HomeMy WebLinkAbout878491 48:1. PRPAG ! 77 8 7 8 9 I ~LEASE OF MORTGAGE ~ow all men by a~se presents: aft MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC ~ISt~ltlO~ certi~ that a c~rtain mortgage bearing the date of March 19, 1997 made and executed by A~ Wirt~in Sanderson And Randy K, Sanderson, Wife And Husband as mortgagor(s), to MAJOR MORTGAGE ~ mortgagee, conveying cenak reai esmt~ there~ mentioned as secudW fOr ae pa~ent of $~v,;000.00 as,aerek stated, whic~ mortgage w~ recorded ~ ~e Office of ~e Coun~ Clerk ~d Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Linco~ Count, State of Wyoming, in tha Volume/Book 395PR Page 311 mortgaging the following described real estate in said Co~ty, to-wit: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL is, wi~ a note secured thereby, and the aforementioned debt, ~lly paid, satisfied, released, and discharged; and in consideration thereof the said mortgagee does hereby release ad quitclaim unto ae said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and mortgaged, In Witness whereof, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGIST~TION SYSTEMS, INC. has caused ~ese Presents to be signed by its AsSt, SeCretary ~d Asst. Secret~ ~d its co.orate se~ [o be ~ed, ~is ~ecemb~r, 27. 2001 MORTGAGE.ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS") AS NOMINEE FOR CHASE MORTGAGE COMPANY Attest: .~X,.--..~. By: Nicole Moore Shirley ............... ,,'~ ~e~'~ ..... Asst. Secretary Asst. Signed, sealed ~d delivered in the presence of: Derek Williams State of Louisiana Parish/County of Ouachita On this December, 27, 2001, before me personally appeared Shirley Harris to me personally known, who, being by me duly sWorn, did say that he/she is the Asst. Socreta~ of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTi~MS, INC. and that the seal affixed to said instrUment is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed'and sealed on behalf of said cOrporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said Shirley Harris acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Given under my hand and notarial seal this De~en)be~k27, 2001,. .,?;'.~'.;~'%% Kathenne D. Harm ~'~-,.' ...... Notary Public Lifetime Commission The State of Wyoming " County of Lincoln This instrument was filed for record at o' clock M, ;on the day of A.D. 19 , and duly recorded in Book on Page \ x_ . County: Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds No, l~ees $ By: Deputy Clerk Prepared by: Derek Williams Loan No.: 000000000909272491 Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation County of: Linc°ln' 1500 North 19th Street Investor Na.: 53A: P.O. Box 4025 Investor Category: Monroe, LA 71211-9981 Investor Loan No.: 932978037 WYO0 12/98 '~ 31, T32~, RiI8,W OF TEZ ~TE ~ M,, WYOMIN~ ~D BEIN~ A POETEON LOTS 4 ~D 5' EN THE ~RECORD~ ~ SUBDIVISION OF THE C, S CALL PROPERT~ NEAR THE TOWN OF AF~. ' ~ON, LINCOLN CO~TY WYOMINa MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED 3 ' ~S FOLLOWS: ~BEGII,~ING AT A WMICM LIES,SOUT~ ~89.B8 F. EET ' ' ---' NOKTHWEST CORNER OF S~ID SEC~~]D EAST 982.43 FEET FROM THE - '!ON 31, EASTERLY LINE OF 49,S ~O~T.$~'REET. OF SAID~ POINT LYING ~N THE ' · 9AID SUBDIVISION ~D SAID ~O~T'L~INO NORTH 2 EAST/ 29,00 ~EET FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLy CORNER'-OF Sk~D;LO'T 5' (THE. SO~ ' THWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 5 LOCATED FOR THI.8 S~VEY 'AT A 'POINT ~OUTH 53 a6,28, E~ : . .ST 'DIST~CE OF i~16.59 FEET FRO5 'SKID NORTHWEST CORNER OF ~EQTION 31 )~ .THENCE. R~ING NO[T]{ 2 EA~ '~ ALON~: THE WESTbaY LiI~ OP ~" ' LY ' SAID LOT~. 4 ~D' ~,-.~D EAID EA~TE] LI~ OP SAID ~TREET ~ D~ST~CE OF 103.25 FEETf'TRENCE LEAVING ~kID STREET D~D R~NING SOUTH 87 22' EAST,. PA~A~EL WITH THE NORTt ERLY -~D SOUTHERLY LIN'ES OF 'SAID LOTS 4 ~D 5, A DISTANCE O~ ~8.65 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EASTERLY LINE' OF SAID LOT 4 N ~ EXISTING FENCE LINE; THENCE ~7' WEST ALO] ~ SAID EASTERLy LINE OP ~T2 4 ~D 5 R~IING ~0UTH O ,~D FEN~E..DiN~', a DIST~CE O: .10~.33 FEET~ THENCE'R~ 87 22' WEST Pk~LLEL WITH TH~ ~ORTHERLY ~D SOUT~RLy LI~S OF s~!D' LOTS ~ ~D 5 A D!S'T~E Op ~51,74 FEET TO THE POINT OF