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Form 3000-3 (February 2002) UNITED STATES c, -~ ...... ' DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BOOK z *, ~, ~..~, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT ~- c~ASSI(~MENT OF RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN A ~ L~fnhS~ OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHE CES *~'~'~ ~ Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 130 U.S.C. 181 ct seq.) ~ "CE} F'~, - Act for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.C. 351-359) ~AT-..~~' C~ ~LL~,!~L~'t Geothermal Steana Act of1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001-1025) ~c:> ~ Dcp~ of the Interior Approprtattons Act, Ftscal Year 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508) t~ ~.t~ ~ .t~ Type or print plainly in ink and si§n in ink. _PR P^Off __ 1004-0034 ~s: October 31, 2004 Lease Seri~ bj ~ ~/[ D E~IT "A" Ne~' se~a'~C ~ t'. "~' v,-~. 1. Assignee* Street City, State, ZIP Code PART A: ASSIGNMENT SHARBRO OIL LTD. CO. P.O. BOX 840 ARTESIA, NEW MEXICO 88210 *If more than one assignee, [] check here and list the name(s) and address(es) of all additional asignees on the reverse of this form or on a separate attached sheet of paper. This record title assignment is for: (Check one) Interest conveyed: (Check one or both. as appropriate) [] Oil and Gas Lease, or [] Record Title, [] Geothemial Lease [] Overriding Royally, payment out of production or other similar interests or payments 2. This assignment conveys the tbllowinl~ interest: Land Description Percent of Interest Percent of Additional space on reverse, if needed. Do not submit documents or agreements other than Owned Conveyed Retained Overriding Royalty this form; such documents or agreements shall only be referehced herein, or Similax Interests ) Reserved Previously ( . reserved ................... or conveyed " b'" ':: c ;' ':~":' :~' f REFER T© EXHIBIT "A" COMPRISED OF ONE (1) PAGE ATI'ACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR . . : . THE MULTIPLE LEASE SERIAL NUMBERS ASSIGNED HEREIN. Without limiting the foregoing, all of Assignor's and Devisees' right, title and interest 'whether now owned or hereafter acc uired by operation of law or otherwise) in and to the lands described in Exhibit "A" and in, to and under or derived from all interests in oil and gas leases (whether operating or nonoperating), oil, gas and other mineral interest, and surface estate, insofar as the same cover or relate to the lands described in Exhibit "A', even though said interests in any specific portion of said lands and said interests in oil and gas leases which are specifically described in Exhibit "A" be incorrectly described, or referred to in Exhibit "A' or omitted from Exhibit "A" entirely. FOR BLM USE ONLY - DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE THE UNITED STATES OV AMEI{IUA This assigument is approved solely for administrative purposes. Approval does not warrant that either party to this assignment holds legal or equitable title to this lease. ' [--]Assignment approved for above described :'~]Assignment approved for attached land description lands; Assignment approved effective FEB 0 i 200~ ............................. 7- '~'/Asstgnment.:, ~ .................................... approved ....... for land descriptmn indicated fin~ ........ reverse / ~fflfis form. ' ! .... . By ]S/L[NDA GOOKIN LAND LAW EXA INE ! MAR 0 8 2004 (Authorized Officer) (Title) (Date) (Continued on reverse} Part A (Continued): ADDITIONAL SPACE for Names and addresses of additional assigne~es in Item No. 1. if naeded, or for Land Description in Item No. 2. if needed T. 20 N., R. 120 W., 6th .... Prin. Mcr, Wy Sec. 13: all 640.00 acres 234 PART B: CERTIFICATION AND REQUEST FOR APPROVAL I. The Assignor certifies aa owner of an interest in the above designated lease that he/she hereby aas~gns to the above assignee(s) the rights specified above. 2 Assignee certifies aa follows: (a) Assignee is a citizen of the United Sates; an aasoc~anon of such citizens; a municipality; or a corporavion organized under the laws of the United States or of any State or territory thereof. For the assignment of NPR-A leases, assignee is a citizen, national, or resident alien of the United States or association of such citizens, nationals, resident aliens or private, public or municipal corporations; (b) Assignee is not considered a minor under the laws of the State in which the lands covered by this assignment are located; (c) A.ssignee's chargeable interests, direct and indirect, in each public domain and acquired lands separately in the same State, do not exceed 246,080 acres in oil and gas leases (of which up to 200,000 acres may be in oil and gas options), or 300,000 acres in leases in each leasing District in Alas ~ka of which up to 200,000 acres may be in options, if lhis is an oil and gas lease issued in accordance with the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, or 51,200 acres in any one State if this is a geothermal lease; (d) All parties holding an interest in the assignment are otherwise in compliance with the regulations (43 CFR Group 3t00 or 3200) and the authorizing Acts; (e) Assignee is in compliance with reclamation requirements for all Federal oil and gas lease holdings as required by sec. 17(g) of the Mineral Leasing Act; and (f) Assignee is nut in violation of sec. 41 of the Mineral Leasing Act. 3. A.ssignee's signature to this assignment constitutes acceptance of all applicable terms, conditions, stipulations and restrictions pertaining to the lease described herein. For geothermal assignments, on overriding royalty may not be less than one-fourth (1/4) of one perce it of the value o£output, nor greater than 50 percent of the rate of royalty due to the United'State. when this assignment is'added., to all previously... ~realed overridiog royalties (43 CFR 3241). '". i-.,. I certify that the statements made herein by me are true. complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. Executed this O~ l '~rT-' day of ~/~ tt~-~-'q- ,20 ~5-~ Executed this ~ t ~-~ day of {3i~_r_~,w_._--rrt ~ ~',2. , 20 but effective January 1, 2004 but effecti.ve January 1, 2004 Name of Assignor as shown on current lease Attorney-in-fact , ~1~'~ Frank Yates. Jr., Aaomey-in-Fact for S.P. Yates, B.W. Harper and Frank Yates, Jr., Personal Ripresentatives The Estate of Lillie M. Yates, Dec. Sharbro Oil Ltd. Co. or Attorney-in-fa)3t/ (Signature) P.O. Box 840 (Assignor's Address) Artesia New Mexico 88210 (City) (State) (Zip Code) Public reporting burden fur this form is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. Direct cmmnents regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, (1004-0034) Bureau Clearance Officer, (WO-630), Mail Stop 401 LS, 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240. Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make any Department or agency ofthe United States any false, fictitious of fraudtflent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction. (Form 3000-3 (1/99) (page 2)) Lincoln & Sheridan County, Wyoming EXHIBIT "A" Attached to and made a part of that certain Assignment of Record Title from the Estate of Li llie M. Yates to Sharbro Oil Ltd., Co, with an effective date of January 1, 2004 Estate Lease # 400 Lease Name Lease Date Interest Owned & Conveyed Expire Date Twp Rng Sec Description W-155502, YPC Xx 5/01/2002 20N 120W 23 All (xx \ 4/3o/2o12 10539 ....... Acres ....... Gross Nel 640.00 640.00 **** LEASE TOTALS: 640.00 640.00 400 10540 400 7194 W-155503, YPC 5/01/2002 20N 120W 23 All 640.00 640.00 Owned & Conveyed - 6.40% 4/30/2012 20N 120W 24 All 640.00 640.00 20N 120W 25 All 640.00 640.00 W-135832, YPC Owned & Conveyed- 1.50% **** LEASE TOTALS: 1920.00 1920.00 :ii', ' ' .- : :.. ..... :,, ~ .......· i-c.: ~ ' · · ,:, :' , . :', !.. ':- :5.':',. ;,':-: . 3:: _ . .:. ,. .:. ,.. ¥. : .2~:" 4/01/i995 24N I12W 26 S/2_NW[4, SW/4 240.00 240.00 3/31/2005 · *** LEASE TOTALS: 240.00 240.00 400 10033 W-151730, YPC Owned & Conveyed - 6.40% l 1/01/2000 53N 10/31/2010 80W il 53N 80W 6 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, (N2N2), · - S2N2, N2SE4 Lots 4, 5 (W2NW4) · *** LEASE TOTALS: 482.33 482.33 Exhibit Page 1 of 1