HomeMy WebLinkAbout898313KNOW ALI. MEN BY THESE PIIESENTS. That First National Bank Kemmerer a corporal|on, wi the C0u,,ty o! Lincoln ,,.a Slale o! Wyoming do,,e hereby eertlfy Ihal a cerlnh, morlllnge, hearing dale the 26th" day of August ,,,,,den,d~,,,,.db~ Robert E. rominsky -- ' ~'~' 1"~6 First National Bank - Kemmerer ,is mt, rlgagee, conveying ce?lain real estate Iherel, mentioned ns securily for the payn, e,,I of $ 27,500. O0~ Iherein *l.led. wlsk'h morlgllge wnn recorded In the olfiee of Ihe Coo.ly Clerk .od Ex-Officio [{egisler of Deeds oi Lihgoln ~ ~* ~* a* }* a* ~* ~ ~* ]¢ ** ~ a* ~* a* ]* a~ Conmy. S~nle ol Wyomi.g. on Ihe. 27~h day 0~ August i. Ih. k.., 387PR of Morlgage., ~1 page, 474 '.,.I morlgnging Ihe following described real e~,ss, in enid Co..ly..,-wit: ALL LANDS DESCRIBED IN ABOVE SAID MORTGAGE. RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 898313 i... ~,'ilh a ..h, Me(tared Ihereby. ami Ihe aforen,e,,lloned del,I, hdly p.id, efl[i~fle,I, rch'nsl. I..nd discharged ami bi t'i,nsid.rali.n Ih.re.f II,,; ..aid m,,rlgnw.e . ,I,,,,. h,~rel~y reh.'a..e nod ,i.hela|m u.lo [be aald mnrlgagor Ihe premises Il,etch)- co.veye,I a.d morlgaged. IN WITN. EJ;$WIIEIIEOF the First National Bank - Kemmerer I,,,s ,::,i,~t',l Ih,'..e l'r~'/'],ts In be signed by ils Pres,den t cl,rpor,ll,: se.I I. be affixed, I1, i,_ · 6th · nmi l)ellvtJ~:ed i,, the presence d.y or April ^. D. X'~ ?004 Note: I{ il is not desired lo describe la.de in spnce lhereG,r, b,serl Ihe ',,Ih,wi.g: "All I.n,le described i,, said Till:: STATE oF WYOI~IING, } C,,,,,,Ir ,,[ Lincoln ss. O,, II,i. 6th day ol April . ~'~ 4~ a+ ~ a~ ~" ~[ ~ ~ James J, Joslin a+ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~+ ~+ 4+ ~ h, ,oe i,ermmally koown, who, I~eing by me d.ly sworn, did ..y thai he i~ Ihe Presid eat FSrst National Bank - Kemmerer )~:2004 bef,,r,' rne perso,,nll¥ .pi,eared n.,I Ih.I Ihe se.I .ffixed to smd instrument is Ihe corporale seal of said corporation, nod Ih.t said ;n.trumenl wa..ig.~d nmi seal,.d .. ].d.slf .f enid I.y ,,,,Ih.rhy .~ ii. Ilo.rd ,ff I)ire~lor~ ..d said Loan Clerk My .o...is~h~e~ldres .. lira__ 9~h __(I.y Notnr). I'nblie. Till,; STATE OF WYOMING,. (:.holy of This blslrumenl wu. filed for record at A. I). I'l... , amd ,Italy recorded in Book__ o'clock M., on Ibc on Page. day of Ily C,,.nly (:h'rk u,,,I I':x-( Ifil,.,. Ilegi.~ter ,,1 lh. ed.~