HomeMy WebLinkAbout898194QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Richard H. BOyd and Patricia S. Boyd, husband and wife, of San Luis Obispo County, California, in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is acknowledged, convey and quitclaim unto Richard H. Boyd and Patricia S. Boyd as Trustees of The Boyd Living Trust dated October 27, 2003, grantees, of Morro' Bay, San Luis Obispo County, California (mailing address: 375 Fresno Avenue, Morro,.. Bay, CA 93442), forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as they has or ought to have, in or to all the following described premises, in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to-wit: Lot 60 of PRATER CANYON ESTATES Unit No. 2, Lincoln County, Wyoming. -,~.... ....,.,:.. . ,,.......,:,.,...,%~, .~, .-. ' · ':':'- '" ' ', :'*"; %' '": :~'" ' i" Sd~iect to'ea'seme~'S an(~; restrictions of record; and, ALSO, All of Lot 61 PRATER CANYON ESTATES, UNIT NO. 21 the same being 3.5 Acres, more or less, and, ALSO, Lot 68, Prater Canyon Estates, Unit No. 2, as shown by the official plat thereof filed October 7, 1969, as Filing No. 418651 in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. (EXCEPTING THEREFROM restrictions and reservations contained in the United States Patent to said land). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Richard H. Boyd and Patricia S. Boyd, husband and wife, here hereunto set their hands as of this '~h day of'M~'rch, 2004. 898i9k LINCO I', ;'t,~" ~',' ,- 0q. ~ .3 F'i~ I,: ': I Richard H. Bo~,d I 'FAN"' ~ /-', ~_. I t iZ I '~ Patricia S. Boyd STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO SS. 0S98194 The foregoing Quitclaim Deed was acknowledged before me by Richard H. Boyd and Patricia S. Boyd, husband and wife, this ~ day of t"t'~L. ,2004. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) SS. On 'March 25, 2004 before me, DOREEN R:..C'URTZE, No.~a.~Y:..!?...it.?.'.:...:.,' "" PUblic; 'personallY appeared 'RICHARD H" :BoYDi and =-.. .. . ., . . - · . . : ...:.......,~ . '. .....-:.;'.~... "~ .':." ~.". BOYD.} Pyr~.cn.a. ltty' .~n.o.w~.'.to .m~' (.or...:pro~ed..':.to, me, '.9.n?,' t~e:': ,'~asis of satisf.~ct6~Y e'v~'d~ha~)"-..~6' s'e:'['h.~"'"'~:~:~'~8~"i'~")'-~h~'e.!'':'[;''-::'':'':'.'''. p>ame(s) iS/are subscribed, to the within.instrument.and acknowledged t~ me that he/She/they e.xecut~d the same in his/her/theSr ..:.author±zed capac±ty(ios)/' and.'..t'hat by" 'his/her/their. si'gnatur~(s) . on the inStrument the"'"( ' " 'persOn(s) or' the entity :.upon .beha~.f of Which t'he ..--~.: .....: ,:.person(s) acted, executed '~he instrumen'.t. .. WITNESS-my hand and official seal.~ ....