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Partial Release of Lien of Tru,fflVIortg,.ge)
THIS INDENTURE, Made the tenth day of December, 2003 between Bartlow and Kathryn Barge of the
county of Lincoln, and the State of Wyoming, as part of parties of the fa'st part, hereinafter called Grantor, and
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc., a California Corporation, as party or parties of the second part, hereinafter
called Grantee (the words "Grantor" and "Grantee" to include their respective heirs, successors and assigns where
the context requires or permits).
WlTNESSETH that: Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar ($1.00) and other valuable
considerations in hand paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged by these presents does hereby remise, convey and forever QUITCLAIM unto the said Grantee,
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of:
This deed is given for the purpose of releasing the within described property from that certain Security Deed
between the parties, recorded in Deed Book 3~5_OP_R on P_P_age 7q~6, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County,
Wyoming, being within Lot 2, Block 11 of the Townsite of Bedford (SE 1/4) of Section 29, T34N, R118W, of the
6th. P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. More particularly described as follows: Beginning at an Aluminum Cap on
Iron Pipe marking the Northwest comer of said Block 11, said Point of Beginning being 1417.64 feet, S34 degrees
39'36"E, from the B.L.M. type Monument marking the Lloyd B. Baker & Associates PE/LS 698, 1995 location
for the Northwest Comer of said SE1/4; thence S89 degrees 25'21 "E along the North line of said Block 11,338.12
feet to an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe marking the Northwest comer of Lot 1; thence S01degree 17'02"W along
the West line of said Lot 1,330.54 feet to m~ Iron Pipe found marking the Northeast comer of Lot 3; thence N89
degrees 26'40"W along the North line of said Lot 3,334,17 feet to an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe marking a point~
in the West line of said Block 11; thence NO degrees 35'55"E along the West line of said Block 11,330.64 feet;
thence to the Point of Beginning. See Exhibit "A", Plat Map / Vicinity Map prepared and recorded with the Clerk
of Lincoln County, Wyoming, by Lloyd B. Baker, Surveyor. A copy of exhibit "A" is attached.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said described premises to grantee, so that neither grantor nor any person or
'persons claiming under grantor shall at any time, by any means or ways, have, claim or demand any right to title to
said premises or appurtenances, or any rights thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Granto;' has signed and sealed this deed, the day and year first above written.
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc.
By: Edward A. DeBus, V.P. Loan Doc.
By: Loma L. Slaughter, ~.P. Loan Doc.