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THO~S D. ~BB, ~., BETTY R. ~BB and ELIZ~ETH W. ~TAL&
Trustees, or their successors in trust, under the THO~S D. ~BB ~
BETTY R..~BB F~Y TRUST dated JanUaw 10, 1985, and as restated on
September 22, 2000, and any amendments thereto.
1. The following Trust (the "Trust") is the subject of this Affidavit:
BETTY RAMSBECK WEBB passed away on the 17th day of October, 2000, in the State
of Wyoming, and the place of last residence of said decedent was the County of Lincoln,
State of Wyoming. A copy of the Death Certificate for BETTY RAMSBECK WEBB is
attached hereto, and incorporated and made a part hereof by reference;
3. THOMAS D. WEBB passed away on the 21~t day of March, 2003, in the State of
Wyoming, and the place of last residence of said decedent was the County of Lincoln,
State of Wyoming. A copy of the Death Certificate for THOMAS D. WEBB is attached
hereto, and incorporated and.made a part hereof by reference;
4. Article Fifteen, Section 3, paragraph E., of the Trust provides that in the event of the
death of THOMAS D. WEBB, that ELIZABETH W. HUHTALA, shall serve as his
Successor Trustee.
5. ELIZABETH W. HUHTALA is both able and willing to serve as Successor Trustee.
6. The trust is currently in full force and effect.
AttaChed to this Affidavit and incorporated herein by reference are selected provisions of
the Trust evidencing the following:
a. Article Fifteen - The Resignation, Replacement, and SucCession of our Trustees;
b. Article Sixteen - General Matters and Instructions with Regard to TruSteeship;
¢. Article Seventeen Our Trustees' Administrative and Investment Powers; and
d. Article Eighteen - Definition and General Provisions.
8. The Trust provisions which are not attaChed to this Affidavit are of a 'personal and
confidential nature and set forth the distribution of Trust property. They do not modify
the powers of the Trustees.
9. The signatory to this Affidavit is Currently the acting Successor-Trustee of the Trust and
declares that the foregoing statements and the attached Trust Provisions are true and
correct, under penalty0fperjury under the laws of the State of Wyoming.
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Dated this
day of February, 2004.
County of Lincoln }
The foregoing Affidavit of Successor Trustee was subscribed, sworn to, and acknowledged
before me by ELIZABETH W. HUHTALA, Successor Trustees on this c] day of February,
Witness my hand and official seal.
Notaryffublic for the State of [JJcl~4t_~ ~
My Co~nmission Expires: q/JZ//)~- ' (/
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DATE iSSUED: .:~PR ,' . ' .... :~ L,ci~da
Depu~ State Reglslrar
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Article Fifteen
The Resignation, Replacement, and
Succession of Our Trustees
Section 1. The Resignation of a Trustee
Any Trustee may resign by giving thirty days' written notice to each of us or to
our respective legal representatives. If either of us is not living, the notice shall be
delivered to the Trustee and to all of the beneficiaries then eligible to receive
mandatory or discretionary distributions of net income fi-om any trust created
under this agreement.
If a beneficiary is a minor or is legally incapacitated, the notice shall be delivered
to that beneficiary's guardian or other legal representative.
Section 2. The Removal of a Trustee
Any Trustee may be removed as follows:
a. Removal by Us
We reserve the fight to remove any Trustee at any time, but only if we
both agree.
b. RemOval by One of Us
After one of us dies or during any period that one of us is disabled and
the other Trustmaker is living and is not disabled, the survMng
nondisabled Trustmaker may remove any Trustee.
c. Removal by Other Beneficiaries ~"
After the death or incapacity of both of us, a majority of the
beneficiaries then eligible to receive mandatory or discretionary
distributions of net income, under this agreement may remove any
d. Notice of Removal
Neither of us, nor any of our beneficiaries, need give any Trustee being
removed any reason, cause, or ground for such removal.
Notice of removal shall be effective when made in writing by either:
Personally delivering notice to the Trustee and securing a
written receipt, or
Mailing notice in the United States mail to the last known
address of the Trustee by certified mail, return receipt
Section 3. Replacement of Trustees
Whenever a Trustee is removed, dies, resigns, becomes legally incapacitated, or is
o'ther~vise unable or unwilling to serve, that Trustee shall be replaced as follows:
a. The Death or Disability of a Trustee While We Are Serving as
We may serve as the only Trustees or we may name any number of
Trustees to serve with us. If any of these other Trustees subsequently
die, resign, become legally incapacitated, or are otherwise unable or
unwilling to serve as a Trustee, we may or may not fill the vacancy, as
we both agree.
b. Disability Trustees of THOMAS D. WEBB
Upon the disability of THOMAS D. WEBB, JR. the following shall
serve as disability Trustees:
If the nondisabled Trustmaker is then serving as a Trustee, she shall
continue to serve upon the disability of THOMAS D. WEBB, JR.
If BETTY R. WEBB is un~lling or unable to serve, or is unable to
serve for any other reason, then ELIZABETH W. HUHTALA may
serve alone.
If ELIZABETH W. HUHTALA is unwilling or unable to serve, or
cannot continue to serve for any other reason, then ROBERT R. WEBB
shall be named as successor disability Trustee.
c. Disability Trustees ofBETTYtL WEBB
Upon the disability of BETTY R. WEBB, the following shall serve as
disability Trustees:
If the nondisabled Truslrnaker is then serving as a Trustee, he shall
continue to serve upon the disability of BETIT R. WEBB.
If THOMAS D. WEBB is unwilling or unable to serve, or cannot
continue to serve for any other reason, then ELIZABETH W.
HUHLATA shall serve alone.
continue to serve for any,
be named as successor dish
d. Death Trustees of Tt
LATA Is unwilling or unable to serve, or
,ther reason, then ROBERT R. WEBB shall
~ility Trustee.
On the death of THOMAS D. WEBB, all of the following death
Trustees shall replace all of our initial Trustees, if they are then serving,
or all of the disability Trustees, if they are then serving:
sun, ivor of them.
If the surviving Tmstmaker is then serving as a Trustee, she shall
continue to serve upon the death of THOMAS D. WEBB.
If BETTY R. WEBB is unwilling or unable to serve as a death Trustee,
or cannot continue to serve for any other reason, then ELIZABETH W.
HUHTALA shall serve alone.
If ELIZABETH W. HUHTALA is unwilling or unable to serve as a
death Trustee, or cannot continue to serve for any other reason, then
ROBERT R. WEBB shall be named as successor death Trustee.
e. Death Trustees ofBETTYtL WEBB
On the death of BETTY R. WEBB, all of the following death Trustees
shall replace all of our initial Trustees, if they are then serving, or the
disability Trustee, if they are then serving:
the survivor of them.
If the surviving Trustmaker is then serving as a Trusteel he shall
continue to serve upon the death of BETTY R. WEBB.
If BETTY R. WEBB is unwilling or unable to serve as a Trustee, or
cannot continue to serve ebr any 'other reason, then ELIZABETH W.
HUHTALA shall serve alone.
If ELIZABETH W. HUHTALA is unwilling or unable to serve as a
death Trustee, or cannot continue to serve for any other reason, then
ROBERT R. WEBB shall be named as successor death Trustee.
f. Successor Trustees
A successor death Trustee shall be replaced upon death, resignation, or
legal disability and the next successor death Trustee in the order named
above shall serve and carry out the terms and provisions of our trust.
A Trustee may be listed more than once in this Section or an initial
Trustee may also be named as a disability Trustee or a Trustee who will
serve at death. Naming a Trustee more than once is done as a
convenience only and is not to be construed as a termination 0f that
Trustee' s trusteeship.
Article Sixteen
General Matters and Instructions
with Regard to the Trusteeship
Section 1. Use of "Trustee" Nomenclature
As used throughout this agreement, the word "Trustee" shall refer to our initial
Trustee as well as any single, additional, or successor Trustees. It shall also refer
to any individual, corporation, or other entity acting as a replacement, substitute,
or added Trustee.
Section 2. No Requirement to Furnish Bond
Our Trustee shall not be required to furnish any bond for the faith_rial performance
of its duties.
If a bond is required by any law or court of competent jurisdiction, it is our desire
that no surety be required on such bond.
Section 3. Court Supervision Not Required
All trusts created under this agreement shall be administered free from the active
super~'ision of any court.
Any proceedings to seek judicial instructions or a judicial determination shall be
initiated by our Trustee in the appropriate state court having original jurisdiction
of those maners relating to the construction and administration of trusts.
Article Seventeen
Our Trusteets Administrative and
Investment Powers
Section 1. Introduction to Trustee's Powers
Except as other~vise provided in this agreement, our Trustee shall have both the
administrative and investment powers enumerated under this Article and any other
powers granted by law with respect to the Various trusts created by this agreement.
Section 2. Powers to Be Exercised in the Best Interests of the
Our Trustee shall exercise the following administrative and investment powers
without the order of any court, as our Trustee determines in its sole and absolute
discretion to be in the best interests of the beneficiaries.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this agreement, our Trustee shall not
exercise any power in a manner inconsistent with the beneficiaries' right to the
beneficial enjoyment of the trust property in accordance with the general
principles of the law of trusts.
Section 3. Administrative and Investment Powers
Our Trustee is hereby granted the following administrative and investment
a. Agricultural Powers
Our Trustee may retain, sell, acquire, and continue any farm or ranching
operation whether as a sole proprietorship, parmership, or corporation.
Article Eighteen
Definitions and General Provisions
Section 1. Definitions
For purposes of this agreement, the following words and phrases shall be defined
as follows:
a. Adopted and Afterborn Persons
Persons who are legally adopted while they are under 18 years of age
shall be treated for all purposes under this agreement as though they
were the naturally bom children of their, adopting parents.
An afterbom person is a descendant of ours who is bom after the date
that we sign this agreement. A child in gestation who is later bom alive
shall be considered a child in being throughout the period of g~station.
b. Descendants
A person's descendants shall include all of his or her lineal descendants
through all generations,
A descendant in gestation who is later bom alive shall be considered a
descendant in being throughout the period of gestation,
An adopted person, and all persons who are the descendants by blood or
by legal adoption while under the age of 18 years of such adopted
person, shall be considered descendants of the adopting parents as well
as the adopting parents' ancestors.
c. Per Stirpes Distributions
Whenever a distribution is to be made to a person's descendants, per