HomeMy WebLinkAbout878474 :..,030j 5348 WIIEN RECORDED MAIL TO: '::'3~!'!~xi~i]x :~ EVERGREEN ~ i: [{ 9351 WEST STATE STREET, SUITE B ~._iTf~r:: ~'~ (::(;~,~,-'v 0LERK BOISE, IDAHO 83703 A~N: QUALITY CONTROL [l~ ~"'~ Loan Number: 32~005200 .... ~,, ,~'~..u,~ Servicing Number: :" ''" ~ .[Sp~c~ A~ TMs Lin, For ~o~i~g Assig ent of FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby grants, assigns and transfers to OPTZON ONE CORPO~TZON, A CALZ~OR~ZA COR~O~TZON, 3 ADA, ZRVZ~E, CA 926~8 all beneficial interest under that certain Mortgage dated ~U~R~ 4, 2002 executed by DoUGLAs 'AL~ SMITH ~D PATRICIA LYNN SMITH HUS~D ~D WIFE ~'~ 20OZ_/'~-~ , Mortgagor and recorded as Instrument No. concurrently herewith on in book .d/(,j~/ , page o{?f~' , of Official Records in the County Recorder's office of LINCOLN County, WYOMING , describing land therein as LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF AS EXHIBIT "A" Com~monly known as: 1752 CROW CREEK ROAD, FAIRVIEW, WYOMING 83119 Assessor's Parcel #: TOGETI{ER with the note or notes therein described or referred to, the money due and to become due thereon with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue under said Mortgage. EVERGREEN, AN IDAHO CORPORATION By: ' By: Name: ' Name: . .~'el/'~- Title: Title: Attest Attest STATE OF I,,(= ~o COUNTY OF ._~t.~ SS. On I / ~'//O Z be/bm me, personally appeared L, ~p~rsonally known to ine (or proved lo me on the basis of ggfiflfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged (Tk[~a~'J~grporate Seal) to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that byhis/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and offic~al._ Signature ~ - -,- .,,,,, Name (Typed or Printed) (This area for official notarial seal) Notary Public in for said Stme USMS018! (03-03-94) -om.^o. Illllllllllllllllll I II Ill lllllllllllll ! I IIlll Illllll Ill III 105 Loan No.' 321005700 Date: JANUARY 4, 2002 Pr0pertyAddress: 1752 CROW CREEK ROAD, FAIRVIEW, WYOMING 83119 Exhibit "A" Legal Description EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of the NWI~4 SE1/4 of Section 4, T31N, Rll9W, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on curve 7 of Centerline of Road 238 and measured to be N26°27,13,E 2229.61 feet from the South Quarter Corner of said Section 4, said point also being 131.83 feet along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 289.312 feet and a total length of 209.131 feet; thence southwesterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 26006,30'' an arc distance of 131.83 feet to the PC of said curve 7; thence running S58°35'27"W, tangent to said curve, 120.47 feet to the PT of a curve, concave to the left, having a radius of 274.843 feet; thence running along last said curve through a central angle of 44°22'28'' an arc distance of 212.86 feet to the PC of last said curve; ~hence leaving said Road Centerline and running N76°21'02"W 132.45 feet; thence S67o36,01,,W 188.73 feet; thence N55°03'32"W 135.82 feet; thence N8o00,00,,W 421.13 feet; thence S85°44'31E 168.35 feet; thence N70o08,35,E 134.19 feet; thence S71°04'35"E 218.74 feet; thence S3o43,46,,W 23.75 feet; thence S82°07'11"E 124.35 feet; thence S76o05,40,,E 142.87 feet; thence ........... ~ u,= ruxllu of Beginning. DocMag~~ 800-649-1362 www. ~cmag~. com IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III I III III III