HomeMy WebLinkAbout878528RECORDATION REQUESTED BY: The Jackson State Bank i-.'~, West Office ~'~ '~- ~''' 50 Buffalo Way Jackao., wY 83001 8 '/8 ,<, I 'l ?: WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ~-..., i.: ..... The Jackson State Bank ~: ,,,, ',i~ . . ~'~ West Office :': ~;-i',' ','" P,O, Box 1788 ' 50 Buffalo Way Jackson WY 83001 SEND TAX NOTICES TO: ~ The, Jackson State Bank ~00~ WestOffice -, ,,_ _ pR'pAGE P.O. Box 1788 50 Buffalo Way Jackson, WY 8300I SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE IS FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY , MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE THIS MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE dated November 20, 2001, is made and executed between Mark S. Omlid, a single man, whose address is P.O. Box 545, Kodiak, AK 99615-0~45 (referred to below as "Grantor") and The Jackson State Bank, whose address is P.O. Box 1788, 50 Buffalo Way, Jackson, WY 83001 (referred to below as "Lender"). MORTGAGE. Le~der and Grantor t~ave entered into a Mortgage dated December 3, 2001 (the "Modgage") which has been recorded in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, as foli0ws: Mortgage dated March 3, 2000 from Mark S. Omlid, a single man, recorded March 10, 2000, doc 864632, book 442, page 685, Ke~merer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, to the Jackson State Bank. REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION. The Mortgage covers the fo~lowing described real property located in Lincol~ County, State of Wyoming: See Exhibit "A", which is aEached to this Modification and made a part of this Modification as if fully set forth herein. The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 648 Grey's River Road, Alpine, WY 83128. MODIF CATION Lender and Grantor hereby modify the Modgage as follows: The maturity date of the mortgage hereabove listed is hereby extended to November 20, 2004. CONTINUING VALIDITY. Except as expressly modified above, the terms of the original Mortgage shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect a~d are legally valid, binding, and enforceable in accordance w~th their respective terms. Consent by Lender to this Modification does not waive Lender's right to require strict performance of the Modgage as changed above nor obligate Lender to make any future modifications. Nothing in this Modification shall constitute a satisfaction of the promissory note or o,h=~ ~r~t a~reement secured by the Mo~gage (the "Note"). It is the intention of Lender to retain as liable all parties to the Mo~gage and all pa~ies, makers and endorsers to the Note, including accommodation paKies, unless a pady is expressly released by Lender in writing. Any maker or endorser, including accommodation makers, shall not be released by vidue of 'this Modification. if any person who signed the original Mo~gage does not sfgn this Modification, then all oersons signing below acknowledge that this Modification is given 6onditionally, based on the representation to Lender that the non-signing person c~nsents to the changes and provisions of this Modification or otherwise will not be released by it. This waiver appties not only Jo any initial extension or modification, but also to all such subsequent actions. ' GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE AND GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS. THIS MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE IS DATED NOVEMBER 20, 2001. GRANTOR= Mark S. Omlid,~divld~-~.~ ' - LEN~ INDiVlBUAL ACKNOWLEB6 ENT ' )ss hIOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF ___¢.:. ~C~-~ ......... ) ".~ (,..~ .A ~ E (,),-- IDI,HO On this day before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared Mark S. Omlld, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the Modification of Modgage, and acknowledged that he or she signed the Modification as his or her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.. ' ~ ~Z~~ ., Given under my hand anAoCfleiaLsea th s ~(~ ~ . i _, ... _____ dayof~ ~ ~_,20.~I Notary Public in and for the State of ......... ..... My commission expires /' IVIODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE Loan No: 32698 M-1 E-1 (Continued) ;~ ? 4 Page 2 LENDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF D ) .._.~; ) SS COUNTY OF appearedOn this 2~~-c~~ day of ~qu~ 20 ~ , before m'e, the undersigned Nota[y Public, personally t~._~ and k?own t~ me,to ~e th~~m~rG~ak U~ , authorized agent for th~ Lender that executed e w~mm aha yoregoing ins~rumem anti acknowledged sa~d instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of the said Lender, duly authorized by the Lender through its board that and that t~he se~l affixed ~s the corporate seal of said Lender. and on oath stated he or ~ is authorized to execute this said instrument o~ directors or othe~ise, for the uses and purposes therei~ mentioned, // Residing at NotarCub~ in an~he~at;~, '~O~'~ My commission expires~~ '