HomeMy WebLinkAbout878495 Prepared by and return rd: L I i',i "' "'" ' "! ',~' L J~. t ¥'.~ 'T'",r '3 ~ ~ R K Conseco Finance Servicing Corp. 7360 $. Kyrene Rd., T-312. ..... ~ -. Loan# 15822325 ~*.- r. :,~-.: RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAG KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Conseco Finance Sewicing Corp. F~ Green Tree Financial Se~icing Corporation of the County of Maricopa, .and State ofArizona, does hereby ce~i~ the a ce~ain mo~ a e bearing date March 10 1998 made and execu{ed by ALAN W BURKE JODY R R B~R~ .... - ..... ,~ TREE FINANCAIL SERVICING CORP:,; as m:oAgagee, conveying ceAain real ester; t;e~;i;;;;~i;~;~;s security for the payment of 25070 as theme:in stated ~hi~h mo~gage was recorded in the office of the' CoUnty Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of LINCOLN Count, State ;o'~ ~yoming in Book 409 of Mo~gages, at page 309, Doc. No.-84g 156 and mo~gaging the following described real estate in Said County, to wit: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL is,: with a note secured thereby, and the-aforementioned debt, fu y paid, ,satisfied, released and discharged; and in consideration thereof the said ~o~gage does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mo~gagors the premises thereby conveyed and mo~ga~ed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CORPORATION has caused these Presents to be signed by the Duly Authorized Agents, and its corporate seal to be affixed, this 10 September,: 2001 Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of- CONSECO FINANCE SERVICING CORP. F~ GREEN TREE FINANCIAL SERVICING CORPORATION WITNESS :.-~.~,-.-.,, ..-.- ~n P~lme¢ 'Eric. DAly Authorized Agent,. .... O~' '¢. ~ ~ia Roche, Duly Authorized A9ent ' '- - o -' L.,3 Note: If it is nm desired to describe lands in space therefor, inse~ the following: "All Lands desb~i~..:tn :said '-' mo~gage." THE STATE OF ARIZONA, COUN~ OF MARICOPA On this 10 September, 2001, before me personally appeared Edc Seabrook and Maria Roche, to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did say that they are Duly Authorized Agents of Conseco Finance se~icing Corp, F~ Green Tree Financial Se~icing COrporatio~ and that: the seal a~xed to said instrument is the c°rporate sea of said corporation, and that said instrument was ~igned and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said Sr, Vice President ac<now edged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation~~Qd~ ~y~a~d and notarial~ffl this 10 September, 2001. ] ~ AMBERLEE OR~Z ~ ~~j~) Ma~icopa coun~ [ ' ~ee~iZ~Nota~ Public ~ ~~ My Commission Expires [ My commission expires on: March 11, 2005 ~'~.~ ~ March 1 I, 20 ].. THE STATE OF ~OM]NG, COUN~ OF THIS instrument was filed for record at o'clock M;,, ~e day of A.D 200__, and duly recorded in Book on ~ge County C erk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds By: Deputy Clerk No. ' Fees, $. 184 THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE, SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN AND STATE OF WYOMING, HEREBY RELEASING AND WAIVING ALL RIGHTS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION LAWS OF THE STATE OF WYOMING, TO-WIT. THE NORTH 'ONE-HALF (N ~/2) OF LOT Nm~B~,RED T ' WELVE (t2) IN BLOCK NUMBERED TWENTY-SIX (26) IN THE FIRST ADDITIGN TO THE TOWN OF KEMIvIERER, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, AND MORE PARTICULARLy DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST :CORNER OF LOT NO. 12 AND RUNNING THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLy BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT A DISTANCE 'OF 50 FEET; THENCE SOuTHERLy ALONG THE EASTERLY'BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID iLOT A DISTANCE OF 70 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY AT RIGHT ANGLEs A DISTANCE OF 50 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT A DIsTANcE OF 70 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, TOGETHER WITH ALL BUILDINGS, IMPROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANCES THEREON SITUATE OR IN ANYWISE APPERTAINING THEREUNTO.