HomeMy WebLinkAbout878483r~ L!l',i()"Y,!.!'.,! (:,'.'".i.!i..!Ty CLERK 48lpRPAGE 1 5 0 '" NOTICE OF AG F REAL ESTATE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCerN, ~[~AS~ TA~ NOTICE: . ~y aa Agreement dated January ~ 0, 2002 ememd into between DA~R~[ [. ASHTON, aka, DA~[[ [. AS~TON, AND RANDY D. AS~TON as Seller agreed to sell aaa convey, to ~A~[ ]. DA~WAY, as ~urc~aser agreed to purchase and accept the following describe~ real property situate in the Coumy of lincoln, State of Wyoming, to wit: That pa~t of Sectio~ ~1, T34N ~1~8W of the 6th P.M., Uacola County, Wyoming described oa Exhibit A prepared by ~arlow~ A. Scbevbel labeled 'Harry]. Tude[Io GlO Eot ] (NW~NE~) Section 2], T34N RllSW-~evised" dated November 7, ~ 994. Together with and iacladi~g all improvements thereon and all appurtenances and bereditameat thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenams, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, fights and rights of way of sight and/or record ~aye~ s~all b~ emifled to emer imo possession of the above described property on the sa~e of closing. Sel~er shalE, upon payment ia f~[I of t~ purchase price as provided in the said agveemem, cause a Warranty Deed conveying the above-described property to be delivered to the ~uyer, subject to S~[I~'s right to terminate the contract Eot default. This memorandum is for i~formati~ a~0 ~ecordatioa purposes only and does not constitute the entire agreement between the parties. Dated this c_/' day of January, 2002. - Darrel L. Ashton Randy D. Ashton State of Utah County of The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Darrel L. Ashton and Randy D. Ashton this. ~ day of Janua~, 2002. Nota~ Public My Commission Expires: .... [ ~ Pleasan~~ To be attached to Notice of Sale of Real Estate executed by Darrel L. Ashton and Randy D.. Ashton to Ear J. Darway. :'- U' - Earl (~arway STATE OF CALIFORNIA, · " COUNTY OF ~:~t'1 [.U/~' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me ~ day of January~ 2002. Witness my hand and official seal. ~~ COMM. ~ 1231286 ~ My Commission Expires: ,4¸ FOR ~ ~RRY J. TURIELLO GLO LOT i(]qT~NEW) SECTION 21, T34N, RllSW - REVISED All of GLO Lot 't(NW~NE~) of Section 21, T34N, RllSW, Lincoln County, Wyoming,. being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 304 of Photostatic Records on page 300; . EXCEPTING that tract of record in said Office in Book 203 of Photostatic Records on page 490, described as follows: B~I~ING at the northwest corner of said GLO Lot I(NW~EW), found as described in ~he Corner Record filed in said Office; thence S00o.28.9,E, 60.00 feet, along t}le west line of said L'0t 1, to a point; · thence'S89~-44.5'E, 100.00 feet, parallel with the north line of said Lot 1, Co a point; thence N00o-28.9,W, 60.00 feet, parallel with said west line to a point on said north line; ' thence N89o-44.5,W, 100.00 feet, along said north line, to the CORNER OF BEGI~ING; Encompass].n~ an area af 0 1 acre, more or less; ENCOMPASSING a Total area of 41.7 acres, more or less; RESERVING unto the Grantor a righ~ of ingress and egress and public utilities over and across the north sixty (60)r'feet and the ease thir.~y (30) feet of GLO Lot. I(NW~E~) of said Section 'SUBjECT' to the "conditional,, right,of_way easement 'of record in · ~id Office in Book 237 of Photostatic Records on page 614; SUBJECT to easements of sight and of record; TOGETHER with a right of ingress and egress and public utili- ties over and across the land described on attached Exhibit TOOETHER with a right of ingress and e~ress over and across the' south five (5) feet of' the NE~EW and the north five (5) feet of the SE~E~ of said Section 21; the BASE BEARINO for this survey being the east line of sald NER bein~ North (1914 GLO); each "point', marked ~y a steel T-shaped stake 24" lon~ with metal cap inscribed "PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLS164 SURVEY POINT", with mppropriate details/ all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled "HARRY J. TURIELLO PLAT OF T~CTS WITHI~ NEW SECTION 21 T34N RllSW LINCOLN COUNTY, 'WYOMING, dated 28 Oc:ober 1994. SURVEYOR BIB Pi~iey. Wymnln6 lermin~l~s Ji.bilJly 153 DESCRIPTION Exhibit "B" FOR HARRY J TURI~LLO ACCESS A strip of ].and sixty feet in width within the NW~ and the NE~ of Section 21,. T34N, RllSW, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows; the north sixty (60) feet of said NW~ and the west 100 feet of the north sixty (60) feet of said NE~, identical wit}] that right=of-way easement of record in the Office of the Clark of Lincoln County in Book 203 of Photostatic Records on page 491; AND the north sixty (60) feet and tile east thirty (30) feet of GLO Lot i(NW~/(NE~,() of said Section 21; AND the west thirty (30) feet of the NE~NE,~ of said.Section 21; AND the east thirty (30) feet of the north sixty (60) feet of GLO Lot 2(SW~/(NE~) of said Section 21; AND the west thirty (30) feet of the north sixty~ (60) feet of the SE-~/~NE~ of said Section 21; the BASE BEARING for this survey being the east line of said NE~ bein~ North (1914 GLO) ; ali in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of L~'incoln County titled "HARRY J. TURIELLO PLAT OF TRACTS WITHIN NE~ SECTION 21 T34N RllSW LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, dated 28 October 1994. 994 harry5, des Paul N. ~l*,,l~l SCQfl ~. SchoOl I~vi~O~ ICltI~II,, IAI), J~c~lo., Wyomh,i Ahm~, Wyomln~ 8J I I0 "hAndiflcallon In any why o[ Ihr~ for.aninK (le.q(*dl)ti~m I.rrninnle. s Iia[)llit¥ (ii' the ......