HomeMy WebLinkAbout878478 )8OO pR PAGE LIEN STATEMENT Caza Drilling, Inc., with a mailing ad 1 Broadway Denveh Colorado 80217, hereby files this Lien Statement against prope~y Lincoln County, Wyoming, as more particularly described below: · .,. Identification of Owner Against Whom Condor Exploration, LLC Lien is F/led: 7720 E. Belleview Ave., Suite Greenwood Village, Co 80111 DescriptiOn of Real Property: The Horse Trap Federal 2~-27 Well located in Section 27:NE/4SE/4, T. 23 N., R. 115 W. Amount Claimed: $128,013.30 plus interest at the rate of 15%, costs, and attorneys' fees. Lien Claimant: Caza Drilling, Inc., 1801 Broadway St., Suite 360, ~ Denver, Co 80217 See Exhibit A attached hereto. Itemization of materials ~. Delivered and Work Performed: Date of last services: September 21, 2001. Contract: Copy of contract attached as Exhibit B. Caza Drilling, Inc. By' Stephen Hunt, its Controller 126 VERIFICATION . · I, Stephen Hunt, being of lawful age and being first duly sworn under oath, do say that I am Controller of the Claimant named herein; that I have read the within Statement of Lien and know the contents thereof; and that the same is true and correct, to the best of m~y~e, informati°n, and belief, and is made on behalf of the Claimant. Stephen Hunt, Con~roller STATE OF (.~~..- ~ " ]}SS. COUNTY OF ~Lcq. n ,/-c~.. ) sworn, verified, and acknowledged before me this Subscribed and January, 2002, by Stephen Hunt, Controller of Caza Drilling, Inc., who is known by me to be the person who executed the above document and thdt said document was executed voluntarily by him for the purposes stated therein. Witness my hand and official seal. (S E A L) l'~6~a~ Public My Commission Expires: 2 ,SUBTOTAL: $ 428r013.~.0 LESS PRE-PAYMENT: $ (300,000.00] %DDITIONAL REBJLL~ MAY FOLLOW: TOTAL INVOICE DUE:, ~ 128,013:~ PAYMENT ~RMa: ~ ON OR a~OR~ ~0 DAY6 OF ~o~ I~OICE DA~ I I Drilling Contract THIS AG~tEEMENT, made and enlurad into by and belween Co~'l~O~ ~-7~--~n~l--:Q~l!~i~.~,_~!it~ u 10~, ~,~-~5"~C ..................................... g~sin co~/ormiiy wilt{ Ilia trams herod{ and a~ord}~ to Ihe 6~ciJicalions a~d p~vi~{~n~ dj Exhl~il A agach~d ~e~aio ~d made pa~l borzoi. HOW TtIEREFORE, I~e pa~ias muluailV agree as I~lo~: {. 5ubJecl lo the ~easonable availabJlilv o{ one ~ CONTRACTOR'S dgs, CONTRACTOR ~haa uommeoca o~alions Im the dl,~9 o{ lira wall on In ali evenls s~ o~ta~on6 shall be commen~d wi~i~ _---- prop~ o~fallOfl and maime~anc8 o{ [he equ~menl w~ {1 i~ obliged [o [umJ~ p~f~u~l Io Exl~bl{ A. 2. Al{ iloms id be lumished by OPERATOR pu~s~al Ia Exllibit A and any addi~nal maim ~. uqu~menl, special louis, supplies an0 ~ulvi~s nol spacilmaily deywo~ x~les ~pplic~le whe~ Ihe lime ~ lest, and pedormad b~ CONtRACtOR whe~ lbo work exceed6 ~e limlls provided lot in E~[ A Payn ertl due Im~eunUo~ ~ba~ be ma~ w I ]-' I Ihe prosier ol 20% ol the amounl due or $i,OOO.00, lo be applied lo CONTRACTOR'S alto~noy tees. bul which {or convenience a~a aclually furnished by CONTRACTOR. Such charges shall be aubjecl lo an ~di~m ~afOe by CONTRACTOR ol {5% el su~ 4. CONTRACTOR agrees: praclices in Ihe area in which the weJl i~ Io be ddllad. ih) To pay all laxes, licenses, and lees levied ct assessed ~ CONTRACTOR ~ ~ecl~n ~et or inc~enl Io Ihs pedo.~nce ol {his Agmumenl agreos id ~aquire [ho same a0ree~onI f~om ils ~ubconl~aclors ~ be {i~ tm any lalmo a ~m 8ub~nlraclo/s Io so pay. CON]flACTOR o] CONTRACTOR o~ CONTRACTOR'S aga~ts ot enlpioyeos. (e) To car~ Comprehensive Genelal Bodily {njuW and Prope~y Damage h~ufance wilh {im~ia ol al laasl {I,~.O~ aijo~eOalu and lo cat~y Wolkmans' 5. Raspo~sJbiiJly {01 LOSS Or Damage: (bi CONTRACTOR'S "N- toi ~" ~QLJIPMENT ~ TURNKEY Off POO~AGE flASIS: CON]RAC]OR ~haa bo bahia, lO/dmnage la or doshncliu~ o{ CONI'flAC. {c{ CONTRACTOR'S "iN-HOLE" EQUIPMENT ~ DAYWO~ BAS{B: OPE~TOR ~hull be liabte. ~ aamage Io'm desbucl{on o{ CON[RAC]'OR'S In.hole CONTRACZOR Io~ any ~uch (~] OPERATOR'S EQUIPMENT: OPERATOR ~h~ll bo liaao ~ damage lo m du~ltuclimt ol OPERATOR'S oqiiqunont p~ oqi~ipmanl dj OPERATOB'8 (eJ THE HOL~ ~ TURNKEY BAB{S: CONTRACTOR shaft be I~{e ~{e wo~ ~ be~9 ped~ed on a {,mkev b~sis and belo~e gm we~ ~eaches or OPERATOI]'S aOen}5' or employues AS lo soch loss OPERATOR shall bu {i~lO. ({} THE HOt E -- FOOTAG~ BASIS: CONTRACIOR ~ha{{ bo bahia while work la being patio{mad on a Iooiaoe ba~i~ and bulova lbo wall ioachua Dill(lng Contl~lGI Pigl (c) In Ihe event loss el clrculalion JS on~unlM~, CONTRACTOR shall wi~toul undue delay, oNO~ fb=~ts~o oHml to ovm~no each ~n~t~ Whun ~ondilJon is en~unle~od. OPERATOR sh~ll assume end ~al ~e flak el Io~ ox damage lo Ihe ~le J~ lo CONT~CTOR'S ~u~Jenl in tho Imle. Should such 7, CONTRACTOR ts an IndopofldenI cont/acto~ wilh foa~ Io ~fio~mance el wink hofaun~f. Neither CONTI~CTON'S of OPERATOR'S enlp~yuu~, aObfll~, 8. CONTRACTOR and OPERATOR festivalv agree Ia ~mplv wilh ill laws, mlee and f~a~s, I~u~. sta~ and in--pM, w~ch Mu now el may 6gale el Colorado In aXecl al the lima el Iha ex~uflon el ~li Agreemenl. 8 CONTRACTOR shall not be liable ~ OPERATOR Io~ ~y delays. ~magaa, o~ ~V I~e Io ~dorm cau~ bv ~ea~n el F~mW m Slale laws o~ Ihe roles. and easy a~ess lo or hem Ihe Ioculiofl, ur shoilld CONTRACTOR be prevenled bran ~llOMlanc8 ol Ihe drilling ~nlemplM~ bv Ibis ~eenle~l by ~y o/der el ~8auon ~hall ba paid b~ OPERATOR 81 the applicable da~o~k CONTRACTOR shaft dis~nlinuo Iho drilling el Ihs well and ~all ~andon or ~mplelo die s~o ~ ~r~ II ~NTRACTOR has ~1 leached lbo ~l~nl~a ~nlract daplh provided a~ve, OPERATOR will compensate CONTRACTOR Io~ sJl CONTRACTOR'S ~la and o~sos aa a~l ~ detalmi~ bY ~e ~ks and 12. CONTRACTOR agrees, J~ ils pe~ormu~ce el Ibis Agtoemonl, I0 comply wiih'~ll el Ihs provisions el PaR I1. Sateen 202(I) Io (~, ~uaive, el Exo~livo CFR 60-1 4. lite Alfin~alivo Acllo~ Clause prescribed in 41 CFR 60-~50.4, ~o AllState A~on Clause proscribed in 41 CFR ~-741,4 m~d Uio CoflillCaliOlt of Compha~o wlth Eavironmenlal Laws prascflbed in 40 CFR 1520 which are hefe~ in~aled by lelefence in thio flahl el CONTRACTOR Io either suspend of lermlnate Is cumuls~va. In Ih8 evenl el lerminalion al gas Agruemenl pursuant lo flue PM~aFi 13, OPE~TOR WILL compeflsale CONTRACTOR lot 811 CONTRACTOR'S ~81s and eape~es 88 shall be del'm~ bV 1~8 b~ks a~M ~fd8 el Ihs CONT~CTOR mal~ained i~ the Exhibit A, then Ih8 amounl agreed Io be paid b~ OPERATOR Io CONTRACTOR sh~l ~ [ncfeased bV Ihe 8~unl el such ifl~aaie in ~sls ~ CONTRACTOR 16. None of Ihe requirements Gl this Agreemenl 8~8~ be ~nsido~od as waived bv either pa~y unless ~e wav~ ~ in wrap. ~ ~ by ~e pomona Oxecu lng 17. This Agreemaflt shall not be bindtng upon CONTRACTOR until exaculod by OPERATOR end e 711cola orimnal e~eculed by OPERATOR ia iolurne,'~ Io a~ ~eceived by CONTRACTOR. ~ ~ OPERATOR: . CONTRACTOR[_ T,II ~ Tflla ~w ~leCflthvon, D~.,illing ......... ~20 gfl~t Bellevlev/, ~uite B 10~ CAZA ! 3 0 nl~lS~0N *~ E_ NN61GN RE6OURCE SERVICE GROUp iNC. Dote of Bid: 1/25/01 OPERATOR; CONDOR EXPLORATION Address: 7720 East BalleVIQW WELL NAME: Malllplo Wolle S~ite B 102 Location: -T23N -R115W E~olewood. Colorado 80111 Counl~ Slale: Wy Conl~cl Type - OBywork Rig Number - 73 Crew Size - Deviation Limit - As per opeL/no doglegs d~glaes max Hale Size 12 1/4" 7 7/8" Stake Loc~lJon Surl~ca Damages & Righl o~We7 Ro~d, Location & Maintenance Mud Reserve Pits ~ ~leel SUrface Casing - depth and sl~o Rig Time to Run Ce~e~lJ~O and Cemangng Se~ices We.C, Time prior Io Ddffin~ Plug Power Tongs h~lerm,Casl~g, deplh end size Rig Time to Run Camenltng a~d Cemenling W.O,C. Time pdor 1o DIJlJing Pl~g Power Tongs Fuel ~oIJer Fu~l LIMIT $75 PER GAL Waler - Source LIMIT $75 PER GAL Hauling or Pump AIle~ Cum Hrs. Losl Cl~c. Mud (Mud up depth) A~ler_. ~cumm. hrs. lost circulation Coring - Rig Time, 3M Padv Reaming Cored Hero Testing - Rig Tim=~ ., ~rd Party Se~lces Logging. Rig Time 3rd Parly So.ices- Type Lost Circ~ilon Afl0r Jnfli~l I cum, hfs, fl~rnJ~hed by Conlraclor Plu0uIn0 - RIg Trine 3rd Party Production CasJilg. Rig Time P~war Tongs and Casing Crews W.OC. Time Cl~culale Samples and W.O.O. Da~ork Repair Tlme:~ h~s./Job,~hrs. / weft Moving Permits T~ash Trailer, SeptE. C am ca Iollels Fresh water : fiN, MH, Conduc~r. Forklift ~OP Testing, D Iches, Corrosion T~bular In~pecBons Wildcat Aulomalic driller, Pasofl Geolograph Gas busier, Roi Head, Forklift, kelly spinner P~, hyd choke, A DAYWORK MOBILIZATION FEE of $38000 wig bo tnvolced to the Operator. A DEMOBILIZATION FEE $ 25000 al and of program will bo invoiced lo the Operator. Day'work Rates per 24 Hour day: $10650 Wilh Drill Ptpe $10650 WilhoLII Dali Pipe $10650 8lafldby with crews ~ 6400 Standby wilhoul crews Boiler Rata; i30 per hour. . LIMIT MOBILI~TION LIMIT RIG MOVE LA~OR TO 240 MAN HOURS. ADDITIONAL LABOR TO BE CHARGED AT ~50 O0 PER MAN IIOtJR ~TANDBy RATE WHILE WAITING ON LOCATION OR TRUCKS WffL BE $6-100 PER DAY. IF LABOR ADJUSTMENTS ARE MADE THOSE COSTS WILL BE PASSED ON TO TIlE OPE~TOR. (Abnormal pressure as used in ~ls Contract shall mean ~y pressure lot which a mud excess el 10 lb/ual ia uuod lo Hain colllfol ol said pressure ) See Attached Exhibit Per well pre-payment o~ $300,000.00. AddilJonal' charges and or credits will be finalized after ~eaching I.d. Qua~eriy review o~ contracts and pedermance Io be co~docted beiwee~ Ce~dol and Caza, an~l role adjustmenls made. Role increases for labor will be passed on to Operato~ when ~e~ssa~. This contract can be terminated with 30 days wdtten notice by eiihe[ pa~y. At n~ time will Caza employee's be placed at risk to save time or money. MAXIMUM CHARGE PAID UY CAZA FOR TtiUCKING AND C~NE WILl. BE AT ~ Ib.O~u. AN I ADDiTioNAL ';O ~E REBILLAD. LIMIT RIG MOVE LABOR TO 240 MAN HOURS. ADDITIONAL LABOR TO STANDeY RATE WHILE WAITING ON LOCATION OR TRUCKS WILL BE $5400 PER DAY. Roiallng head Gas Busier ~ 1~0.00 P~ ~ 12~.Oo One (1) Pason Unit ~ $ 7~.~O Addillonal re-hilled at f~st ~lngla Sh~t Suwey Equipment ~'Wildcat Aulo-ddller $ 1OQO0 Kelly Spinners $ 100.~0 Super-choke $ 10~.00 Li~lear Motion ~hale shaker $ 1~0.~ Screens ~e-billed al cost L~sI in hole Replaced al cesl by Operalor Hardbanding Corrosion costs . Re-billed to Opelalni - Repairs Re-hilled Io Ope~all~r Operator