HomeMy WebLinkAbout899218BOOK 'RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK Husb~d'a~ Wife, ~mrs of Lkmln Co.W, State of Wyo~g. ~or ~idcratioa of Tcn ~d ~/l~'s ($10.~) ~d o~er go~ ~d val~ble ~id~ration ~ ~, r~pt wh~r~f is h~reby ac~owlcdged CO~EY A~ ~A~ ~ ~tccs. whose addr~ is P.O. Box 241, ~ayne, ~ 83127 ~ follow~g d~c~b~ real estate, si~tc ~ L~ln Co~W ~d S~te of Wyom~g; hereby rcl~g ~ ~iv~g all d~h~ ~cr ~ by v~ of ~ homest~ ex~p~on laws of ~c slam ~t 2 of Hayslack No, 2, L~ Co~. Wyo~ng ~s dcs~b~ on ~ o~cial plal ~UBJ~, however. ~ ~ rcsc~ations, Y~ctions. pro~iv~ ~vc~ts, WIT--S our l~nds this -'l~ "~*-- of' V~(;I ,.~ 2~. . -. .,.'.' ~ ~ ': T~d~y Alan ~ ,,:Z', / ' Cyn~i~ R. Alkcd .. S~te of Wyom~g ) ;~ Coun~ of ) " ~ forego~g im~ment w~ a~owl~ ~/or~ m~ by T~o¢ly AI~ Allred ~d~ ~W~N~v ~~v~l '.:. / ' ~ / / I ~~ ~'~,~ i:''.;';~.' -- "~ ~ · ~