HomeMy WebLinkAbout898678#30248(02) RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNT'( CLERK 0k .~?R 21 fil~ 2: 2") 8 9 8 6 ']..SA FF1DAVi EANi BOOK CO~TY OF L~COLN I, L. Kaye Petty · .being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say: That I am a citizen of the United States of America over the age of 21 years, and a resident of Thayne, Wyoming That I was well and personally acquainted with George B. Petty certain Warranty Deed dated May 31, 1996 , Book 384 P.R., in the office of file Recorder of Lincoln County, Wyoming. at Page 48 in that That I know of my own knowledge that George B. Petty in the said deed and Dr.. George Browning Petty mentioned in the attached Certified Copy of Certificate of Death was one and the same person. This Affidavit is intended to terminate the joint tenancy (the life estate) of George B. Petty in rite following described property: Lot 58, Star Valley Ranch Plat 2, according to that plat of record in the Office of the County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming Subscribed and sworn to before me this Commission expires: '[,- ,'~ ~ -'~ 00 -/ L. Kay~ day of ~ ,2004 N~ary Public ZU~dm03 al~!~ pueq-~OaJ PlVZt:or' ~-OR INSTRUCIION$ SEE $i!TAT p 2MI NG STATE OF WYOMING ...... !:.'I~EPARTI~IENT O£:HEALTH .ii. toc~ F._E .U,~DE. CERTIFICATE OF DEATH DR. GEORGE.:? BROWNING?~ '::: :'~?'?:~ETT~ ...... ..':'": :MALE ~Y'28, 2003 ~-o~-o~s I I I I I ~u,~ ~s, ~o ... [[:' ,.. /'S~AR '~LL~Y CE~ ~?: 'L:~?~. { LINCOLN UTAH LENO~ )SEN YES ~ITED STATES AIR FORCE ~OMING :a.. D~IVE NO "':1~'~: m:'~ (,.4.~ ~: ..... :.:.: I' .... ::~..' DR:-~'~:~::,ANGUS '¢: , ;~'::"::f.. :~ 'f:~VE~ .... BRO~ING ...... sP'ous~.'~ (' ~ ?.:'" 44 EAST FOURTH AVE., AFTON S HWAB .~ORTUARY: aah. O,kTS ~o~0 (,~. ow. 83110 ' 11/99 15M " p ""'Of the dO~umen{ ~" ilia in {~ bffice; 6i Viial " :~e~rds ~e~.~es, ~heyenn~ Wyoming. . ~:DATE*?*iS~UE;~':: q::~ JUN ;??:'4 ?:::'2~:*:':-2,~D3. '-:* : .................... :*:' ~'' :::::::::::::::::::::*:**: :***: :::'~.. ......... :~'"'":}~ ?":::*:: '*:*~~:~ [..~,'.c,,,.,~~ Deputy Stale Registrar · " :.. '::: .,. :.' ,':.. ':: '.'::::. '::b: X:>' ':::':e · '"'.' ':':'.::'-'. Thi~ ~epy'j~ not ~lid