HomeMy WebLinkAbout89775089775'0 RECEIVED LINOOLt~,, COUhlT': OLERK Document Prepared By: RONALD E. MEHARG 3476 STATEVIEW ROAD, MAC X7801-033, FORT MILL, SC 29715 When recorded return to: DOCX, LLC 1111 ALDERIVIAN DR., SUITE 350 ALPItARETTA, GA 30005 770-753-4373 This space [or Re¢order's use only Project #: R043WFHM Loan #: 685-2910469 *685-2910469* Investor Loan #:20041B20 (R043) PlNffax ID #: 3119153003340 Property Address: 1763 SPRING CREEK ROAD 12-14 FAIRVIEW, WY 83119 WYMRSD3-3 02;26104 MORTGAGE RELEASE, SATISFACTION, AND DISCHARGE IN CONSIDERATION of the payment and full satisfaction of all indebtedness secured by that certain Deed of Trust described below, the undersigned, WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. F/K/A NORWEST MORTGAGE, INC., whose address is 3476 STATEVIEW ROAD, MAC X7801-033, FORT MILL, SC 29715, being the present legal owner of said indebtedness and thereby entitled and authorized to receive said payment, does hereby release, satisfy, and discharge said Deed of Trust in full and does hereby consent that the same be canceled and discharged of record. Borrower(s): JAMES R. WEBB AND TERRI W. WEBB, HUSBAND AND WIFE Original Beneficiary: FIRST SECURITY BANK OF WYOMING Loan Amount: $55000 Date of Deed of Trust: 10/30/1997 Date Recorded: 11/6/1997 Book: 403 Page: 820 Instrument Number: 846606 Legal Description (if required): SEE LEGAL ATTACHED Comments: and recorded in the official records of LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming affecting Real Property and more particularly described on said Mortgage referred to herein. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed on th is date of3/9/2004. WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. F/K/A NORWEST MORTGAGE, INC. Witness: RODGI~ HARPSTER Witness: CATHIE COX State of GA County of FULTON LIN]j~ GREEN - -- ViCE PRES. LOAN DOCUMENTATION VICE PRES. LOAN DOCUMENTATION On this date of3/9~2004, before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public duly commissioned, qualified and acting within and for the aforementioned State and County, personally appeared the within named LINDA GREEN and RACHELL MURRAH, known to me (or identified to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) that they are the VICE PRES. LOAN DOCUME~ATION and VICE PRES. LOAN DOCUMENTATION res pectively of WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. F/K/A NORWEST MORTGAGE, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, and were duly authorized in their respective capacities to execute the foregoing instrument for and in the name and on behalf of said corporation and that said coporation executed the stone, and further stated and acknowledged that they had so signed, executed and delivered said instrument for the con sideration, uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. Witness my hand and official seal on the date hereinabove set forth. Notary Public: My Commission Expires: __-__-- O USHA DALMIA --" Notar.,/Public - Georgia Fulton County My Comm. Expires Sept. 11~, 2006 SCHEDULE C Legal Description for James R. Webb anti Terri W. Webb ~-- Part of the SI/2NW~ASW~/~ of Section 15, T31N Rl19W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the said S I/2NW ~ SW ¼ running thence South, along the east line of said SI/2NW~,/SWI,/, 480.00 feet; thence West, 453.75 feet; thence North, 480.00 feet to the north line of said S~,6NW~,/SWI,4; thence East, along the last said north line, 453.75 feet to the point of beginning. LESS AND EXCEPT land contained in Warranty Deed recorded March 17, t997 in Book 394PR on page 827 of records of Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO That part of the SI/2NWIA SW ~ of Section 15, T31N R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 317PR on page 285, described as follows: Beginning at the northwest point of that tract of land of record in said Office in Book 302PR on page 86, S 89048'54'' W, 453.75 feet from the northeast corner of said thence continuing S 89048'54.' W, 181.50 feet, along the north line of said S~,6NW~/~SW~, to a point; thence S 00000'47'. W, 480.00 feet, parallel with the west line of said tract in Book 302, to a point; thence N 89o48'54'' E, 181,50 feet, to the southwest point of said tract; thence N 00o00'47.' E, 480.00 feet, along the west line of said tract, to the point of beginning.