HomeMy WebLinkAbout898880 ~., - RECEIVED ;)OI(.. 5 5 3¢i~ '~,t.; ? ~_8 SPECIAL WARR._At.N;~Yf,!DEEDTY CLERK W. Meeks Wirthlin Investment Oo., ajUtab,,b,.imJted;i~.,d, nership',...,..:,,,, ,, ..-,,.. . . . W. Meeks Wirthlin, General Partner, of 349 South 200 East;-:'SuJttg;':2~10;' Salt'.Lake City, UT 84111, grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, good and valuable consideratiOn,against all claiming by, through or under it to Melvin CONVEYS and WARRANTS only as D. Hutchings and Virginia L. Hutchings, husband and wife as tenants by the entireties, of P.O. Box 484, Jackson, WY 83001, grantees, the following described real estate, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: W1/2NE1/4, NWl/4 (Except South 15 rods thereof); and NE diagonal half of the North 32 rods of the NWl/4SE1/4; all in Section 15, T34N, R119W, ncoln County, Wyoming EXCEPTING: Beginning 267 fee_~t North of the 6th situate in Li _. ....... , [,-.r. tinn 15 T34N, R119W,.C'~-~-d-running P.M., Lincoln of the West (Juarter L;orne~ u~ ....... ' THENCE N0°0'E, 195 feet; THENCE N90°00'E, 446.7 feet; THENCE County, Wyo. S0°0'W, 195 feet; THENCE S90°0'w, 446.7 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING: A portion of the NWll4NWll4NWll4 of Section 15, Township 34 North, Range 119W of the 6th P.M., near Thayne, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point along the East side of the Lincoln County Road No. 125 right-of-way which point is 30 feet east of the Northwest Corner of Section 15, T34N, R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, said corner being marked by a brass cap set by Charles V. King RLS 698, thence east along the North section line of said Section 15 a distance of 354 feet, thence South along an existing fence 358.00 feet, thence West a distance of 294.00 feet to the Lincoln County Road No. 125 right-of-way, thence Northwesterly along said right of way to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING and RESERVING unto the grantor an undivided one-half (1/2) interest in all oil, gas and other mineral rights associated with the the above- described real property. SUBJECT TO all easements, exceptions, restrictions, reservations and rights of way of sight or record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor has executed this Special Warranty Deed as of this 17th day of April, 1992. W. Meeks Wirthlin Investment Co. 2.of Special War_r_a. nty. Deed Thayne, Wyoming propers,, Pa, ge STATE OF ~ COUNTY OF~ ss. The foregoing Special Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me by.,_W. Meeks ,v~h/i?..~s ~e,~,~a~ ~,~,~ o~ th~ W. M~s W~th,,~ '~,,~m~,~t Co.. th~s '1 ~ d~¥ or , 1992. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires:~:~~L~,~,:,h.