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THIS DEED, by and between the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff in and for LINCOLN
County, Wyoming, and Keybank Usa f/k/a First Wyoming Bank N.A. Kemmerer, whose
address is: c/o Bank of America Mortgage, 475 Crosspoint Parkway, Getzville, NY
14068 475 Cross Point Parkway, Getzville, NY 14068-9000 its successors~ and
assigns; and
WHEREAS, on August 25, 1981, RAY A. REED ~2qD AUDREY J. REED., as
mortgagor(s), executed and delivered to FIRST WYOMING BANK, N.A., a certain real
estate mortgage conveying and-mortgaging to the mortgage lands described as:
Said mortgage was originally given to secure pa~ent of $45,000.00 together
with interest on said principal. Said mortgage was recorded in the office of the
County Clerk of LINCOLN County, Wyoming on August 27, 1981, in Book , at Page ,
at Reception No. 564099 and rerecoraea: N/A.
WHEREAS, notice of foreclosure sale was given by the mortgagee pursuant to
the power of sale contained in said mortgage and in the manner and form as
required by the statutes of the State of Wyoming.
WHEREAS, in accordance with the said notice of foreclosure sale, on
September 7, 2001, the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff offered the mortgaged premises
for sale at public venue to the highest bidder for cash; and
WHEREAS, the highest and best bid for the premises was made by Keybank Usa
f/k/a First Wyoming Bank N.A. Kemmerer which bid was the sum of $36,000.00 and
WHEREAS, the property was struck off and sold to Keybank Usa f/k/a First
Wyoming Bank N.A. Kemmerer; and the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff executed a
Certificate of Purchase which was recorded in the office of the County Clerk of
LINCOLN County, Wyoming; and
WHEREAS, more than four (4) months have expired from and after the date of
said sale and no redemption has been made;
NOW, THEREFORE, .~OW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned in
consideration of the premises and in consideration of the price set forth above,
does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to Keybank Usa f/k/a First Wyoming
Bank N.A. Kemmerer
, its successors and assigns, the real property described above to have and to
hold forever the described premises with all appurtenances.
as Sh~r~f~e County ~f LINCOLN, Wyoming
~ The foregoing instrument was a~cknowledg~d before~me on
'~ the ,~L,~;~;& She~-~ of the Co~y &f LINCOLN, W-yo-ming.
My Commission Expires
Witness m!, hand ~nd official seal.
. ~ ~ ~ ~t~teof ~
mo ._4S1 2 9 1
Tha southerly one-half of the lot numberad one of the block numbe::ed
forty in the First Addition to the To~n of Kammerer, Lincoln County,
Wyoming and more par~icular!y described as follm~s, to-wit:
Beginning at the southeast corner of said lot one and running thence
northerly along the easterly boundary line of said lot one, a distance
of seventy feet, thence '~esterly at right angles a distance_ of fifty
feet to the westerly boundary line of said lot one, thence southerly
along ~he westerly boundary line' of said lot one a dist~nc_~ of seventy
feet, thence easterlv along the southerly boundary line of said lot
a distance of fifty ~eet to ~he point of beginning.