HomeMy WebLinkAbout898744Recorded at the request of, and after recording return to: Merrill L, Weight Shadow Dancer Estates 699 Clovercrest Drive Murray, UT 84123 RECEIVED ,LINCOLN OOUt,!'l-'f CLERK J E Ai4 ";.&G 178 SPECIAL WA~NTY DEED THIS SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED is made effective the 1st day of April 2004 by F. MICItAEL KIBBIE and CARLA S.. KIBBIE, husband and wife, whose address is P.O. Box 5258, Etna, Wyoming 83118, the "GRANTOILS," in favor of SHADOW DANCER ESTATES, a Wyoming corporation whose address is c/o 699 Clovercrest Drive, Mm'ray, Utah 84123, the "GRANTEE." For and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknoWledged, Grantors do hereby grant, bargain, convey and warrant unto Grantee, against all claiming by, through, or under Grantors, all that certain tract, lot, piece, and parcel of land (the "Property") situated in the County of Lincoln,. State of Wyoming, and described as follows: That part of the SE¼ of Section 10 and that part of the NE¼ of Section 15, T36N Rl l9W Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to more correctly describe those tracts of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 386 of Photostatic Records on page 711 and in Book 398 of Photostatic Records on page 181, as follows: BEGINNING at the northeast comer of GLO Lot 5 (NE¼SE¼) of said Section 10; thence S00°-04'-32"E, 86.23 feet, along the east line of said GLO Lot 5 to the northwest comer of the SW¼ of Section 11, T36N R119W; thence S00°-IS'-2Y'E, 2548.92 feet, along the west line of said SW¼, to the southeast comer of said Section 10; thence S00°-15'-26"E, 120.41 (NE¼NE¼) of said Section T36N R119W; feet, along the east line of GLO Lot 2 15, to .the northwest comer of Section 14, thence N89°,59'-39"W, 1282.73 feet, to a point; thence N00°-36'-01"E, 120.57 feet, to the southeast comer of GLO Lot 7 of said Section 10; thence N00°-24'-2 i"W, 2642.93 feet, to a point; thence S89°-38'~31"E, 1285.91 feet, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of the SW~/4 of Section 10, T36N R119W, being N00°-04'-42"E; each "comer" found as described in the Corner Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT OF BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT FOR DAVID R. SPURLOCK AND MARCIA A. SPURLOCK F. MICIIAEL KIBBIE AND CARLA S. KIBBIE TERI~NCE L. DENMAN WITItlN SECTION 10 AND SECTION 15 T36N Rll9W LiNCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" dated 21 July 2003, as revised; TOGETHER WITH any and all improvements, easements (including access easements across the Trail Ridge Subdivision that is adjacent to the Property), tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and any reversion, reminder, rents, issue, and profits thereof; SUBJECT TO: (1) reservations, restrictions, matters, rights of way and easements of record, of sight or vision or in use; and (2) the current year's real property taxes and assessments (Grantee shall be responsible to pay, or cause to be paid, all such taxes and assessments for the calendar year 2004); and , RELEASING AND WAIVING all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state of Wyoming. Grantors assign and quitclaim to Crrantee all rights to receive payment for Grantors' transfer of approximately ten acres of real property, which are described as follows: South, plus or minus, 353.41' of BLM Lot 4, Section 10, Township 36 North, Range 119 West, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Except for any statutory warranties made in connection with the foregoing conveyance, Grantors convey the Property to Grantee "as is, where is," unrepaired, WITHOUT WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO any matter, including, but not limited to, the following matters related to the Property: physical condition, including the presence or absence of improvements or utility structures; enviromnental condition, including the existence or absence of hazardous materials, underground storage tanks and Kibbie to Shadow Dancer l~tates Special ]VarranO, Deed Consisting of Four (4) Pages 2 180 materials stored in underground storage ranks; value; exact boundary lines or acreages; overlaps of legal descriptions with adjoi~fing properties; locations of roads, accesses or fences; existence or lack of water rights; existence or lack of utilities and utility lines; existence or lack of access to and from public roads and highways; development restrictions; applicability of, and compliance of the Property With, zoning, building, health, flood plain and other govenm~ental requirements; or the SUITABILITY, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS OF THE PROPERTY FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE: WITNESS their hands effective the 1 ~t day of April 2004. ,/~./~flC}L, kEL KIBBLE CA~RL~A $. KIBBIE Kibbie to .ehad6w Dancer Estates .3 Special }garranty Deed Consisting of Four (4) Pages STATE OF [/(~[~{~x.. ) ) SS. O898?44 181 TI~ fpreg, oi, ng day of_f._~ ~]~'/A [ 2004 by F. Michael Kibbie. WITNESS my hand and official seal, Special Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me this My Commission Expires: ) SS. STATE OF !J.~/-~ COUNTY Notary Ptiblic ' NOTARY PUBLIC ] MONICA K WILLIAMS[ 6510 $oulh Big Cotlonwood Canyon Rd Sail Lake City, UT 84121 My Commission Expires September 30, 2007 STATE OF UTAH T~e.fore.go/ing Special Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me this day of (-J~t.~ 2004 by Carla S, Kibbie, WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: RHTkD\6546-001 doc Notary Public ,,L,~'~ NOTARY PUBLIC ,,,,,'~~ MOU~CA K W~LUAMsl l;{ ~li~'l'] Salt Lake City, UT 84121 %~:.~ - Seplember 30, 2007 ~;-~[~,~;" STATE OF UTAH Kibbie to Shadow Dancer Estates Special l~arranO, Deed Consisting of Four (4) Pages .~-~ ~: '(i _ ::..