HomeMy WebLinkAbout878632 ................... ~tt.l. efieid, ~-~ ~ ~o~ion. o~ ~he C~u~r o~___~~_ ....................... ~d $~ ~__.~.~ ....................... d~ cedi.fy that' a ee~in mo~sage~ ~a~ ~ the___~_~_~..~ ....... day of ~ i ~ .. 9 4 a$ mo~r..,.., ~~tlefield, Inc. , as mo~a~t~, conve~ ~n r~al es~ the~in reenacted ~s sec~gt~ for the pa~ent of $--~_l,~_~ ......... , therein s~t~ w~ch mo~g~ was reco~d i~ ~e office ct th~ CounW Clerk and Ez-Oftlclo ~e~ster of Dee~ of Lincoln ................................................. Count, S~ of Wyoming, on the 27bh ~ ~ Ochobe~ ~ 94 in Book.,..,t~P~f Eo~gag~ at page_.~.~.~...., ~ad mo~lng th~ fol~wl~g desafibed ~al es~ i.n s~d C~m.ty, ~-~t: Lot 4, Unit c-1 Commissary Ranch Subdivision, Lincoln County,.Wyomin9 :' ~her~o~ ~ne aais mor~gagte ~a he~ .rele~ ~ud qui~la~ ~to lh~ said mo~gagor the premls~s the~by co~veyad ~d mortgaged, "~,~ ..... " ' a ',, ,,~. :. ............. ~ .............~Y O! ....... Z'~Y~LZ~L~ i ~ · 3 .[7:" : .; .:., '. ' ......................... , '" c' - ......... zt~ ~,~.~.~gn t ~-~ ......... .-~ "All THE STATE.OF W~M~ , ] ~ ' ' .............................. ~y of ~/~o~ ~,~oc:;/ . Jack D. Richardson ............................. ~ .............. ~ ...... , ~ me ~oa~ .~;~md , _ ................... ;__._a ....,_,__.:' ~._'~__ ~knowledged said tnstrumen~ ~ ~ ~e f~e ac~ a~4 d~d of sald co~ora~Jon, ,. ~ ...... ~ - ......................... ~__ -~;_ .~_ ,_, . A. ~. ~ ......... ~ ~ m,~e4 in ~ .................... ~ ~ ..................... .......................................... ........... _ .............. - .........................................