- -t-}--I .... ,~q-f__fi_~._,~_ -t-F-l- ~ --q- 7 -I- -~. 8 -~ .... ~- ~ -t .... ~10-~-~ -i-11-~-. -i-12-~-- ~ ._l j_l_ I .L I ill l/ I ~ f ~,f ~ Vernal, Utah 84078 F! T --~-,-~----r-,-~ .... ~-,-T ......... ~ ' I I I I I I '--1--I--+----t-T-I---+-i--I .... I--i-+---t-T--N--+-F-I--- K Telephone Number:435-789-1017 /' " I I I I I I I I I I I I -'q-18'~-- -]-17-~ .... 1-16-~ ]-15-]-- -]-14--i-- '-viS-r-- ~/ _LJ_J._ .J_.L_L__J._LJ .... LJ_J._ _J_/_L__J._Lj_. u ' ': I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [ ' I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I " " -I--~-+- --i--.[_I-_ _+_g-t_ .--I.-~+-- . _+_~_.1_. ~ ~ ~ I I I ~ I I I I I I I I -,"q-f---~-+-,~--'-,-Ffi- -,"q-f- -;-+-,~--f-l-fi- s ~.~{i ~ ] ./ / --~-~0--~ .... t-29-~ f-28'~-' -~-27-~ .... t-26-~ .... ~-25-~--~y ' '~ , I / I ' U' Ij I , I I ILI -F:-T- -'~- ~-~- ....... , , . T !] F! T -'~-~-r--*-~'~- . I I I I I I -'q-51-q-- ._-~_-__Z?,-]-~-~'~-' -~-~-~ .... ~-~-~ .... ~-~6-~-- --L--I,- J--. ;_L ~_.L_ _ J_~l _L ~ _ J._l J_. !: ! T I/ I~ I . ,, I ', I . , ! ,' !/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 1;] 14 15 16 17 15 19 20 21 22 23 2~- 2~z CORNER COMMON TO 4 SECTIONS Corner N=me: NE CORNER OF SECTION 22 Section: ~ T 22N R 1~2W . ~T~ P.M. Cross Index No.: N-17 SBRPEP/S/PLSW:March 19~4 (CLCR...SJA~