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THIS CERTIFIES that a certain Real Estate Mortgage'exeetrted ;; p ..¢'vO ~ [.4¢`
by David K. Spurlock and Marcia A. Spurlock, husband and wife
as Mortgagors
to Century Equipment Company, Inc.,
as Mortgagees
Dated March 7, 2002 and recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln
County, State of Wyoming on March l 1, 2002, Bk 484 of P,R., Page 880
thereof, and for the sum of $812,300.00.
Lot 59 & 62 of Trail Ridge Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to
that plat filed October 21, 2003 in the Office of the Lincoln Cotmty Clerk as Plat
No. 225-E.
has been partially satisfied by the payment offlae debt secured thereby, and is
hereby canceled and disch~ged.
WI.'),'NESS my hand this
Century Equipment ComPany, Inc.,
a Utah Corporation
County of
On tile ~.{[5< day of '(~,,~ ~ ,A.D., 2003 ?ersonMly
appe~ed~me, Rex~o~ ell,----to me personally hao~, who bei~ by me duly
sworn, did say ~at he is ~e Secret~ of Cen~T Equipment CompS, Inc., mad
that said ins~ment was signed on behMf of said co~orafion by autho/i~ of its
Bo~d of Directors ~d said Seere~ ae~owledged said ins~ment to be ~e fi-ee
act ~d deed of said corporatio~
Resjdingat ~2vz~ do,,~;~ L~