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COunt? oflmperial )
Comc~ ij:'ic,~l~c~e wifl, Wyoming Statutem O,V.S. 18-5-306) 1977 as ,,fi~ndcd 1, ~6'm~
Baker,' Tm~ of thc Thomas Baker Family Trust dat~ ~y 3, t990. ~ Mo~gagee,
aaa'ro~s is P.'O~'.~X 92V, Thayne,.wy0ming 83127~ who berg duly swam m~ oath accormn~ t°
!~, d0cs'h~cby make ~he follo'~ng ~atcm~nts of ~c~ and a~rm:
That"~d Mortgag~ holds the MonBage orrecord ~ the O~e of the Clerk ofL. iacoln County,
Wyoming in Book 455 of Phot~ stoic Reeord~ ~ Page 558 ora ~ng~ge d~tv} the 31~ Day of
October, 2~0 and r~o~d ~h~ 13~ ~ay of'Novem~r, 2000 in said office, ss refWred to in Deed
r~ord~ in Bot~ 455PR, bn ~age 556 ~rd on O~n~r 13. 2000, within z p~ni~l of the
S17~NW1/4 ~d the NIt2SWH4 of Se~ti~ 2, T3~, R119W offll~ 6~ P.M., Lincoln Coun~t
W~omi~ g
~hat on be~t~'oE~id Me,gag~ the Subdivision is with o~ 1Ne cons~nl and al,sires,
:That the ~me of tho suMi~slon sMll be D~ Subdivision. the metes and bounds being more
::::~ani~larly described a~
~:~I~I'NG ~t ~ Alu~num Cap on Iron Pipe m~ng a point in the E~t Right,f-Way Line
afor U.S. ~ehwav 89 'said ~int bein~ the South~st ~mer of the Lin~ Prop~ as
:~0 in the Wan~ty D~ed r~rd~d in Book 17 D~ on Page 154, wath sa~d O~ee, ~id point
7lalso being 49.40 feet, S88°55'52"E along t~ No~ Line ofth~ SWI/4SWI/4 of said Section 2
~-'from the Lloyd B. B~er PE~8 698 1094 lo~tion for the No~hwest Com~ of~d
three NI %8'.42"E, along ~id E~t ~g~-~f-Way Line, 66000 ~%~ to an Muminum Cap on
lhence' Sgg°55'52."E~ p~allel with said No~h line, 132000 feet to ~ Aluminum Cap on
P~; .... .., .,. : ,
thence $ l~-38~2"w,'pm-~l with said E~t Righ~-~ ~y Lin~, 660.~ f~o116 ~ .~umb~Gm
O~'i~O~ PiV~:e~ar~s S poet.in ~ia ~oah ~in~; - · .",. :::'. ': . .... "?:- ::';" "~
th~eNgg~5~S2?w' ~ong s~d No~ !~no, 1~20.~ feet to the point ofBeghming' c0nsi~fia~ of
~,t i. ~niainfng 19~ Acres.
G~ ~d ~S~NG: A 60 feet Wide Non-exclusive ll5~t-of-Way E~emem for
Ingress, Ecrus, ~d Utilities the South lin~ being theNo~h l~e o1'~¢ s~ove described
Subdivision Lot.
That all rights under anti bY virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws ol the State of
Wyoming are hereby released.
'~ho~nas llak~, Tm~eo
Thethis for.eggjp~_~,d a y, instrL~ r~nJ__W%Sof _,~..{'-~--~'agkn°wledgod2004 before me p ~
nd o~¢ia, seal: t ~ Hoto~y 14.,,blic-Cailo~ ~_
'My commis~on ~expiros:~t)/O ~-'~.t "~)0V
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