HomeMy WebLinkAbout878486When Recorded Mail To: '"" '-"::' i".! ~.i) The Jackson State Bank 112 Center St. , PO Box 1788 - ~,:.~,,.., ~ '~, ?~'~ ~,',.., ~[~.~_ Jackson, WY 83001~ ~' LOAN NO. 8 6 0 8 2 3 ~ SPAO~ ABOW qH~ MN~ ~O~ ~OOmD~m:~ U~ Corporation Assig~ent of Real Estate Mortgage FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby grants, assigns and transfers to Countryuide Home Loans. a~ the rights; tit~e and interest ~f undersigned in and t~ that ce~ain Rea~ Estate M~gage dated September ~. 200[ , executedbyAdam Duncan Harris. A Single Hah to The Jackson State Bank. a State Bank and whose address is 1 1 2 C e n t e r S t . . P 0 B o x 1 7 8 8, J a c k s o n . W Y 8 3 0 0 1 and recorded in Book/Volume No. 47371t , page(s) 84 , as Document No. 875995 , L i n c o 1 n Records, State of W y o m i n g on real estate legally described as follows: Lot 27 of the Forest Meadows Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof, LESS AND EXCEPT any land contained in instrument recorded June 15, 1992 in Book 311PR on page 421 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk, TOGETHER with the note or notes therein described or referred to, the money due and to become due thereon with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue under said Real Estate Mortgage. DATID: Septemb 11, 2001 on Stat ank da M. Vice ident Witness: STATE OF W Y 0 M I N G '":='"':~":!"~":':::': !") SS. COUNTY OFT E T 0 N ) On S e p t e m b e r llth 2001 before me, the undersigned, a Notaw Public in and for the said County and State, personally appeared L i n ci a M . T r e m e 1 1 i n g to me personally known, who, being duly sworn by me, did say that he/she is the Vice President of the corporation named herein which executed tl~e within instrument, that J,~ seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said instrument was signed and se/lle~ on behalf of saidj 'pora_.t]on pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors and that he/she acknow~g/s said i.n~~ of .s. aid corporation. ,~~ ~ free act and deed (o,~~.~: ~-~¢.~~,~ NotC, ry Pu'"blic for the s~a'~e O"F~'y] '~ n/' J~[~'"':'""~'~ ~'~-~'"~,~;~;;~Nomry PubliCco..tV,m, ~'~t.~_.~2~~/.State of }}Il My commission expires:~ ¢~~.._...~ ISC/ASM*[( ~::,;. : ...... :.-.:?;~