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ROR~R~ ~. RO~ZRTS, JR. an4 C~NTA ~. ROBERTS,' husband and wiZe
~ran~ors of Alcon, County of Lincoln, ~ace ~ Wyoming
h,reby CO~Y and ~T TO~
DOUG~ A~ ~M~TH and ~ATR~C~A L~ ~MITH, husband and w~e, a~ b~nan~ by
Grantee of P.O. ~ox ~022, Alton, ~oming ~110
for ~he ~um of Ten Dollar~ and other good and valuable oonsidera~ion .........
the followin~ describad ~ract of land in Lincoln County, State of ~omin~,
hereby relaasin~ and waiving all right~ ~der an~ by virtue of the
exempt/on laws of the State, to-wit,
A ~=~ion of ~he ~1/~ ~1/% of Section 4, T31N, RllgW, 6th
Principal M~ridian, Linooln County, Wyoming, ~d bein~
par~i~larly d~cribed a~
BE~I~IN~ a~ a point on guru ~ of C~n~erline of Road 2~ and m~asured no be
N26~27'13"E 2229.61 fee= from uhe Sou~h Ouar~er Corner of said sec=ion
said poin'= also being 131.83 fee= alo~ the arc of said uu~e, havin~ a
radius of 289. 312 feet and a uotal length of ROe. 131 fee=; ~henee
souuhwe~erly,~ alon~ said cu~e, ~hr~ush a =en=ral angle of 26"D6, 3D" an arc
~o CBc le~=, havin~ a radius of 294.84~ ~eec; =hence ~ing along la~ ~aid
cu~c through a central angl~ of 44"22'28,* an arc distance of 212.86 fee~
=he PC of last said curve; thence leaving ~aid Road Centerline and running
N96~21'02"W 132.45 fau5; nhmnce S67"36'0%"W 1~.73 feet; thence N55"03'32"W
13~.82 fee=; =henCe N8.00'0O,,W ~21.~ feet; ~hence S8~"4~'31E 168.35 fee=;
thence N70"08'3B,,E 134.19 fee=: thence S71"04'35"E 218.74 feeg; thence
S3"%3'~6"W 23.75 fee~; ~hence S~2~0~,11,,~ 124.3S geet; thence $76"05'40"E
S~jec= ~o rese~ations and restrictions oo~=ai~e4 Sn the United States
Patent and =o eas~mentm a~ rights-of-way of reuora or in use.
Together with all i~r~v~nt~ and appurtenances chermon.
WITNESS, =he hand of ~aid ~ran~ors, =his 4=h day of J~uar~, A.D. 2002.
Robe~.,H, RobertS,.. Jr~
COUnty of Lincoln
On =he 4Ch day o~ Janua~ A.D. 2002, ~reonally appeared bmfore m~,
Robert H. Roberts, J~. ~d Cinta ~. ~r~s, ~own or idencifie~ ~0 ~ :o be
~r~onu whosc names are ~ubacrib~d ~o th~ winhin insurummnn, and