HomeMy WebLinkAbout878604 WARRANTY DEED
John Scott Barber, formerly a single man, now a married man, holding
title as his sole and separate property, of 264 N. Main Street, Thayne, Wy°ming
83127, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other
good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, CONVEYS AND 'WARRANTS to Daniel M. Hesse, as Trustee of
the D Lazy D RevocabIe Trust dated April 15, 1999, as amended, of P.O. Box
3187, Jackson, Wyoming 83001, GRANTEE, the following described real estate,
. situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby waiving and
releasing all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the
State of Wyoming, to-wit:
That part of the SE1/4NE1/4 of S.24, T31N., RI 19W, 6th P.M., Lincoln
County, Wyoming, BEGINNING at a P-K nail on the East line of said
SE1/4NE1/4 and within the right-of-way of State Highway 241, N00°_
10'E, the base bearing of this survey, 641.85 feet from the East one-
quarter comer of said S.24 found as described in the Certified Land
Corner Recordation Certificate of record in said Office; thence S89o-
50.8'W 39.26 feet to a point under a right-of-way fence for said
highway; thence continuing S89o_50.8,W.433.23 feet along an existing
fence to a point for' the intersection of a No~h-South existing fence.
Thence N01o-00.8'E, 149.56 feet along said No,h-South fence to a
point for the intersection of an East-West existing fence; thence N89~-
48.2'E, 431.07 feet along said East-West fence to a point under said
right-of-way fence; thence continuing N89o-48.2'E, 39.26 feet to a P-K
nail on the said East line within the said right-of'way thence S00°-10'W,
149.89 feet along said East line to the Place of Beginning,
Encompassing an area of 1.62 acres more or less.
Including and together with all and singular the tenements,
hereditaments, appm'tenances and improvements thereon or thereunto
belonging, and any rights of grantor to minerals thereunder, but subject
to rese~ations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent,
taxes, assessments, covenants, conditions, restrictions, rese~ations,
encroachments, rights-ofkway and easements of sight and/or record.
Karen Schuster, a/k/a Ka.ren Barber joins in the execution of this
Warranty Deed for the sole purpose of waiving and releasing any and all
homestead rights existing under the laws of the State of Wyoming.
. WITNESS my hand this [~& day of August, 2001.
~bhn Scott Barber
~ir}n Schuster, ~Tk/~ Karen 0'::~ ~
Barber ,...
l.' ,-'~ '. ' ' '~ i' ' " .
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by John Scott
Barber fl~is ~ day of Augusb 2001.
WITNESS my hand and official seM.
My commission expires: ~ ~
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Karen Schuster,
a/k/a Karen Barber, this /~'7) day of August, 2001.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
~J/otary Public
My commission expires-: ~/-.z/-~.d;'//d cz4"'
Elaine Hocking, a man'ied woman~ al[~AC~aR, fo,- and in
Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in
which is hereby aclmowledged, does RELEASE, REMISE AND QUITCLAIM to Scott E.
Hocking, a si.ngle man, ofP. O. Box 536, Wilson, Wyoming 8301.4, GRANTEE, any and
all hght, title, interest, and claim in the following described real estate situated in the
County of Teton, State of Wyoming, to wit:
Lot 10i of tile Paiis Park Second Addition to the Town of Alpine, Lincoln
County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof
Together with and including all improvements thereon and all
appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging; subject to all
covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, encumbrances,
rights and rights-of-way of sight and/or record, and subject to applicable
zoning laws and restrictions;
PIN': 37-18-29-403-030-00
hereby waiving and releasing any and all claims tinder and by virtue of the Homestead
Exemption Laws of the State of Wyoming.
Jotm Edwin Hocking, husband of Elaine Hocking; executes this Quit Claim Deed
for the sole purpose of releasing and waiving all rights in the property under and by virtue
of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming.
WITNESS my hand this 10th day of December _, 2001..
Elaine Hocking ~ohn Edwin~I~ckin~''''~J~
) SS~
The foregoing Quitclaim Deed was acknowledged before me by Elaine Hocking this 10th
day of December ,2001.
Witness my hand and official seal.
SE~. i~~ Notary Public- State of Ohio Notary Publi~ '
~.~.. all~:~.]~] Uy Commission Has ,o 5toiration Date
%,,~)c~.,~"&"7 Section 147.03 R.C
STAT,E OF 0~ZO .) ~- ,,
COON?¥ OF ~OLm~S )
The foregoing Quitclaim Deed was acknowledged before me by John Edwin Hocking this _10th
day of December .~ 2013 ~.
S~~'~'~ OIAN£~lt0""£"A~T, AITORNI3'ATI~W Notary P, lblblblblblblblblbl~
==" ~. z ~ )~ m Notary Public - State of Ohio