HomeMy WebLinkAbout897753 RECEIVED ..LINCOLN COL!NTY OLERK SHERIFF'S DEE, D ,, ~ ~,~ r:_R WHEREAS, .Erik :Drak'e,: a mar~i'~8- man,. as mOdgagor(s), modgaged to MoAgage Electronic· Registration Systems, Inc., as modgagee, the hereina~er described real propeAy by that cedain mo~gag.e dated September 24, 2002 (the "Mod~aqe"), and duly recorded in the records of the office of the County Clerk and ex-officio Register of Deeds in and for Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on September 30, 2002, in/as 'Book 500 PR at Page 446. WHEREAS, the Modgage Being.in default, the undersigned Sheriff in and for Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, pursuant to the request and direction of Mo~gage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., acting under a power. of sale contained in the MoAgage, proceeded to advedise for sale and did sell the hereina~er described real properly on September 24, 2003, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at public vendue, at the front door of the Lincoln County CouAhouse, in the City of Kemmerer, Linboln County, State of Wyoming; and WHEREAS, Modgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. ("Successful Bidder") made the highest and best bid for the hereina~er described real prope~y in the sum of $209,711.47, an8 the said real properly was then and there sold to the Successful Bidder on September 24, 2003 ("Sale Date"); and a Cedificate of Sale was issued, by the Undersigned Sheriff in and for Lincoln County, State of ·Wyoming, to the Successful Bidder, on the Sale Date, which Cedificate of Sale was duly recorded in.the records of the office of the County Clerk and ex-officio Register of Deeds in and for Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on September 24, 2003, in/as Book 536 PR at Page 20; WHEREAS, said Certificate of Sale was assigned to Federal National Mortgage Association, its Successors and assigns by that certain Assignment of Certificate of Sale· dated OCtober 21, 2003 and recorded in the records of the CoUnty Clerk and .ex-officio Register of Deeds in and for Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on the / i -h_.,g - day of /'~¢¢'C/~.,, ,~oo,L/ 2004, in/as ~°C'VAB'~ 'E~\~ .k2~9¢-.-ko WHEREAS, no one has 'appeared to redeem the hereinafter described ~eal property under the:laWs·Of the ·State of Wyoming, and the time for doing so has now expired; :: . NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, Lee Gardner, Sheriff in and. for said County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, in consideration of the premises, have .GRANTED,: BARGAINED, and SOLD, and do hereby TRANSFER and CONVEY, to said Federal National Mortgage Association, 13455 Noel Road, 2 Galleria ;.Tower #600, Dallas, TX 75240, its successors and assigns, all right, title, and in. terest to the following described real property situate in Lincoln County,, State of Wyoming, to-wit: Lot 21, Forest MeadOw SUbdiviSion, according to the official plat thereof'recorded(i,n the office of the County Clerk, Lincoln',COUn, tY,.WYoming with an address of 512 Three Rivers ROad, ~'-..ilPir~, WY 83128 Together with all improvements.thereon situate and all fixtures and appurtefian.Ces thereto. TO HAVE AND TO .HoLD Said 'described premises, together with all improvements thereon erected and all fixtures and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to Federal National Mortgage Association, its successors and assigns forever. · Sheriff's Deed Drake 21309-0100 [03-7641B] Page 1 of 2 \\ProLaw\prolaw\documents\l 1 ?~--~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, S~ke.riff's Deed to be executed and \ ¥~.~Ck ,2004. the Undersigned has caused this delivered on the ~_~' day of Lee Gardner, Sheriff in and for :B~~~bi~c~nty' State of Wyoming AcKNowLEDGMENT STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ) ss. ) / ..The_above and foregoing, SherifFs Deed was acknowledged before me by ./_.~ ~,~ (~/L.,¢/'" ' DeDuty Sheriff in and for Lincoln County, State °i' WyOming, this ~)'~ day of '.~".//~__/--~,._ ,2004. Witness my hand and official, seal. .. Notary Public My Commission Expires: Jc.///~r~ ~/2~0J) Sheriff's Deed Drake 21309-0100 [03-7641B] Page 2 of 2 \\ProLaw\prolaw\docu ments\l 10' .::,