HomeMy WebLinkAbout897459B OOK:-~//~ t;R P^'O~7' ~ ~' RECEIVED ~' LINCOLt,~ COU~TY CLERI~ Send Tax Notices to: 8 9 7 l~ 5 9 01., Robert B. Bielamowicz and Jane S. Bielamowicz, Trustees 244 Park Valley Drive ~ _ Coppell, Texas 75019 ~]~'~ QUITCLAIM DEED Robert Bielamowicz (who is also known as Robert B. Bielamowicz) and Jane Bielamowicz (who is also known as Jane S. Bielamowicz) husband and wife, Grantors, of Coppell, Texas for One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, hereby quitclaim unto Rober5 B. Bielamowicz and Jane S. Bielamowicz, Trustees of the Robert B. And Jane S. Biela_mowicz Trust, dated November 20, 2003, Grantees, of the same place, all of Grantors' right, title and interest in and to the real property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference,in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming,TOGETHER with all improvements thereon situate and together with all water, water rights, ditch and ditch rights, and other appurtenances thereunto belonging. Subject, however, tO all reservations, exceptions, easements and rights of way of record or of vision. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of said State. Dated this /,~'~ day of February, 2004. Robert Bie-lamSwicz, aka Robert B. Bielamowicz Jane Bielamowicz, aka ~' Jane S. Bielamowicz STATE OF TEXAS ) : SS County of Dallas ) On this /~/~ day of February, 2004, personally appeared before me Robert Bielamowicz, also known as Robert B. Bielamowicz, and Jane Bielamowicz, also known as Jane S. Bielaraowicz, husband and wife, the signers of the foregoing Quitclaim Deed, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. // ""~"' '~ S  .=. .... ~ The land referred tol, is situated in ~e~-State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is described as follows: An undivided 2/3 interest in the following described land: T24N Rll7W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming Sections 23 and 26: Tract 49 and Tract 50 (formerly described as 'E~SE~ of Section 23 and E~NE~ and SW~NE~ of Section 26, T24N Rll7W of the 6th P.M.). Sections 14 and 23: Tract 64 (formerly described as S~SEW of Section 14 and E~NE~ of Section 23, T24N RllTW of the 6th P.M.). Section 14: A portion of Tract 66 (the said Tract 66 being formerly described as SW~, SW~NE~, S~NW~ and NW~SE~ of Section 14 and the E~E~ and E~SE~ of Section 15, T24N Rll7W of the- 6th P.M.), the said portion being described as follows: BEGINNING at corner No. 5 of said Tract 66; thence East, a distance of 20 chains; thence North, a distance of 22~ chains; thence West, a distance of 20 chains; thence South, a distance of 22~ chains to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Section 23 and 26: Sections 23 and 26: Section 26: Tract 51 (formerly described as SE~SW~ of Section 23 and E~NW~ and NE~SW~ of Section 26, T24N RllTW of the 6th P.M.). EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion thereof heretofore conveyed by Warranty Deed from Samuel B. Adams and Margaret Adams to School District No. 10, Uinta County, Wyoming Dated October 13, 1906 and recorded May 8, 1907 in Book 32 of Deeds on page 114 in the office of the County Clerk of Uinta County, Wyoming and recorded in Book 10 of-Transcribed Deeds on page 239 in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. Tract 82 (fOrmerly described as NE~SW~ and W~SE~ of Section 23 and NW~AI~E~ of Section 26, T24N RllTW of the 6th P.M.). Lot C of Tract 47 (the said 'Lot C being formerly described as NE~SE~ of Section 26, T24N Rll7W of the 6th P.M.). EXHIBIT "A" BIELAMOWICZ TO BIELAMOWICZ