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Hugh Gardner Soest and Donna Marie SoesUtT~ustees.'~der the HUgh
Gardner Soest and Donna Marie Soest Joint Living Trust, dated June 30, 1989,
a/k/a the Green Hills Revocable Living Trust, f/b/o Hugh Gardner Soest and
Do,ma Marie Soest, dated June 30, 1989, GRANTORS, of Teton County, State of
Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant and
convey to Kip R. Wilkes, Trustee, or his successors in trust, of the Kip R. Wilkes
Trust dated October 15, 2001, GRANTEE, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 890,
Thayne, Wyoming 83227, a sixty (60) foot wide non-exclusive Roadway Access
and Utility Easement,7 over and across the following described property, located
in the County of ~,i, State of Wyoming, to-wit:
That part of the roadway, access and utility easement described on
Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof,
within the SW~)4 NWt/4, of Section 28, T32N, R119W, 6th PM, Lincoln
County, Wyoming.
Together with the right to construct and maintain, improve and
repair said roadway for access, ingress and egress purposes and to
construct, maintain, improve and repair utilities.
The within grant is intended to be a non-exclusive easement running with
the land and shall be appurtenant to the lands of Grantee or Grantee's
successors in in. terest comprising the SWl/4 NE1/4, of Section 29, T32N, R119W, 6a~
PM, Lincoln County, Wyoming. The easement shall be perpetual for so long as it
is used for the foregoing roadway access and utility purposes for the property to
which it is appurtenant.
The Grantee hereby agrees that he will, in conjunction with others having
the right of use of the access easement hereinabove described, be responsible for
the maintenance, snow removal and repair of any roadway constructed within
the easement granted herein.
The easement granted hereby-is non-exclusive and Grantors reserve the
right to grant other or additional easements on the property or portions thereof
to serve other property of the Grantors and further reserve .the right to utilize the
property subject to th~ easement for any purpose which is not inconsistent with
the rights granted and created by this easement agreement.
IN WITNESS ~rHEREOF, Grantors hereunto set their hands to be effective
this '~ ('°4~of "-M//~ , 2004 hereby releasing any and all
rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of
Page I of 2
Hugh~ar~er Soesb Trustee
15~nna Marie Soest, Trustee
STATE Ot~.-~~' )
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Hugh Gardner
Soest and Drama Marie Soes[, Trustees under the Hugh Gardner Soest and Domaa
Marie Soest Joint Living Trust, dated June 30, 1989, a/k/a the Green Hills
Revocable Living Trust, f/b/o Hugh Gardner Soest and Dom~a Marie Soest, dated
June 30, 1989, this ~ / day of ~~.~ ,2004.
/,~.~*'~'- ........... 5,Vitness my hand and official seal.
~"~ ............. ' ...... ' P"SFeb. 23,20 ~ '~ '
~ ~.~ Notary Public
My Commission Expires:c;~. ~ _ 0 ~
Page 2 of 2
A Strip Of lan~'~located in ithe SW1/4NW1/4, Section 28 and
the N1/2 of Section'29, T32N, al~PW, 6th PM, Lincoln County,
Wyoming, being a~portion of tha~~ record tract in Book 305 PR,
page 577, in the 0ffice of the C~erk of Lincoln County and bein~
60.00 feet wide, 30'~.,00 feet each' side of the followinU described
Beginning at a point on the east line of Said SW1/4NW1/4 of
Section 28, S00°39'39"E, 150.12 feet from the northeast corner of
Said SW1/4NW1/4,!
Thence S78°50'10"W, 52.42 feet;
Thence S70°1~'13"W, 373.06 'feet;
Thence S63°iI'45"W, 156.45 feet;
Thence SS0°51,16.w, 154.34 feet'to a'p°int of horizontal
circular curve to t~e right, southwesterly, havinu a central
an~le of 31°17'04", and a radius! of 175.00' feet;
Thence through Said~curve flor an arc distance of ~5,55 fee~
Thence S82°08'20"W, 111.90 feet to a point of horizontal
.circular curve t6 t~e !eft, sout. hwesterly, having a central angle
of 61~13,39. and & fadiu~ of 100~00 feet;
Thence a~on~ Said curve fo~an arc distance 106.86 £ee~;
Thence S20~54'41,W, 101.39 ifeet;
Thence S31~i6,~.W, 102.2§ ~ifeet to a point o~ horizontal
circular curve to th~ right, southwesterly, having a central
angle of 51°39'1~-
~ ~n~ a r~dius of 100.00 feet;
Thence along Said curve for ~n arc distance of"90.16 feet;
Thence S82°55.35..W, 64.~7 feet ~o a point of horizontal
circular curve to the right, northwesterly, havin~ a central
angle of 69°54'29.. and a radius of 50.00 feet~
Thence alonU Said curve for an arc distance of 61.01 feet;
Thence N27°09'56'W, 74.45 feet to a point of horizontal
circular curve to the left, northwesterly, havin~ a central angle
of 75°~0,37· and'a radius of 100,00 fee~;
Thence along Said curve for an arc distance of 82.10 feet to
a point on the west line of SaidlSW1/4NW1/4, which point lies
S00°30'34"E, 633..30 feet from the northwest corner of Said
SW1/4NW1/4; I
Thence con~inu~.~g along Said curve for an arc distance of
49,40 feet; .~
Thence S77"29'2~,W, 113.29 feet;
Thence S69°17'21"W, 95.45 feet;
Thence S82~3~7,26,,W, 134.44 feet;
Thence N85"32'l~,,W, 76.00 f~et to a point of horizontal
circular curve to the right, northwesterly, havinu a central
angle of 51"19'03" and a radius Of 200.00 feet;
Thence alon~ Said curve for,an arc distance of 179,13 feet;
Thence N34°13'10-W, 67.48 feet to a point of horizontal
circular curve to the left, northwesterly, having a central an§lc
of 60°50,55. and a radius of 125.00 feet;
Thence along Said curve for an arc distance of 132.75 feet;
Thence S84"55'55"W, 198.52 feet to a point of horizontal
circular curve to the right, northwesterly, having a central
angle of 54°25'34'' and a radius Of 150.00 feet;
Thence along Said curve for~an arc distance 142,49 feet;
Thence..N40"38'31'W, 85,71 £~et ~o a point of horizontal
circular curve to the left, northwesterly, having a central angle
of 27°56'34" and a r~ius of 250.100 feet;
Thence along~Sa~'~ curve for.~an arc distance of 94,33 feet to
a 9oint on the west llne of the ~E1/4NE1/4 of Said Section 29,
which lies S00~OS,~ll.E, 392.55' fe~iet from the northwest corner of
Said SE1/4NE1/4;~% ~
Thence continuing along Sa/~ curve for an crc distance of
27.59 feet; '
Thence N66"3§'05"W, 207.97:feet to a point of horizontal
circular curve t'o the left northwesterly, having a central angle
of 20°32'33" and a radius of 300.00 feet;
Thence along Said curve for an'arc distance of 107.56 feet;
Thence N89°07 38"W, 161.67' feet;
Thence N86"15 50"W, 147.32~.feet;
Thence N77°18 53"W, 94.54 feet;
Thence N70°15 01"W, 114.68 feet;
Thence N61"08 22"W, 163.231 feet;
Thence N65"37 34"W, 136.86. feet;
Thence N75°ll ~7"W, 128 53 feet to a point of horizontal
circular curve tie the right, northwesterly, having a central
angle of 112"28'40" and a radius of 65.00 feet;
Thence along Said curve for an arc distance of 67.87 feet to
a point on the north line of Said SE1/4NE1/4, which lies
S89"58'26"E, 48.47 feet from the northwest corner of Said
'Thence continuing along Said curve for an arc distance of
59.73 feet;
Thence N37"16'53"E, 114.34 feet to a point of horizontal
oircular curve to the left, northeasterly, t~avinG a central angle
of 59°00'24'' and' a radius of 901.00 feet;
Thence along Said curve fdr an arc distance of 92.69 feet;
Thence N21°43'31"W, 98.51 feet to a point of horizontal
circular curve to .the right, northeasterly, having a central
angle of 97"55'05" ~and a radius~ of 90.00 feet;
Thence along S~id curve for an arc' distance of 153.81 feet;
Thence N7'6"il'~4"E, 117.05. feet to a point of horizontal
circular curve to the left, northeasterly, havinG a central angle
of 49'21'27" and a radius of 150.00 feet;
Thence along Said curve for an arc distance of 129.22 feet;
Thence N26°50'06"E, 86.47 feet;
Thence N38"26'10"E, 133.01" feet to a point of horizontal
circular curve to the left, northeasterly, havinG a central angle
of 77'06'27" and a radius of 75.00 feet;
Thence along Said curve for an arc distance of 100.93 feet;
Thence N38°.40'17"W, 183.29 feet to a point of horizontal
circular curve to the left, northwesterly, having a central angle
of 67°37'45" and a radius of 85.00 feet;
Thence along Said curve of an arc distance of 108.33 feet;
ThenCe S73"41'57"W, 68.96 feet;
Thence N89°i]§'30"W, 174.881 feet to a point of horizontal
circular curve to the left, soJthwesterly, having a central angle
of 39'26'54' and a~:.~adius of 20p.00 feet;
Thence along Said curve iQ? an arc distance of 30.88 feet to
a point on the west line of the31NW1/4NE1/4 of Said Section 29,
which lies S00"04'07"E 300 48 fleet from the northwest corner of
Said NW1/4NE1/4;' ~:
Thence continuing alo'nU Said curve for an arc distance of
106.82 feet;
Thence S50"57'36"W, 78.~1 feet to a point on a horizontal
circular curve to the right, southwesterly, having a central
angle of 81'51'24" and a radius of 60.00 feet;
Thence along Said curve for an arc distance of 85.72 feet;
Thence N47"ll'01"W, 39.35 feet;
Thence N35°!8'30"W, 217.74 feet;
Thence N43"36'23"W, t4.48 feet to the end of this
description being a "Y" in the road, which lies S70"01'50"W,
4~7.83 feet from the Said northwest corner of Said NW1/4NE1/4, as
shown on that Map of Survey recorded in the Office of the Clerk
of Lincoln County as Map No. 393C.
The Basis '0f Bsariq~ for this d~scription being Geodetic North.
MiChael L. Minear
Wyoming PLS 4269
Nelson Engineerin~ ~
Project No. 00-077211
July 5, 2000