HomeMy WebLinkAbout897389 601 RFCF_IV£D COVENANT RESTRICTING SUBDIVISION OF REAL~)~'"'~LIr~TY CL£RI~ 89738 153, Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming 83110, (hereafter "Covenantors"), for ~t'rt~,~e~itA,~or~A~l~ l"g iR Covenantors' heirs, executors, administrators, assigns and successors in interest, and for and m ' ' ' ~ consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is acknowledged, jointly and severally covenant with STEVEN B. RICH and DORLENE R. RICH, husband and wife, of P.O. Box 588, 380 East 4th Avenue, Alton, Lincoln County, Wyoming 83110, (hereafter "Covenantees"), and Covenantees' heirs, executors, administrators, assigns and successors in interest, that Covenantors will never cause or allow to be subdivided their parcel of real property more particularly described as .follows: A 2- acre parcel of land located in the S½SW½ of Section 29, T32N, R119W, 6'}' P.M., Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, as more particularly described on the attached "Description for Travis ClYde Lancaster and Machelle H. Lancaster, Travis Lancaster Tract". It is understood and agreed that this restrictive covenant shall be perpetual, shall run with the above-described land, and is intended to benefit Covenantees and Covenantees' parcel of real property more particularly described as follows: See Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and made part of this document by reference and incorporation as if fully set forth herein The Covenantors hereby waive and release all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming to the extent that such rights may interfere with the purposes of this restrictive covenant. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands as of the s~-~¢o f~,~-72004. [') 4'~'~day of TRAVIS LANCASTER MACHELLE LANCASTER c O2 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing Restrictive Covenant was acknowledged before me by TRAVIS LANCASTER and MACHELLE LANCASTER, husband and wife, this [~jx-~ day of Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: NOTARY PUBLIC DEgleRII'TIO1N FOR TRA'Vi8 CLYDE LANCASTER AND MACH.EI.LE H. LANCASTER TRAVI$'LAI'qCAgTER T Bd~,CT 603 To.wit: - - That part of the SYISW¼ of So. etlon 29, T32N, Rl lgW, Linnoln County, Wyomlng, b0{nl~ Ja~ of that trad of record In the Office of the Clerk oF Lincoln County in Book 286 Photostatic 'Rocord~ on page 232, de~erlbed a, follows: BEOINNING ~t a point on th~ south lln~ 'of said 89;8W%, NgP"-49'-44"W, 1091,71 thence N89°.~9'-44"W, 258.16 fe~t, along said south lin% to a point; thence N00°.0'2'.I 9"H, 211.66 feet, to a pohlt; thene~ N7.4~.02'43"W, 243,13 feet, lo a pdnll 0~ence. N18'.37'-58"E., 109:98 feet, to a thene~ 852~.43'.10"E~ 101,68 her, to a point; th,ne~ 800~:02'-19"W, 173.83 l~cl, lo the POINT OF BBOINNING; ~NCOMPASSINO on ,~rea of 2.00 acre~, moro or les~; tho ~ASE BEARINO for this surx,~y Is tho'south line of the SW~4 of Sedion 28, T32N, RI 19W, being Ngg°.09'.3V'E; TOO~THER wl*.h n right of ingre~ and ~ess and utllillt:s uv~r, under md across a strip of land thirty (30) feat In width, with the ~outherly nnd ea,~O~ [itms, do~oribod ag follows: BEGINNIHO at lh~ southeast point of the ~bovo described tra~t; flm~ce 889'-49',.44"E, 1091,7[ I~et, along the ~outh Itno off $a[d 8~fiSW~, to the ~utlma.gt comer thence N00'.0~'.59"E, 183.56 [~et, alon~ tlm chat linc of add s~sw¼, to n poh}{ the no~h right-or, way line oF that e~sement of record in said Office {fi Book 494 PhotostatS0 Rc~oM~ o~ page 2; each %orn~r" found ~s described in the Corner Record filed or to 'bu fll~d in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; ~a¢h "po{at" m~k~d by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" alum[nun~ cap insoribe~ "SURVEYOR SCHERgEL LTD AFTON WY PI.B 5368", with appropriate detail~; all in ~cordnnce wltl~ the plal prepared to be filed in tke Office of th~ Clerk of Lbmoln County titled, "A, CLYDE LANCASTER'AND GLADY8 LANCA,$TER AND CLYDE LANCASTER PLAT,OF Tgi. CT WITHIN THE $~SWV~ S~CTION 29, T32N RI I9)~INg'OLN COUNTY, NYOM~N~', dated 12 Ju~002, 82/18/2884 16:25 3878858641 oss?ass WARRANTY BUDD M. RICH and JEAN W of ~al'b L~ke Gl{y, U~cou,~,~ and WAB~NT to . BOWERS LAW OFFICE PC PAGE COU,'n'~s¥ ~r. OnOiNO DEED RICH, bus%and and wife ~alt Lake , ~t~ ol~l~ ~ore~ STEVEN 1~, RICH and ~' " DORLBNE R RICH, husband and wif~ .',.~'; '¢' sra,t,, .~473L~ W. ~290 So. West Vslley City, Uta~ '8L~120 for th, ,um o~10. Dollars ($i0.00) and other good ~,~ valuabl~ 6c, nsidaration~.. m. Xoit~ln~d~rm.d tract' o~ ta.d L. ' Linco%n ' ~u,,ty, hereby 'rel~,ln~ ~nd ~]vtp[ ~ll rl~t~ uadmr ~n4 ~ vlrtum o~ the Ix~t~d ~emptl~ 1~.~ of ~ 6~(,;, to-wlb "SEE ATTAC1~D ~]{IBIT A" I Ap~ 12, 1994 -~T 9A:U- ~ ~e~D ............. .~. ~ ~. ....... ~ .... 82 WI?NBS$, Ute hand of ~1~ ~tantor , thlA ?th d~y of April ^.D. 2994 STATS OF UTAH 'l Co~t~ of SALT LA'~ ol, the 7th d,y or April Entry tlt~ .lgner er Lite within I~trumeq4 who duly acl(,lawledged to me that lie executed die ssme. NoLa~ ~bllc CommhsJon explt~ ~ ~ ~ COMPARED 0, DELIVERED 02/18/2984 15:25 387@858~41 BOWERS LAW OFFICE PC PAGE 83 ' 605 (S%SN~) o~ Section 2~, 'rownsllip 32 Rnnge 119 ~b, Lincoln% County, Wyoming, deD- cribed az BEGINNING nta poin~ on the sou~h llna o~~ said Section 28, Nggo09.5'E, ~he base bearing for' this survey, 678,75 feet from the southw~.st corne~~ of said Section 28 found as described in the Cer~ified Land Corner Recordation Certl ..... flcate of record in the Office of'the Clerk Lincoln County~ thenc'~ N02"2g.5'W, 69~.67 feet %~ a poink; thenc~ S74"36.5'E, 113;13 f~at to a point; thence NO7"40.5'E, 165.6~ f~t ~o a point; thence SO~'5~'E, 22G.31 feet ~o a point: thence S65"ll.5(E, 271.96.f~et ~o a blac)~ iron post 1" in diameter with a yellow plastic cap inscribed "RLS 595", the northwest corner that tract of record in said Office in Book 169 '; of Photostatic Records on page 640; thenc~ S00"27 5'E '53~.48 feet along the south~est lin~ of said tract %o a point on the south line . .. said Section 2~; thence Sgg~09.5'W, 723.66 feet along said south linm to--POINT OF BEGINNING; ENCOHPASSING an area or--acres, more or les~; each point marked with a at,el T-shaped stake long with a metal cap inscribed "PAUL N. RLS].~4 SUrVey POINT"; TOGETIIER wi~h an for ingress and egress across tbs following ' cribad, lands: A strip of land ~ixky (60) feet in ~idth being part of ~h~ Soubhwes~ Quarter Southeast Quarter (SE~SW%) of S~ction 2g, Township 32 North, ]lange 119 West, Lincoln Caunty, Hyoming with the South I line d~scribed as follows: BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of the foregoing d~cribed tract, NSD'09 5'E 1402 41 feet f~om %he S6uthwsst corner of said S~c~ion 2~ thence continuing NSP"09.5'E, 2500.44 feet~ more or less, to an i~ters~c~ion with the cenk~r-lin~ of the Crow Creek County Road No. 12-141 o~ record in the said Office; TOGETHEll %,i~h an easemen~ for purpose of eonstruc~ing, main~ihing, ~nd opera~- lng a domestic water supRly pipeline acroes the following described [ands: A strip of land ~en (10) feet in width b~ing par~ of the 5ou%h~es~ Quarter Southwest Quarter (Sw%SW~j) of See%ion 20, Township 32 NorSh, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, W~ming with ~he centerlJ, ne described as follow~: ......... ~BEGINNING at a poin~ N39"0O.5'E, OGG,Gi f.~e~ from the said ~outhwes~ corner of Scctio~ 20; ~hence 535044'~, 42.95 feet/ thence S73"01'~ 200.5H feet, more or less, ~o tl%e terminus w.{.~hin th~ foregoing ~de~cri))~d ~ract; SUBJECT thereto to an for the 'purpo~ of constructing, maintaining, amd operating a domestic water supply pipeline across tine following described lands: ~ ~trip of land .. ten (10) fe~t in width being park of the :;OUtl3 half Southwest Quarter (S%SW~) of ~aid Section 28, Township 32 North, Range 119 West, Lincoll~ County, Wyoming with the centerline described as BEGINNING at a point N39"36'E, 802.51 feet from the Southwest cornmr of ~'_id .Section .28;..thence ............... S6~053'E~'' '205"iT.feet; thence S~9038.5'E, 946.21 82/18/2884 16:25 3878858641 BOWERS LAW OFFICE PC aild a Strip of land ten (10) f~et in width b~ing part of th~ Southwesh Quarter Soutl~.- ws~t Quarter (SW~Slq~) of saJ. d S~ction 20, To~}ship 32 N~rth, llaDUe 119 Wa~t, Lincoln County, Wyomin~ with ~h~ c~lterlina describ- ed a~ follow~ DEGINI']ING at a poiut N31"12.5' E, 967,32 .fe~t from ~]le Southwest corner fOJ:m~lOJ. J~g p~pe].ine; ~h~nce NGg"~4'E, 56.52 f~et; all in accordance._wi~h the map filed in the ~aid Office titled', EUG]>NE J. COI1SOH PLAT OF Tt~CT Ibf South llalf ~outhwes~ 'Quarter (S%SW~} SECTION 28 Town=hip 3~ North, I~NGE 11~ W~ST LINCOLN COUNTY, WY. OMING". 'bg~_.__~,~ '.t'lll~ FOLLOWiN~ DE$CI[t§Lq) LAI4U: PAGE 84 ............. T. het pul'[: oF the Sl~l~5W% of Section ~O, T32N, RllgW, L~rtcoln County, Wyo,fl . be~r,g part or ~l~,t tract oF record in 'th~' Orfi~ oF the C]~rk of t~n~ol~ Counby in Book'lg4 o'F Pt,o~ostat~c Records on page SO ~escrlbed as fulio~;: Cer:tfiad Lan'd Corner Raco~datlbn C~rtlf{ca~e o~.recor~ '~n ~atd O/F~ca; U~ence NOgo. Og,,S/E,-U~e,~ase beePing'for Ell'IS survey, 678.75 Feel along ~nuElm l ln~ oF safd 5ecCtoll ~0 Eo Ehe 5o,~we~L comer oF sa~d Erect of record; tl~ence 1'{O2"-2B.5'14, ~37.]1 re~c alOJlg th~ wuSt line oF ~a{d tract oF record ~o [he POINT Umnc, ~onLtnu'fng NOXo-28.5'W, 25g.~6 foul nlur,g said easL line Eo nor.~wes~ co,nar o~. sa~d.tr~c~ oF r~cord; ~h~l~C~.S74"-36,~'E% 113.13 Feel: alollg Um north 11ne of s~ld EracE of r~cord to n corneri ~hence SO~"-~Z'E, lO0,O0 rea~ along s~id north I~ne ~.o a point; and luav~ soid north ltn~; U~e~ce ~02~-~.5'E, ~2~,28 fee~ p~r~llel Lo sa~d ~est l~ne ~o a [hence 58go-og.B'W,.373,00 fue~ Parallel to [ho souU~ l{nc oF ~oid. brac~ or record lo the POH~T OF UEGllf~fl~lG; COHPA~SlNG an are~ oF 2.O0 acres, more or less eoch "corner" m~rked by a J~eel T-shaped stake Z4" long wl[h m~ol cap inscribed "SURVEY POINT O0 HOT DISTU~O fillip4m' ond./or "PAUL H. SCHE~DEL ItLSIG4 SURVEY POINT", exceuElng the said soud~osE corner oF Sec[ion SuDJr. CT to those ~osement:~ of record For pipe lines lying and being 82/18/2884 16:25 3878858641 BONERS LAN OFFICE PC PA6E 85 .fa_.,30 'reet 1,, width, spe~l'¢ic~llY for"the fo'regol~g tract, ~x[end?/~¢ from tho norCl~east corner of that trac~ of reco~d westarly I:o an intersection oF tim ,~a~d I:rnc~ or record' l~'lllg onrJ [,riling sttual:e easLel'l~ of Lhe ror'egolmj tr~cl;l t.h.,t n~ ~urvey Yhq-~ madn ~6r. [hl~ ~pootf{'c tract nnd no ,qdditlo,al monume, nt.~ nll tn accordance w~th the pl~-[.prepnred nnd to b~ f~l~.d t~tle(I "ELIGEIIE J, ¢ORSOII PLAT OF II1ACT. IN S~j,SW~ %OT]ON 20 T32N 11119~l I.]H~OLN COUtlI?, WYOHIHG" d~t~d 21 July 1982 ~nd revls, ed 22 Octobei' lg02, '~qqq A~ kF'lr)~MT'l ~0og' 81 · 833 82/18/2884 16:25 38?8858641 BOWERS LAW OFFICE PC PAGE 86 "EXHIBIT BI' FOR ' ' BUDD H, RIC]~ ~%14D JE~/{ W. RICH T~CT ;% To-wit: -- That part of the SW~SW% cE ~mction 18, T329, R119W, Lincoln County, wyoming, being part of that tract of rscord in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County tn Book 246 of photo,tat- ic R~ccrds on pag~ 699, described ae follows: BEGINNING a% the §outhwss% corner of said SW%gW¼, foun~ as described in %he certified L~nd Corner Recordation Certificate filed in ~aid Officm; thence N00"-2§.0'W, 696.40% feet, along ~he went line of said SW¼SW%, to ~ point; thenc~ NBg"-09,~'E~ ~54.3~ ~eet to the northwest corner of that tract of r~cord ih ~id Office in Bock 309 of Photostatic RecorS~ on pag~ 540, marked by a bathey; thence S02'-29.5'~, 69~.67 feet, olong the west line o~ said tra=t of record in BoBk 309 and the west line of %hat tract cf r~cord in ~i4 office in Book 309 of Photostatic Records on page 227, to e point on the ~0uth line of ~aid SW%BW%; thmnoe S89"-09.5~W, 67g.7~ f~mt, along ~aid oouth line, to She CORN~ OF BE~II~NIN~; ENCOMPASSING an area of 10.66 acre~, more or less; SUBJECT to ~a~emente,of sight and of record; TO~ETMER with a right of ingress and egress over and across the south sixty (60) feet of tho S%SE¼ and the S%SW¼ of ~aid Sec- tion 28, lying and being situate westerly of the Crow creek County Road No. 12-141 and ~a~t~rly of the ahoy, d~cribed traqt; the BASE BEARING for th~s survey ~.~ th~ south line of the SW¼ of Section each "bath~y".mark~d by a ~te~l T-shaped stake ~4" long with 'metal cap in~rib~d,,SURV~Y POI}~T DO NOT.DISTURB RLS 164 and/or ~AUL N. So~ERBEL RLS 164 SURVEY POINT"; each "point"' marked by a 5/8" x 24" ste~l reinforcing rod witB a 2" aluminum oep inscribed "SURVEYOR SCHERB£L, LTD. BIG PINEY, WY PLB ~369Il, with approprtats details; all in accordance with the plat prspared t° bs filed 'in th~ office of thm Clerk cf LiMccln County titled "BUDD M. RICH PLAT OF TRACTS ~ITHIN gW¼SE¼ SECTION 28 T3~N R119W LINCOLN · COUNTY, WY November 1993. d~budricha. "Modl[lcallo~ In any way of The [oregolng description lernlfnal~ liability ~ Tho surveyor" · % , ',J)J'~"l'~ ~"l I.I"IFYhklT -L