HomeMy WebLinkAbout897585GARDNER LA W OFFICE O. David Gardner, Attorney P. O. Box 96 Aeon, WY 83110 (307) 885-3183 897585 ,'.. ooK,5¢? 256 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK AFFIDAVIT OF PARTIAL VACATION OF ROADWAY KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that the consenting undersigned lot owners give notice and desire to vacate a certain portion of South Kelly Lane of Peters Subdivision of Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said vacated podion is hereafter described and as reflected on Exhibit "1" of the Peters Sub~livision map attached hereto and made a pad hereof. 1. Said portion of the roadway to be vacated is described as follows: That portion of the South Kelly' Lane lying Westerly from the 60 foot radius cul-de-sac common to lots 7 and 8, which center is the lot corner common to lots 4, 6, 7 and 8 as shown on the Peters Subdivision Plat as recorded and as reflected on Exhibit "1"; also being described as the Westerly 184 feet, more or less, of the said roadway. 2. Said roadway is a private road with right of use granted to each lot owner to include utilities. The vacating portion is the roadway, the grant for utilities to remain. 3. The Affiants, being duly sworn, are all of the owners of the subdivision lots, who have an interest in the roadway, and by their undersigned signatures consent to the partial vacating of the said roadway as described. 4. Said Affiants hereby vacate that portion of the South Kelly Lane referred to in the aforesaid description, requesting the County Clerk to make the appropriate notation on the recorded plat as reflected on the attached Exhibit "1" and recorded hereby. 5. By vacating the said portion of said roadway, there are no rights without consent that are destroyed or abridged to other proprietors in the Peters Subdivision Plat. 6. It is specifically the intent to not vacate the rights of use for utilities; said rights shall continue unchanged. 7. Peters Subdivision consists of eight (8) lots. The said ownership of the said lots are listed as follows: a. Stuart A. Barnes, P.O. Box 3657, Alpine, WY 83128, Lot 1; b. Jeffrey G. and Susan J. Atwood, P.O. Box 3185, Alpine, WY 83128, Lot 2; c. Rex and Sarah Doornbos, P.O. Box 3638, Alpine, WY 83128, Lot 3; AFFIDAVIT OF PARTIAL VACATION OF ROADWAY South Kelly Lane/Peters Subdivision Page 1 of 6 · d. Blake A. and SharOn Cornthwaite, 3679 Abbeywood Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89110-0000, Lot 4; e. Michelle Megzger and Stephen M. Bigger, RO. Box 2, Wilson, WY 83014-0000, Lot 5; f. Katherine V.R. Halsey, P.O. Box 161, Wilson, WY 83014-0000, Lot 6; g. Fernando and Millie Escobedo, RO. Box 4207, Jackson, WY 83001, Lot 7; and h. Dale R. and Linda C. Perry, P.O. Box 3633, Alpine, WY 83128, Lot8. The undersigned hereby declare, desire and agree that the aforesaid partial vacating of roadway is accompliShed. DATED this day of ,2003. STUART A. BARNES Owner of Lot1, Peters Subdivision STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF ] ]ss. ] Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above-mentioned, did personally appear Stuart A. Barnes and subscribed and affirmed the foregoing Affidavit of Partial Vacation of Roadway on this __ day of ,2003. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: AFFIDAVIT OF PARTIAL VACATION OF ROADWAY South Kelly Lane/Peters Subdivision Page 2 of 6 SOUTH: LAIfE S TE~{ SUBDIVISION IPLAT No. 1339 . _. . ,L .... .___, ........ _-T-__' BASE BEARING S 89'37'34" E 805.12' OLD ALPINE ~o.~o' ~ao.oo' COUNTY UT~ (3.78 ACRES) / PETERS I (a.so aches)- -4- SU IVfSION ,' .. I ~ooooo , ~ o,oo.oo -7- I - (1.49 ACRES) I~ (1.30 ACRES) I ho Blake A. and Sharon Cornthwaite, 3679 Abbeywood Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89110-0000, Lot 4; Michelle Megzger and Stephen M. Bigger, P,O. Box 2, Wilson, VVY 83014-0000, Lot 5; Katherine V.R. Halsey, P.O. Box 161, Wilson, WY 83014-0000, Lot 6; Kenneth K. Meyers, 220 N. Lake Havasu Avenue, Lake Havasu, AZ 86403-0000, Lot 7; and Dale R. and Linda C. Perry, P.O. Box 3633, Alpine, WY 83128, Lot 8. The undersigned hereby declare, desire and agree that the aforesaid partial vacating of roadway is accomplished. DATEDthis /~ dayof P~'~/"'"'~'"'7'" ,2003. STUART A. BA~ Owner of Lot 1, Peters Subdivision STATE OF WYOMING . ] J ]ss. COUNTY OF /--~//uCO~ ] Bef0-Nme, a N-0tar'¥ Public-in and for the State and County above-mentioned, dA~ dPae~iSt°onfapI I~ d~ Pa ~/;: aStti;: rto fAl~ ~aa~nweaSy aonndt Sh iUsb / ?"P~s 9'r'i I~ e~dd: ~ do ~ffi~-~?~/~ n2g0037-. 2D~ .~m hand and official seal.~/~~~._.. ~xpires': ~-,.,5%o?~¢ 0,¢ AFFIDAVIT OF PARTIAL VACATION OF ROADWAY South Kelly Lane/Peters Subdivision Page 2 of 6 AF~,EYaG. ATWOOE Owner of Lot 2, Peters Subdivision $'USAN J. ATWOOD ~ Owner of Lot 2, peters Subdivision STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF ] ]ss.' ] Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above-mentioned, did personally appear Jeffrey G. Atwood and Susan J. Atwood and subscribed and ed the foregoing Affidavit of Partial Vacation of Roadway on this ~p-z) day of ?/]q/5~3. ' ~,. _ ,.~ L My Commission Expires: REX DOORNBOS Owner of Lot 3, Peters Subdivision SARAH DOORNBOS Owner of Lot 3, Peters Subdivision STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF ] ]ss. ] Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above-mentioned, did personally appear Rex Doornbos and Sarah Doornbos and subscribed and affirmed the foregoing Affidavit of Partial Vacation of Roadway on this day of ,2003. WITNESS my hand and official seal, NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: AFFIDAVIT OF PAR TIAL VA CA TION OF ROADWAY South Kelly Lane/Peters Subdivision Page 3 of 6 JEFFREY G. ATWOOD Owner of LOt 2, Peters Subdivision SUSAN J. ATWOOD Owner of Lot 2, Peters Subdivision STATE OF VVYOMING COUNTY OF ] lSS. ] Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above-mentioned, did personally appear Jeffrey G. Atwood and Susan J. Atwood and subscribed and affirmed the foregoing Affidavit of Partial Vacation of Roadway on this day of ,2003. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: SARAH DOORNBOS Owner of Lot 3, Peters Subdivision Owner of Lot 3, Peters Subdivision STATE OF WYOMING/~ ] C 0 U~~_ ~_...~<L /~~ ]]SS' Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above-mentioned, did/l~rsonally~ppear Rex Doornbos and Sarah Doornbos and subscri~ a ed the re oing Affidavit of Partial Vacation of Roadway on this ~y of WITNESS my hand and official seal. Lincoln ~ llV'/omin, II N O¢¢'A~-Y'-PU B LIC v My CommissiOn Expires: / / AFFIDAVIT OF PARTIAL VACATION OF ROADWAY South Kelly Lane/Peters Subdivision Page 3 of 6 BLAKE A. CORNTHWAITE Owner of Lot 4, Peters Subdivision SHARON CORNTHWAITE Owner of Lot 4, Peters Subdivision STATE OF ~"'~-F ~r ~y~l~ ] ]ss. COUNTYOF Ci~~ ] Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above-mentioned, did personally appear Blake A. Cornthwaite and Sharon Cornthwaite and subscribed and affirmed the foregoing Affidavit of Partial Vacation of Roadway on this ,-~¢: day of ~/_,d2 I/VL~.,~, 2003, - WITNESS my hand and official seal,  DEVAN TH ORNS ~ NOTARY PUBLIC _ STATE OF NEVADA - APPT. No. 03-82518-1 N OTA RY P U B L IC MY APPT. EXPIRES APRIL 4, 2007 My Commission Expires: MICHELLE METZGER Owner of Lot 5, Peters Subdivision STEPHEN M. BIGGER Owner of Lot 5, Peters Subdivision STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF ] ]ss. ] Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above-mentioned, did personally appear Michelle Metzger and Stephen M. Bigger and subscribed and affirmed the foregoing Affidavit of Partial Vacation of Roadway on this day of ,2003. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC' My Commission Expires:. AFFIDAVIT OF PARTIAL VACATION OF ROADWAY South Kelly Lane/Peters Subdivision Page 4 of 6 BLAKE A. CORNTHWAITE Owner of Lot 4, Peters Subdivision STATE OF ] ]ss. COUNTY OF ] SHARON CORNTHWAITE OWner o7 Lot 4, Peters Subdivision Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above-mentioned, did personally appear Blake A. Cornthwaite and Sharon Cornthwaite and subscribed and affirmed the fo.regoing Affidavit of Partial Vacation of Roadway on this day of ,2003. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: '~~5E,~bdivision STF_)CHEN M. BIGGEI;;f'~' Owner of Lot 5, Peters Subdivision STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF ~,f. ~ ] ]ss. ] Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above-mentioned, did personally appear Michelle Metzger and Stephen M. Bigger and subscribed and affirmed the foregoing Affidavit of Partial Vacation of Roadway on this ?..~-~' day of ~t),8,¢' ,2003. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Teton ~ Wyornlng S g£FIDAVIT OF PARTIAL VACATION OF ROADWAY South Kelly Lane/Peters Subdivision Page 4 of 6 KATHERINE V. R, HALSEY OwneYof Lot 6, Peters SubdivisiOn STATE OF WYOMING ] ]ss. COUNTY OF '-F'~o//] ] Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above-mentioned, did personally appear Katherine V. R. Halsey and subscribed and affirmed the foregoing Affidavit of Partial Vacation of Roadway on this ."'/ day of /~]OI,). ,2003. WITNESS my hand and official seal. CLC~°T~"°' '~ ~'r%'~'N% jl NOTARY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 13, 200~ My Commission Expires: ~/3'~ KENNETH K, MEYERS Owner of Lot 7, Peters Subdivision STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF ] ]ss. ] Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above-mentioned, did personally appear Kenneth K. Meyers and subscribed and affirmed the foregoing Affidavit of Partial Vacation of Roadway on this day of ,2003. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: AFFIDAVIT OF PARTIAL VACATION OF ROADWAY South Kelly Lane/Peters Subdivision Page 5 of 6 KATHERINE V. R: HALSEY Owner of Lot 6, Peters Subdivision STATE OF VVYOMING COUNTY OF ] lSS. ] Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above-mentioned, did personally appear Katherine V. R. Halsey and subscribed and affirmed the foregoing Affidavit of partial Vacation of Roadway on this ~ day of ,2003. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC FERNANDO ESCOBEDO Owner of Lot 7, Peters Subdivision MILLIE ESCOBEDO Owner of Lot 7, Peters Subdivision STATE OF WYOMING' COUNTY OF~ ] ]ss. ] BefOre me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above-mentioned, did personally appear Fernando Escobedo and Millie Escobedo and subscribed and affirmed the foregoing Affidavit of Partial Vacation of Roadway on this r~'"'Aday of ~ ,~---,, 2003. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NO--TARY PUBLIC -%% ''. My Commission Expires: \%-- k% -o Lo ON AFFIDAVIT OF PARTIAL VACATION OF ROADWAY South Kelly Lane/Peters Subdivision Page 5 of 6 DA¢ R. PERRY ~ OWner of Lot 8, Peters Subdivision '%fl~A' C. PI~RRY ¢ Owner of Lot 8, Peters Subc~ivision STATE OF WYOMING ¢ 0 U N T Y O~.d~- ] ]ss. ] Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above-mentioned, did personally appear Dale R. Perry and Linda C. Perry and subscribed and afficmed t/~regoing,,~ffidavit of Partial Vacation of Roadway on this ¢¢ day of ~/..~.,.,./~003. ,/ WITNESS my hand and official seal, NO~iS,~,,/~BLIC - / My Commission Expires: AFFIDAVIT OF PARTIAL VACATION OF ROADWAY South Kelly Lane/Peters Subdivision Page 6 of 6